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911 SILVER TEQUILA : Directed by Justin Timberlake !

Publié le 01 août 2010 par Adsflavor

Justin Timberlake de nouveau dans les spots lights avec cette pub pour sa propre marque 901 Silver Tequila. Trois vidéo, sortie de l'imaginaire de l'agence The Martin, nous présente le produit dans son milieu.
This is the famous ad 901 Silver Tequila – directed by Justin Timberlake. Timberlake, who is making his directorial debut. The concept is  “Tequila Is Liberty,” which was created by The Martin Agency. Justin Timberlake’s directing debut in three new ads, also posted on the Pursuitist YouTube Channel.

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911 SILVER TEQUILA : Directed by Justin Timberlake !

911 SILVER TEQUILA : Directed by Justin Timberlake !

911 SILVER TEQUILA : Directed by Justin Timberlake !

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