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Tirelire en céramique pour opération caritative

Par Thomas Ka

piggy girl table1 450w web Tirelire en céramique pour opération caritative   Céramique Design & Moderne

Cette tirelire Piggy en céramique se présente sous la forme traditionnelle d’un cochon, le grand pour l’argent de poche de l’enfant et le petit pour l’inciter à donner aussi.

Une opération caritative et éducative.


Piggy is a set of two savings banks that nest together. The larger “momma” bank is for a child’s personal savings, and the smaller bank is for the child’s charitable savings.


We believe that this simple product, Piggy, can truly make the world a better and more compassionate place.

Piggy helps teach kids about charitable giving, with the hopes of inspiring new generations of caring, sharing, philanthropic citizens.

With 12,000 children born each day in the US, imagine the social impact if just a fraction of them learned powerful lessons
of gratefulness and kindness to others.


We suggest that children learn to set aside 10% of their income to charity. Parents can discuss with their kids about who they would want to help most. When the baby bank is filled, a special event can be planned to deliver the money to the charity, or a trip to the bank and post office to mail a check.

The goal is to create positive feelings of doing good will make an indelible mark upon their character and place philanthropy as an important and intrinsic aspect of their life.

For resources on possible charities, go to the ‘Charity’ tab of our site.


  • Hand-cast ceramic
  • Set of banks: one ‘momma’ and one ‘baby’
  • Modern, minimal design
  • Glazed in pale pink or bright white
  • Small pig nests with the large ‘momma’
  • Removable bottom plugs on each
  • Ships safely in fun “quote box”

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