Magazine High tech

Patchs : Field of Glory 1.3.5, Empires of Steel 1.01.13083, Elemental 1.08, Supreme Commander 2 1.21, UFO The Two Sides 0.96

Publié le 21 septembre 2010 par Cyberstratege

Supreme Commander 2

Résumé des dernières mises à jour.

Field of Glory 1.3.5

Fix: With certain combinations of attackers and defenders, the defenders were not evading when they should.
Change: The losses that are reported at the end of multiplayer games are now capped at 100% for the purpose of tournament results.
Fix: A crash when using the map editor after playing an army generator game.

Téléchargement automatique dans le jeu.

Empires of Steel 1.01.13083

Notable Changes and Fixes:
- Fixed a variety of bugs involving the AI
- Fixed bug: when creating large pangea maps, the world-builder will take a very long time. The fix also speeds up normal map building.
- Rules Editor Bug: the “duplicate unit” button wasn’t copying all the values
- Rules Editor Bug: the consumption/production values for city-improvements was backwards (affects custom rulesets, but not the official one)
- Fixed Bug: warning messages appeared when setting up teams in the New-Game window
- EOS Messenger: Fixed Bug: Pressing ENTER closes the application
- EOS Messenger: Fixed Bug: the application was not remembering how often to check for updates
- Added 10 New Flags (thanks Hoolaman)
- Fixed Bug: Players could setup units to upgrade multiple times, even though they haven’t researched the technology required for the upgrade.
- Fixed Bug: The image editor wouldn’t show *.wav files in the list of sounds.
- Rules Editor Bug: fixed an error in the toggling of city-improvement’s “can only be built adjacent to water” value

Téléchargement automatique dans le jeu.

Empires of Steel Patch 1.01.12382


- Fixed bug: when adding random players to a game, it gives an error message about not finding the flag image.
- Interface: Rearranged consumption, production information on the city-build window
- AI: Fixed some problems with AI-repair logic
- Map Editor: cities are no longer limited to a maximum of 20 population, resources are no longer limited to a maximum of 20.
- Rules Editor: Fixed bug, When creating a new movement type, users can’t see or change the land/sea/air type
- Rules Editor: Fixed a variety of bugs that result in a crash

Téléchargement automatique dans le jeu.

Elemental: War of Magic 1.08

+ LOD optimizations across improvements and tile designs
+ Continued memory optimization
+ AI handles its sovereign more intelligently
+ AI more effective at going after targets of opportunity
+ AI sovereign is more careful about going into enemy territory
+ AI has new APIs for determining whether there are targets of opportunity in the area
+ Balance pass on resource distribution
+ Base tech cost changed from 4 to 5
+ Merchants/Money Changers now require 1 food to construct
+ Study/Archivist now require 1 gildar per turn to maintain
+ Gildar deposit now seeded near starting location
+ Tracker talent cost changed from 15 to 10
+ Organized talent cost changed from 10 to 20
+ Combat Rating calculation altered in an attempt to be a more accurate gauge of lethalness
+ Fewer resources spawned per 1000 tiles.
+ Fewer minor factions spawned.
+ Added scalars to attack and defence for units who are in home territory or foreign territory, modifiable in ElementalDefs.xml
+ Territory scalars now work as Empire v Fallen (e.g. Kingdom guy on Fallen territory gets penalty, etc).
+ Updated formula for gildar given when killing a given unit
+ Child essence is no longer modified by spawn rating, but is instead a value between 50% and 100% of the more powerful parent’s essence.
+ Updated TerrainTypes.xml to make Forests and Swamps take 2 moves
+ Changing the “IncreaseMorale” modifier attribute to “AdjustMorale. It’s more clear for the modders.
-Revamp of the way offensive spells hit/miss and deal their damage
+HIT/MISS is deteremined by an attacker roll (minDamage – maxDamage) and by the defender roll (0-DEF)
+Values can now be specified as a MinValue and a MaxValue rather than just a Value (support for constant value spells is still supported)
+If a MinValue and a MaxValue is specified, the Value is defined by a rand roll between the two numbers based on the modifiers internal rand roll.
+Updated descriptions for all core spellbook spells to show bonus damage from INT and bonus damage from shards in the spell description.
+The SpellbookWnd has been updated to properly display the damage range if there is one, and the constant damage if there isn’t one.
+All core spells that were using stats to calculate the value but didn’t have a ValueOwner specified have been fixed.
+The elemental shards unit stats now default to 0 instead of 1. The calculations in the existing spells have been redone to reflect this.
+ Fixed BURNING BLADE spell to appropriately increase attack.
+ Fixed SHIELD OF FIRE spell to appropriately increase defense.
+ Fixed CRUSH SPIRIT spell to appropriately decrease morale.
+ Fixed BRAVERY spell to appropriately increase morale.
+ Fixed DRAIN LIFE spell to appropriately transfer HP from target to caster.
+ Changed the display code for the main UI bar to round attack and defense rather than truncate.
+ Hooked up the CTRL+ARROW and SHIFT-ARROW camera rotation and movement hotkeys to tactical.
+ Added save game descriptions
+ Fixed bug where dialogs from triggers in the campaign (like moving beyond where you should build a city) would pop up many times when a unit moved into that tile.
+ Fixed AI bug where it was doing deficit spending and creating units still
+ Removed the max spell points entry from the affected stats in the level up wnd, since it isn’t affected by any unit stats anymore
+ Fixed bug where non-aggression pact wasn’t being checked for when left-clicking on a unit in attack mode
+ Fixed modifier in Refined_Economics_Amarian_MP to modify A_Gold player ability instead of A_Wealth (which doesn’t exist)
+ Fixed golem animation pack (commented out an animation that was missing and causing t-poses)
+ Fixed crash when making a mountain in map editor
+ Fixed trading your spouse (if she was a recruited NPC) in the regular unit trade
+ Perceived value stuff gets hidden when arranging marriages, instead of showing whatever was selected last
+ Entries for kids when arranging marriages now use a male and female icon to denote boy and girl, instead of the words in parentheses after the name
+ Fixed “…” from string overflowing for the divider title when trading or arranging a marriage
+ Fixed the divider title not ever changing from “And” once the arrange marriage screen was shown
+ Fixed display of tooltip text and color text on Customize Faction window
+ Tweaked SetToolTip to calculate the necessary size of the window more accurately, to fix bug where tooltips were sometimes being truncated
+ Fixed bug where clicking a new destination while the unit was moving would cause the unit to get a free move
+ You can no longer set a units destination while it is moving
+ Fixed Refined Housing and Refined Economics techs (and their fallen equivalents) so that they correctly provide the bonus they say they do
+ When a unit inside a city or an army is selected and asked to cast a spell, that is the unit that is used for spellcasting now, instead of having it just fail (in a city) or try to cast the spell from the leader of the army
+ Fixed bug where summoning a unit while in a city would cause that unit to be summoned in an army with you within that city (causing weird behavior), now just stations the unit in the city with you
+ Fixed bug where raise land spell would not work on all land category terrain types, like swamp or rugged terrain. Now, if a land tile is not hills, it raises that land to hills, instead of checking for only some terrain types
+ Fixed a bug where, in the faction editor, you could select ability bonus options for free by selecting and deselecting them, and then spinning the race spinner, caused by deselection not updating the faction config correctly
+ Fixed units that finished training on the same turn as an autosave not being there when the autosave was loaded
+ Fixed players not being able to select their city level up bonuses or tech breakthroughs on loading an autosave if they were earned that turn, by having the local player mark themselves as needing to get user input for these things instead of unhiding the windows to allow the choice right away during CWorld::EndTurn, and not letting the user choose until after the next turn starts and the autosave has been made. If one of thses autosaves is loaded, the local player will be allowed to choose their tech breakthroughs and city bonuses once the map is unhidden. This keeps us from having to delay an autosave and the start of the next turn by waiting for the user to choose their bonuses, instead making that choice part of the start turn logic after the autosave has been made and saving the mark saying the player will get to choose at the start of the next turn.
+ Fixed treaty turn counts not matching if an autosave was loaded
+ Based on confusion in the forums, removed ability to automatically unlock a spell in the learning queue if it makes it to the front of the queue when the player has enough research to buy it, so that users rearranging their spell learning queue don’t have their spell points silently taken away while shuffling spells around, if they didn’t intend to learn that spell next
+ Now it always takes at least one turn to learn any spell
+ Fixed bug where tile highlights in tactical battle would disappear after an ALT+TAB
+ Fixed bug where trees would not look correct in all cases after loading a gamesave.
+ Fixed an issue that was allowing counter attacks against units with abilities of type DoesNotProvokeCounterattacks.
+Fixed an issue that was causing modifiers applied in tactical battles to persist after the battle.
- This fixes the bug that causes XP and Gildar rewards after battles to be negatively skewed if the enemy unit combat rating was lowered due to debuffs.
+Fixed an issue with skipping turns in tactical battles that would cause a stuck turn if done when the unit being skipped was in motion. – Pressing spacebar now sets a tactical units moves to zero AND cancels their destination.

Téléchargement automatique via Impulse.

N.B. : un hotfix 1.08b ainsi que divers bêta patchs semblent aussi disponibles. Reportez-vous au forum officiel.


* Performance *
+ Major improvement to rendering system, especially when over cities.
+ Condensed scene rendering process from 3 passes through scene into a single pass
+ Bunch of fixes to the issues behind “DX Error: Invalid Call”, particularly when Alt-Tab’ing. This will continue to be worked on.
+ Added new framerate limiter ( limits framerate to refresh rate of device )
- Removed throttle framerates option (this is always on now)
+ Particle Effects no longer render if the “Disable Particle Effects” option is on
+ Outlines now LOD-out as you zoom out
+ Added option “Disable Outlines” to the options screen to turn off rendering outlines (Might help lower-end machines, and some people prefer no outlines)
+ Commented out unnecessary debug messages

* Bug Fixes *
+ Fixed Various Memory Leaks
+ Fixed the issue that was causing the unimproved tile designs for elemental shards to stick around after a shard-harvesting improvement was built on top of them.
+ fixed a bug where if you have the option on where when entering/leaving city build mode, the camera switches between overhead and default view, you could get stuck in overhead view (and forced to manually move the camera back) if you pressed the city build mode button, while already in city build mode
+ fixed bug where AI demands a tribute of 0 gildar
+ fixed display issue where improvement cost entries overfilled the improvement build list
+ fixed display issue where units with long names overfilled the name area on the level up wnd.
+ fixed display issue on battle init wnd, if defense or attack was negative then it showed up as a huge number. Beserker ring gives a -3 to defense, which could give you negative overall defense. Same might be true of attack if in the future we have some strange item that decreases your attack.
+ Fixed bug where units in tile designs (like horses, wargs, etc) would not fade out when the tile is under fog of war
+ Fixed “jumping units” when starting new game from within a game (or loading a game within a game)
+ Other fixes regarding battle initition window, creating mountains in map editor, first contact status not being set to relation unknown
+ Fixed a bug where improvements that were flagged as once-per-city were able
to be placed twice.

* Gameplay / Balance *
+ Fixed bug where economic treaty gold bonuses weren’t getting added to the global resource pool
+ Changed how creatures and NPCs increase their stats when they level up to nerf incredibly powerful high-level monsters running around
+ Stacking of items fixed (can now only wear 1 per type per champion)
+ Pioneers in a boat can no longer build a Settlement at sea
+ Wild improvements will now be able to be taken into account in a city’s resource usage correctly, if any of them ever have negative resource production
+ Refugee camps (and other wild improvements that provide population storage bonuses) improvements
+ Fixed Miner sovereign profession bonus
+ Fixed Great Warriors faction bonus
+ Removed really high starting mana regen ability from Umber’s faction config
+ Fixed Advanced Tracking techs (in both tech trees) to change the player ability that is hooked up to affect movement
+ Fixed broken productionreq tag on vengeance coating
+ References to Ice shards changed to Water for consistency
+ Sprint duration adjusted to 2
+ Lowered HP for fallen peasant
+ Fixed up resource hoard description text
+ Various food resources now provide different amounts as indicated by old description text
+ Improved output of Temple of Essence
+ Improved output of Tower of Titans, Tower of Souls
+ Fixed construction resource cost for curgen’s exchange
+ Resource hoard costs now mirror kingdoms resource costs
+ Fixed up description text for construction yard
+ Great Theatre no longer provides +100% Gildar, only +100% Prestige
+ AI: Added code to send sovereign back to his capital city if he has no destination after the early phase of the game
+ Fixes for various terrain types not responding to RaiseLand spell
+ Resource hoards no longer deduct from the buildable tiles of a city (the ‘bananna cities’ from the forums)

* Battles *
+ Changed the calculation for battle damage to take multiple troops into better account (with each unit getting an individual attack roll).
+ Every time panic is caused, the combat text for the panic will be shown.
+ Fixed a problem where misses and non-damage spells would cause an on hit animation to be played in tactical battles.
+ Fixed a possible bug where units would no longer update their troop counts after reaching a single troop left.
+ When selecting the spell book in tactical battles the cursor should now reset to the arrow.
+ When clicking on a unit’s hiergemenon entry in tactical battles the cursor should now reset to the arrow.
+ Turned on bounding box picking for tactical battles to improve the feel of unit selection.
+ Selecting units should now be turned back on while other units are animating in tactical battles.
+ Fixed a bug where unit tooltips in tactical battles would draw over tooltips for items and spells.
+ Added some checks to the battle init window to stop the window from showing when defenders or attackers were null. Also added logic to clear waiting flags in this case.

* UI *
+ Adopted the unit vitals context for a Details tab to show when a wild improvement is selected on the main map, to give more meaningful and easier to read information
- If the improvement is under construction, it says so and uses the level slider to show the progress towards completion and the turns left
- If the improvement is done, it shows what that improvement is producing and has an entry to get further information about the improvement by opening up the lorebook
- Also, it shows which city an improvement is linked to, or “Not linked” if it isn’t. If it is linked, the tooltip explains that this city is contributing production bonuses to the resource production of that improvement. If the improvement is not linked, the tooltip says how many tiles the nearest city needs to be closer to link with that city, explaining that it will be able to get city production bonuses if it does link
+ New Tactical Icons hooked up for Smelter, Trade Center, Construction Yard, Merchant Guild
+ New Tile Designs for Ventri Iron Mine, Stone Quarry, Clay Quarry, Marble Quarry, Drath Village, Shrill Hive, Spider Nest
+ Fixed bug where double-clicking on a spell you couldn’t cast from the spellbook popup would queue a bunch of “Can’t cast tactical spell” message boxes to appear over and over, now just plays a little failure sound if something that can’t be cast is double-clicked
+ Fixed a typo in a campaign dialog
+ When you build an improvement on a resource, the map notifier for it is removed
+ Fixed typo “completly restored” to “completely restored”
+ Fixed some places where the display of per-turn gold production lagged behind changes to it, gets rid of some income discrepancies between some screens when loading a game, adding/cancelling

Supreme Commander 2 1.21

New Features:

• Build mode can now be accessed while holding shift.
• Added Safe and SafeMode command line options as a better alternative to resetting monitor resolution – Using one of these options will start the game at 1024×768@60hz in fullscreen and allow the player to change his options to something else after the game loads.
• Added build mode hotkey for Cybran Mass Convertor. Removed Ctrl-M key mapping for old Cybran mass convert ability, which no longer exists and was causing a crash.
• By popular request, reset Season 2 ELO ratings.
• Quitting a game will stop the replay from recording immediately.


• Fix for targeting units under the influence of world forces (ie Magnetron).
• Fix for units becoming unrepairable.
• Partial fix for selected groups of units not all Teleporting or Jump Jetting when given the order.
• Fix for Space Temple cooldown being activated even if the beacon was not placed.
• Better handling for units getting stuck in a position when they try to reclaim something directly underneath them.
• Fix for ACU/engineers going on a walkabout when trying to build something that overlaps with their current position.
• Fix for some factories and engineers getting XP for killing things when they should not.
• Fix for units colliding with terrain when boarding a carrier.
• Fix for not adjusting a units health when it recieves a MaxHealth buff on non-DLC side.
• You can no longer use the Magnet Pull, Magnet Push, or Pullinsmash ability while No Rush is active.


• Fixed up AI platoon templates.
• Fix for AI platoon sizes.
• Fix for AI platoons “dancing around”.
• The AI influence map decay rate for mobile units has been lowered.
• Fix for AI building too many Mass Fabricators.
• Adjusted how much mass a Mass Convertor adds to the AI’s Resource Manager.
• AI will only build 1 ProtoBrain.
• AI will attack ACUs more in Assassination mode.

Known Issues/Under Investigation:

• Pre-1.21 Replays will not function with 1.21.
• Teleporting/Jumpjetting group fix only partially implemented.
• Memory Management and allocation optimizations.
• Desynch related to VTOL aircraft.

Téléchargement automatique dans le jeu.

UFO: The Two Sides 0.96

Fixed a bug where certain places on south pole were calculated like they were at the north pole (for the purpose of alien mission efficiency)
fixed human air group attack against an ufo taking off from a terror site
lost craft and ufos should properly be removed from the airgroup (thus, not making airgroup useless anymore)
fixed “panick” messages, which in some cases were not displayed even when the soldier panicked
small balancing tweaks to unit stats and detection
fixed mind control – units will no longer become invisible and the effect will not wear off too quick, preventing the usage of mind controlled unit
fixed spawn point on a desert tile where alien could start burried underground
improved gui
aliens will have their “research complete” displayed properly
if aliens accomodate large breeding when they had large construction already accomodated, they will not lose the other technology
fixed door openning in barn, which previously oppened two doors at once

En téléchargement sur le site officiel.

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