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[MAJ] Mise à jour du PSN en date du 27 octobre 2010

Publié le 27 octobre 2010 par Thepoussin

Comme chaque semaine et comme tous les mercredi,ci-dessous la liste de la nouvelle MAJ du Playstation Store.Pas de mauvaise surprise Need for speed Hot Pursuit est bien présent.

Offres spéciales

(Disponibles jusqu’au 10 novembre)

* Voodoo Dice (prix initial – 9.99 € maintenant – 6.99 €)
* Mahjong Tales: Ancient Wisdom – Booster Pack (prix initial – 3.99 € maintenant – 0.99 €)
* Cuboid – Level Editor (prix initial – 3.99 € maintenant – 0.99 €)
* Cuboid – Booster Pack (prix initial – 2.99 € maintenant – 0.99 €)
* Dissidia: Final Fantasy (prix initial – 24.99 € maintenant – 19.99 €)
* James Cameron’s Avatar: The Game (PSP) (prix initial – 29.99 € maintenant – 19.99 €)
* Alien Zombie Death! (mini) (prix initial – 2.99 € maintenant – 1.99 €)
* Supermarket Mania (mini) (prix initial – 4.99 € maintenant – 2.99 €)

Jeux téléchargeables (PSP)

* PES 2011 – Pro Evolution Soccer (29.99 €) Rating: PEGI 3

Disponibilité: 28 octobre, 29 octobre, 5 novembre)

* Lunar – Silver Star Harmony (19.99 €) Rating: PEGI 12

Jeu PSone (PS3 et PSP)

* Missile Command (4.99 €) Rating: PEGI 3

minis (PS3/PSP)

* Boom Beats (2.99 €) Rating: PEGI 3

Démos (PS3)

* Time Crisis: Razing Storm Rating: PEGI 16

* Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom Rating: PEGI 12

* Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit Rating: PEGI 12

* Fist of the North Star: Ken’s Rage Rating: PEGI 18

Ajouts de jeux et contenus (PS3)

* Red Dead Redemption – Undead Nightmare (9.99 €) (20% de reduction pour les membres Plus)

Rating: PEGI 18

* Red Dead Redemption – Undead Nightmare Collection (19.99 €) (contient les packs Undead Nightmare, Legends and Killers, Liars and Cheats) Rating: PEGI 18

* The Sims 3 – Online Pass (9.99 €) Rating: PEGI 12

* LittleBigPlanet – Halloween Mask (gratuit) (disponible 1 semaine seulement) Rating: PEGI 7

Dead Rising 2 – Sports Fan Skill Pack (1.99 €) Rating: PEGI 18

Availability: All locales

* Super Street Fighter IV – Ultra Challengers Pack 1 (3.99 €) Rating: PEGI 12

o I, Probot Pinball Level Pack (1.99 €)
o Souxxie Character (0.99 €)

Rating: PEGI 16
Availability: All locales

* Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock
o The Rocky Horror Picture Show Track Pack (5.49 €) (Contient les trois titres énumérées ci-dessous qui sont également disponibles séparément)
o ‘Hot Patootie’ (1.99 €)
o ‘Sweet Transvestite’ (1.99 €)
o ‘Time Warp’ (1.99 €)
o ‘Birth Ritual’ By Soundgarden
o ‘Black Hole Sun’ By Soundgarden
o ‘Blow Up The Outside World’ By Soundgarden
o ‘Burden In My Hand’ By Soundgarden
o ‘Fell On Black Days’ By Soundgarden
o ‘Hands All Over’ By Soundgarden
o ‘Hunted Down’ By Soundgarden
o ‘My Wave’ By Soundgarden
o ‘Outshined’ By Soundgarden
o ‘Rusty Cage’ By Soundgarden
o ‘Spoonman’ By Soundgarden

Tous disponilbes @ (1.99 €)

Rating: PEGI 12

* Rock Band Network
o ‘Cheat On The Church’ by Graveyard BBQ (1.49 €)
o ‘Chiron Beta Prime’ by Jonathan Coulton (1.49 €)
o ‘How We’d Look On Paper’ by The Main Drag (0.79 €)
o ‘Life Unworthy Of Life’ by Warpath (0.79 €)
o ‘Rip’Er’ by Lead the Dead (0.79 €)

Rating: PEGI 12
Non disponibles au Luxembourg
Ajout de jeu et contenu (PSP)

* LittleBigPlanet PSP – KillZone Costume Pack (0.99 €) Rating: PEGI 7

Avatars (PS3)

* Kung Fu Rider
o Angry Tobin Avatar
o Stunned Tobin Avatar
o Smiling Tobin Avatar
o Out of Control Tobin Avatar
o Office Chair Avatar
o Loaded Trolley Avatar
o Cute Kids Toy Avatar

Tous disponibles @ (0.25 €)
Avatar Bundle 1: Tobin (1.49 €)

* Super Street Fighter IV
o Abel Avatar
o Adon Avatar
o Balrog Avatar
o C. Viper Avatar
o Cammy Avatar
o E. Honda Avatar
o El Fuerte Avatar
o Fei Long Avatar
o Gen Avatar
o Gouken Avatar
o Guy Avatar
o Ibuki Avatar
o Juri Avatar
o Sagat Avatar
o Sakura Avatar
o Vega Avatar

Tous disponibles @ (0.25 €)

* Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
o Uncharted Avatars Pack 5 (0.99 €)
o Uncharted Avatar Pack 6 (0.99 €)

Thèmes dynamiques (PS3)

* Disruptive Themes – Northern Lights (1.49 €)

Thèmes Premium (PS3)

* Red Dead Redemption – Undead Nightmare Theme (0.99 €)

* Von Chrono Themes
o Clown (1.49 €)
o Creature Creations Collection 1 (1.49 €)

Thèmes (PS3)

* Dead Nation – City of the Dead Theme (gratuit)

Vidéos (PS3)

* Dead Nation Upgrades Trailer
* Buzz! The Ultimate Music Quiz Trailer

* Medal of Honor
o Danger Close Trailer
o Friends from Afar Trailer
o Gunfighters Trailer
o High Value Target Trailer

* Nail’D
o Nail’D Gamescom Trailer
o Nail’D Environment Trailer
o Nail’D Music Trailer

Vidéos (PSP)

* Buzz! The Ultimate Music Quiz Trailer

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