Magazine Conso

La céramique douce de Maria Wojdat

Par Thomas Ka

Bright Blue b La céramique douce de Maria Wojdat   Céramique Design & Moderne

Voici une céramique douce, élégante, aux couleurs non seulement enfantines mais aussi pleines de chaleur. Dans le travail de Maria Wojdat, on retrouve des papiers découpés de Matisses, les couleurs franches de Klein, la force secrète des créateurs qui avancent leur monde, sans nier celui des autres…

Rounded sequence yellow to red b La céramique douce de Maria Wojdat   Céramique Design & Moderne

A propos de Maria Wojdat
I make sculptural vessels – solid forms which derive from observing our Descending Line 2 interaction with everyday domestic ceramics.

Using outsize pestles and mortars I explore how the pounding and grinding action reacts with the qualities of solid wet clay to create the form – allowing the material to find its own shape under the force of the action. This begins a making journey that explores the balance between spontaneity and control, the organic and the geometric.

Colour Lines b La céramique douce de Maria Wojdat   Céramique Design & Moderne

The element of colour is important – a warm vibrant and joyful palette that has evolved and continues to evolve to echo the nature of the forms.

The work makes references to the bowl, investigating its use, symbolism and the nature of its containment. The pieces are often placed in pairs or groups exploring the relationships between line, form and colour. The groupings emphasise notions of coming together or moving apart, supporting or standing alone.

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