
Waterloo: more Boris Bikes but still no sign of life for the Eurostar old platforms

Publié le 02 novembre 2010 par Ludovicwindsor
1009_waterloo.jpgTwo good posts this week on Londonist.
  • The first one is on the continuing mystery of the old Eurostar platforms and why they cost £4.1 to keep in mothball state -quite a good example for a pathetic failure on behalf of people in charge of the nation's rail infrastructure. It's especially enraging when you're waiting on the approach to the station in a commuter train for a platform...  I've blogged before about this, see links below.
  • And it looks like TfL has heard about my winging on Boris Bike stations being located far away from stations: Huge New Cycle Hire Station For Waterloo.  Shame common sense did not prevail in the first place, I still wonder why they looked at Montreal rather than Paris for municipal cycle hire best practices...

See my previous posts on those subjects:

borisbike, cycle, DfT, London,, transportation, travel, UK, velib, London, rail, railways,, TfL, transportation, tube, waterloocity, trains, rail

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