Magazine High tech

Open bêta pour Men of War Assault Squad

Publié le 03 novembre 2010 par Cyberstratege

Men of War Assault Squad

1C vient de dĂŠmarrer les inscriptions pour la bĂŞta publique de Assault Squad, la prochaine dĂŠclinaison stand alone de Men of War. Vous pourrez ainsi essayer cotĂŠ allemand ou amĂŠricain le nouveau mode multijoueur, Ă  savoir des combats d’escarmouches jouable Ă  4 en coopĂŠratif, en plus des autres modes de jeux habituels (Assaut, Combat, Ligne de front), qui ont ĂŠtĂŠ rĂŠĂŠquilibrĂŠs. Cette bĂŞta se dĂŠroule uniquement sur Steam et il vous suffit de fournir votre email sur cette page pour recevoir une clef d’activation. D’ailleurs, en parlant de Steam, n’hĂŠsitez pas Ă  nous rejoindre aussi, plus on est de fous, plus on joue…

Sortie prĂŠvue dans le courant du premier trimestre 2011. Pour plus d’infos sur la sĂŠrie Men of War, voyez le site officiel.


Men of War: Assault Squad Open Beta allows players to get the newest game in the Men of War series early and try the amazing gameplay. It features two factions from the full game, USA and Germany, a selection of classic maps to play on, redesigned game modes, and a variety of improvements.

Players will be able to try out the new skirmish game mode on two maps with up to four players, and play other popular online game modes such as Assault Zone, Combat and Frontlines, which have all been improved. For instance players can now use Special Units throughout the entire battle.

Men of War: Assault Squad Open Beta is being distributed exclusively through Steam. Virtual generals will need to follow the link above and enter their e-mail address to receive a CD-key. Afterwards simply launch Steam, open the “Games� menu, and select “Activate a product on Steam�. When prompted to, enter the key and begin the download. The key is also used for multiplayer and will be required to play online, so please keep it handy.

Please find more details about Men of War: Assault Squad here (1C).

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