C’est pour le 7 dĂŠcembre prochain que Paradox Interactive a annoncĂŠ sortir la troisième et dernière extension de Majesty 2, Monster of Kingdom.
Pour rappel, Majesty 2 ĂŠtait sorti en septembre 2009 (cf. notre test) suivi par sa première extension, Kingmaker (testĂŠ ici-mĂŞme il y a peu), en mars 2010, puis par Battle for Ardania en novembre dernier. Il est assez ĂŠtonnant de voir une ultime extension pointer le jour seulement un mois après la sortie de Battle for Ardania, mĂŞme si les dĂŠveloppeurs annoncent pour Monster of Kingdom de nouveaux hĂŠros, sorts et bâtiments agrĂŠmentĂŠs d’une nouvelle campagne de 8 missions. C’est bientĂ´t NoĂŤl …
PrĂŠvu Ă un tarif de 14.99 euros sur la plupart des plates-formes de tĂŠlĂŠchargement (dont GamersGate), Paradox nous livre quelques screenshots ainsi qu’un teaser de cette extension dans une vidĂŠo ĂŠtonnante que vous trouverez ci-dessous.

Majesty 2 Monster Kingdom – Gameplay
envoyĂŠ par Cyberstratege.
NEW YORK – 16th November, 2010 – Monsters! We love them here at Paradox Interactive. Any word deriving from the word ‘monster’ we love too. So you can imagine our squeals of delight that we now get to tell the world that the final expansion Majesty 2: Monster Kingdom will release on 7th December via digital download for a suggested retail price of $14.99, â‚Ź14.99 and ÂŁ9.99. That’s some serious monstrousness right there! (Ok, we’re starting to run out of monster words)
In this final expansion, players continue the story from the land of Ardania. Only now the king has been overthrown and has fled the safety of his palace. With only his trusted advisor and his bedclothes to spare his blushes, the unseated king must turn to former enemies in order to reacquire the throne. Gather the gaggle of creatures, train them, equip them and send them forth. Order them to attack your betrayers and retake what is yours. Monster Kingdom contains a new eight mission campaign called “Exiles of Fate�. With a host of new buildings, heroes, abilities and guild powers to discover.
For more information, please visit:
Web page: http://www.majesty2.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Majestygame
Twitter: http://twitter.com/majestygame
About 1C / Ino-Co
Ino-Co is a Krasnodar-based studio, founded in 2004 by a group of highly-experienced game developers from various teams, brought together by the paramount objective to create excellent games focused on the genre that they all know and love. The studio’s previous development project is Fantasy Wars, published worldwide by Atari. 1C:InoCo is a subsidiary of 1C Company.
Read more: http://www.ino-co.com/en/