Magazine High tech

Battlefront annonce Strategic Command World War 1

Publié le 21 novembre 2010 par Cyberstratege

Strategic Command WW1

Battlefront a dĂŠvoilĂŠ ce week-end un nouvel ĂŠpisode de la sĂŠrie Strategic Command qui prendra cette fois pour dĂŠcor le cadre de la Première Guerre Mondiale. Strategic Command World War I: The Great War 1914-1918 combinera la facilitĂŠ d’accès des prĂŠcĂŠdents jeux de la sĂŠrie tout en ajouant de nouvelles fonctionnalitĂŠs, dont certaines Ă  la demande des joueurs.
Le jeu proposera plusieurs campagnes, dont une campagne globale, et offrira une carte allant de l’Atlantique au Moyen-orient composĂŠe de 39 168 cases (384 x 102).

Vous trouverez sur le site de Battlefront une prĂŠsentation complète ainsi que trois galeries de screenshots. Aucune date de sortie n’a ĂŠtĂŠ annoncĂŠ.


New Features

* Trench Warfare – Units can build trenches and trench lines act to block further spotting under Fog of War
* Shells – Artillery and Rail Guns now accumulate shells each turn and may fire as many shells as they have available
* Research – Trench Warfare and Shell Production have been added to the available research types
* Reconnaissance Spotting – Recon Bombers allow you to fly spotting missions behind enemy lines, especially handy when you suspect a major offensive is in the works
* National Morale – This value can be increased or decreased by special events, combat losses, enemy and friendly territory held, and it can influence not only individual unit morale but also the entire collapse of a nation if the value drops to below critical levels
* Zoom – Game map can now be zoomed 2X from the normal display level
* WWII Customization – switching the engine to play a WWII game just takes one click in the editor!


2-D isometric tile map, 384×102, with a true-to-scale recreation of Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, the Atlantic and the eastern edge of North America. Up to 131,072 tiles (512×256) is possible with the Editor.

Game Play

* 35 countries, 8 major and 27 minor belligerents (up to 65 nations possible with the Editor)
* 23 unit types with up to 30 different unit characteristics
* Over 400 different in-game events as well as over 90 decision events
* Fog of War, Weather including Snow, Rain and Sandstorms, Roads, Rail and Convoy Routing and Surface Raiding
* Single Player via the critically acclaimed and proven AI engine
* Multiplayer via Hotseat, Play-By-Email, Network (TCP/IP)

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