Je ne vous apprends peut-être rien mais il y a un petit moment le site Ma Grande Taille a lancé un concours de mannequinat. A clé un voyage à Las Vegas afin de participer au défilé ayant lieu pendant The Curvy Revolution. The Curvy Revolution est en fait une convention plus size où vous pourrez assister à des défiles de mode, séminaires, échanges de vêtements,… Bref un bel évènement pour célébrer toutes les femmes qui ne font pas une taille 0.
Au passage la Full Figured Fashion Week qui est le même genre de convention mais plus axé sur la mode aura lieu en juin 2011 à New York. C’est le moment d’épargner! ;) C’est un évènement auquel j’aimerais vraiment participer alors on va commencer à réfléchir comment organiser tout cela. Si vous voulez me sponsoriser je vous accueille à bras ouverts! Je suis subtile, non?
Maybe you know this already but Ma Grande Taille is organizing a model contest. What’s to win? An amazing trip to Las Vegas to walk the runaway at The Curvy Revolution. The Curvy Revolution is a plus size events with fashion shows, talks, swaps for clothes,… A great event to celebrate every women who isn’t a size 0.
Btw the Full Figured Fashion Week which is more of the same kind of event but maybe more based on fashion will happen in June 2011 in New York. Time to save up! ;) It’d love to be part of this event so I think it’s time to start thinking on how to make it happen. If you want to sponsor me I welcome you! I am really subtle, huh?
Bref, le week-end passé a eu lieu à Paris la demi-finale et les belles demoiselles sélectionnées sont:
Anyway, last weekend the semi-finale took place in Paris and the winners are:



Maintenant pour sélectionner la grande gagnante qui partira à Las Vegas, c’est à vous de jouer. Inscrivez vous sur le site de Ma Grande Taille et votez (en bas de cette page). Vous avez jusqu’au 10 décembre pour faire votre choix.
Now to send one of these fabulous girls to Las Vegas, you have to vote! All you have to do is join Ma Grande Taille and vote (at the bottom of this page). You have until December 10th to make your choice.
Si je vous en parle ici c’est parce que le pendant anglais de Ma Grande Taille càd Plus Size Tall organise le même concours mais en Angleterre. Pour l’instant ils en sont seulement aux pré-selections de candidates. Voici donc toutes les informations si vous êtes intéressées (je ne traduis pas en français bien sûr!).
If I mention it here it’s because the UK version of Ma Grande Taille: Plus Size Tall is organizing the same contest but in England. Right now they have started phase 1 meaning you can send your pictures and why you want to participate. The event is sponsored by Evans and there are fantastic prizes to be won! If you happen to be in the 15 finalists be sure that you’ll have my support and I’ll promote you the best that I can through my blog. :) You don’t have to be a pro, give it a shot and have fun!
Anyway here are all the details courtesy of Plus Size Tall.
There is a whole host of fantastic prizes at stake and the competition kicks off with 15 lucky finalists being kitted out by evans for the catwalk show, to ensure they step out in style. Each finalist will get to select and keep their outfits each worth over £100. Following the runway showcase, two runners up will receive £250 of evans vouchers and the lucky winner will receive £500 worth of Evans clothing, a plane trip to Las Vegas and accommodation at the Las Vegas Planet Hollywood Hotel. She will also take part in the Curvy Revolution official fashion show, modelling on the catwalk amongst some of America’s leading plus size models.
How to take part?
Contestants must be women who are UK residents and over 21, wear at least UK size 16 clothing, be at least 5′6″, be able to walk in heels 3″or higher, and apply online at
3 Easy Steps:
1) From November 18th to January 2nd, the contestants can fill in the online application, sending in photos and explaining why they wish to win the competition. The first decision is down to the other
members of the community who will vote for their favourite contestant. Anyone can vote by becoming a member of the community (for free).
2) On January 2nd 2011, the 15 contestants with the most votes will be announced and invited to London to take part in step two.
3) On January 15th 2011, these remaining contestants will face a professional jury in London. The ladies will be asked to walk on a stage and explain why they think they should be the UK’s plus size
model at the Curvy Revolution. At the end of this session, the jury will pick the final winner.