Magazine High tech

Patchs : CM Shock Force 1.31, War in the Pacific – Admiral’s Edition 1.01.06i

Publié le 27 novembre 2010 par Cyberstratege

Combat Mission Shock Force

Un mois après la sortie du module OTAN voici enfin la mise Ă  jour permettant de bĂŠnĂŠficier pour Combat Mission Shock Force et ses deux autres add-ons des dernières amĂŠliorations (v1.30) du moteur, ainsi que de quelques nouvelles optimisations (v1.31) dont une par exemple concernant le fameux bug d’affichage avec les cartes graphiques Nvidia (comme le prĂŠcise Battlefront, ci-dessous).

As expected, the lighting bug is 100% nVidia’s. And it apparently was a very nasty one to work around too. Took Phil nearly 2 weeks to track down and implement a work around that fully solved the problem and did NOT cause other problems. The latter is why you didn’t get v1.31 earlier in the week.

Sometimes we can work around driver bugs, sometimes we can’t. Sometimes we can do it so the end user is completely fixed up, other times we can’t. Fortunately, the end result of the fix is great for you guys. Still stinks for us that we had to spend 2 weeks fixing something that never should have been broken in the first place.

Les parties en cours (i.e. PBEM) sont censĂŠes dans la majeure partie des cas toujours fonctionner avec ce nouveau patch.

Note that some things we fixed in v1.31 are determined at the time the game is started, therefore some of the fixes won’t show up in a game already underway but *probably* won’t break anything.

The three standard options available to you are:

1. Finish out the PBEM game using whatever version you have.

2. Duplicate your CM:SF install, upgrade the duplicate, and see if there are problems. If there are, play with the old install until finished then remove the old install.

3. Upgrade your one and only install after saving out the old EXE. Try out your PBEM game, and if it doesn’t work then downgrade by pulling the v1.31 EXE out of the folder, putting back in the earlier EXE, and temporarily move the BRZs out of the Data Folder that the patch installs. When your PBEM game is complete, just move the v1.31 EXE and BRZs back in.

Par ailleurs voici aussi un nouvelle mise à jour pour le monster wargame War in the Pacific (cf. changelog ci-après).

Combat Mission: Shock Force 1.31

You need at least version 1.21 of CMSF to install this patch!
This patch will update your core CMSF game and all modules to v1.31, which includes many enhancements and improvements. Below is a brief list of some of the new v1.31 game features.

Combat Mission Shock Force v1.31 features

* Gill and Javelin missiles track moving targets better at very close range.
* Nyala armor fully protects against small arms, and non-RWS version has smoke launchers removed and carries .50cal MG not 7.62mm.
* Nyala and G-Wagon gunners correctly rotate turrets in response to covered arc commands.
* Fuchs forward MG has wider rotational arc.
* Corrected a problem that intermittently caused adjusted artillery missions to take too long to arrive.
* Soldiers receive reduced blast protection when an armored vehicle is between them and a very large explosion.
* Launch sound changed for Gill missile.
* Firing sound changed for C14, C15, L115A3, AWSMF, G22 sniper rifles.
* Building collapse sounds are quieter at a distance.
* When loading a scenario from v1.21 or earlier, custom « unit names » for individual squads, teams and vehicles are not applied to their leaders’ names. Unit names for formations are unaffected.
* Vehicles don’t automatically stop firing when some passengers are disembarking.
* Fixed a bug that prevented clicking on soldiers through a (transparent) building’s roof.
* Corrected Syrian and Canadian rank icons.
* TOE updates:
* Canadian independent engineers added.
* Demolition charges for Canadian Pioneers added
* GPS added to all leaders of Blue rifle squads.
* Germans and Dutch receive additional radios.
* Dutch receive additional night vision equipment.
* Miscellaneous corrections.
* T-90 tank does not overreact popping smoke in response to laser targeting [Marine Module only].
* In the New Game screen, the time displayed for each scenario (e.g. « 01:20″) refers to the length of the scenario, not the time of day.
* nVidia light-flashing bug is fixed
* Computer player is smarter about disembarking passengers from immobilized vehicles.

En tĂŠlĂŠchargement depuis cette page chez Battlefront.

Combat Mission Shock Force v1.30


Artillery and Air Support

o All-new Syrian air power: MiG-21, MiG-23, Su-17, Su-21, and Su-25 jets; Mi-24D Hind D and Mi-24P Hind F helicopters; AT-2 Swatter, AT-6 Spiral, AS-7 Kerry, and AS-10 Karen missiles.
o When a support mission is activated, its estimated time of arrival continues to be updated in the Support View as time passes. Note that this is only an estimated time, and the actual arrival can come sooner or later.
o « Light » artillery missions have slower rate of fire.
o Corrected a bug that prevented a few types of blue-force weapons teams from calling in artillery.
o When air support expends its ammo (marked « empty ») it also displays « landed » rather than « busy ».

User Interface

o Floating icons for units that are not capable of receiving commands (e.g. panicked, destroyed) are partly faded.
o Team weapons that are not deployed, and cannot be fired in that state, show a « Not Deployed » message over the weapon silhouette.
o More descriptive names are shown for ammunition types in common calibers, e.g. « 7.62x54R » instead of simply, « 7.62mm ».
o The morale state of Shaken is highlighted in red (like Panic) instead of yellow, since, like Panic, the unit is out of player control.
o RPK and RPK-74 show the correct green and yellow icons.


o All BMP and BTR series vehicles have passenger firing ports.
o BMP vehicles allow passengers to acquire much of their MG ammo.
o Slight increase to Bradley vehicle armor.
o Fixed a bug that could cause a BMP-2 gunner to reload for too long a time.
o Vehicles create even less dust when driving in wet conditions.


o On-map mortars will fire when given Target Light orders, but at a very slow rate of fire.
o Accuracy of SPG-9 reduced slightly.
o Antipersonnel mines modestly reduced in blast power.
o Updated RPG-16 rocket model.
o Updated M72 LAW model.


o New sound effects for collapsing buildings and walls.
o Sounds for armor penetrations and ricochets by large projectiles are louder.


o Changing door/window layouts on the sides of buildings is easier in the editor 3D preview. When control-clicking buildings, for convenience, door configurations are skipped for upper levels without balconies, except when your camera view is inside the building. This makes it easier to set up « interior » walls between immediately adjacent buildings.
o In the unit editor, when you rename a unit that is not a formation (e.g. squad, vehicle) the name change applies to that unit’s leader, not the unit itself.


o Updated TO&E.
o Fixed a PBEM bug that occasionally caused orders to be skipped.
o Corrected a problem that could cause both players to set up in the same zones in a Quick Battle.
o Computer player can set up mines and IEDs better.
o Nonexplosive projectiles hitting dirt at night don’t show « sparks ».
o Doodads (e.g. grass) are properly darkened when in shadow.

Marines Module Only

o Corrected a gun barrel alignment problem on the T-90 tank.

British Module Only

o Fixed a bug related to British Jackal/WMIK crews and their dismountable heavy weapons.
o Scimitar is more likely to fire APFSDS than HE at a BMP.
o Fixed a bug where a 51mm mortar gunner could switch to his rifle and abandon the mortar unnecessarily.

War in the Pacific: Admiral’s Edition 1.01.06i

Fifth Official Update – This release is a comprehensive release updating all previous
versions to v1.01.06i
This patch contains dozens of fixes and improvements through the game data for equipment, ships, planes, units and scenarios. Please note that you will need to start a new game to see the full effect of these data fixes and improvements. A few code fixes are also included, which will apply to all games.

Code Changes
Fix land radar check that was not always accounting for radar detection.
Fix attack bomber so that it will bomb and strafe using appropriate skills.
Fix barge TF refueling from cargo that would sometimes lock up game.

Scenario Data Changes – Classes
0013 Repulse- remove extraneous armor value of 1 from Wpn-9
0100 ‘Q’ Class – correct the ammo value from 1 to 36 for Wpn-6
0102 ‘R’ Class – correct the ammo value from 1 to 36 for Wpn-6
0103 ‘S’ Class – correct the ammo value from 1 to 36 for Wpn-6
0105 ‘T’ Class – correct the ammo value from 1 to 36 for Wpn-6
0126 ‘E’ Class – replace device 1514 (4.5� gun) with device 1522 (4� gun)
0127 ‘E’ Class – replace device 1514 (4.5� gun) with device 1522 (4� gun)
0128 ‘E’ Class – replace device 1514 (4.5� gun) with device 1522 (4� gun)
0129 ‘E’ Class – replace device 1514 (4.5� gun) with device 1522 (4� gun)
0130 ‘E’ Class – replace device 1514 (4.5� gun) with device 1522 (4� gun)
0131 ‘E’ Class – replace device 1514 (4.5� gun) with device 1522 (4� gun)
0452 Porter – change Num from 3 to 2 on Wpn-5
0555 Argonaut – replace device 1647 (Mk 12 mine) with device 1646 (Mk 10 mine)
0694 Independence – Change Air Capacity from 30 to 33 (per Air Team)
0695 Independence – Change Air Capacity from 30 to 33 (per Air Team)
0765 Yarrow – replace device 1650 (Mk XVII mine) with device 1651 (VH Mk II mine)
1122 Takao – change incorrect Tower Armor from 75 to 16
1285 Shimushu – adjust 3� A/S Mortar ammo from 60 to 16, Wpn-9
1286 Shimushu – adjust 3� A/S Mortar ammo from 60 to 16, Wpn-9
1287 Shimushu – adjust 3� A/S Mortar ammo from 60 to 16, Wpn-9
1288 Shimushu – adjust 3� A/S Mortar ammo from 60 to 16, Wpn-9
1293 Etorofu – adjust 3� A/S Mortar ammo from 60 to 16, Wpn-9
1294 Etorofu – adjust 3� A/S Mortar ammo from 60 to 16, Wpn-9
1295 Etorofu – adjust 3� A/S Mortar ammo from 60 to 16, Wpn-9
1296 Etorofu – adjust 3� A/S Mortar ammo from 60 to 16, Wpn-9
1302 Mikura – adjust 3� A/S Mortar ammo from 24 to 14, Wpn-7
1303 Mikura – adjust 3� A/S Mortar ammo from 24 to 14, Wpn-7
1304 Mikura – adjust 3� A/S Mortar ammo from 24 to 14, Wpn-7
1312 Ukuru – adjust 3� A/S Mortar ammo from 24 to 14, Wpn-7
1313 Ukuru – adjust 3� A/S Mortar ammo from 24 to 14, Wpn-7
1326 Tomozuru – add device 1699 (DC) to Wpn 5 (2, 2, Center, 6)
1424 Kamikaze – remove T-13 radar, Wpn-13
1425 Kamikaze – replace device 1703 (T-22 radar) with device 1701 (T-13 radar)
1429 Kamikaze – remove T-13 radar, Wpn-11
1304 Kamikaze – replace device 1703 (T-22 radar) with device 1701 (T-13 radar)
0542 – 0673 Allied Submarines – Change Wpn lists for Split (paired) Tubes
1902 – 1990 Japan Submarines – Change Wpn lists for Split (paired) Tubes

Scenario Data Changes – SHIPS
0341 Hishu – change class from 1393 to 1382
0342 Kiku – change class from 1393 to 1382
0343 Susuki – change class from 1393 to 1382
0345 Tsuta – change class from 1393 to 1382
0346 Yomogi – change class from 1393 to 1382
0733 Ikunta – correct the spelling to Ikuta Maru (delete the ‘n’)
3345 Ingraham – delete this entry – it is duplicate ship – real Ingraham is already at 3559
4407 Ipswitch – correct the spelling to Ipswich (delete the ‘t’)
9827 Triomphant – correct the spelling from La to Le Triomphant
3009 Bunker Hill – change Delay from 430719 to 430919
3010 Intrepid – change Delay from 431227 to 431214.
3011 Franklin – change Delay from 440525 to 440511
3016 Boxer – change Delay from 450615 to 450723
3021 Yorktown II – change Delay from 430728 to 430712.
3022 Hornet II – change Delay from 440301 to 440220
3028 Monterey – change Delay from 431019 to 430928
3031 Bataan – change Delay from 440211 to 440308
3032 San Jacinto – change Delay from 440217 to 440404
3033 Lexington II – change Delay from 430728 to 430725
3037 Indefatigable – change arrival location from 688 Colombo to 815 Aden
3039 Implacable – change arrival location from 688 Colombo to 815 Aden
3113 Unicorn – change arrival location from 692 Trincomalee to 815 Aden
3701 Van Galen – change arrival location from 688 Colombo to 817 Mombasa
4072 Manxman – change arrival location from 688 Colombo to 816 Cape Town
4253 Adamant – change arrival location from 688 Colombo to 816 Cape Town
4254 Maidstone – change arrival location from 688 Colombo to 815 Aden
4257 Wolfe – change arrival location from 692 Trincomalee to 815 Aden
4258 Woolwich – change arrival location from 688 Colombo to 815 Aden
4259 Tyne – change arrival location from 688 Colombo to 816 Cape Town

Scenario Data Changes – Aircraft
[157] B-25C Mitchell: Upgrade path set to self.
[175] A-20G Boston: Tag changed to Attack Bomber.
[318] F-6C Mustang: Adjusted to P-51C standard.
[339] P-400 Airacobra: slots adjusted to line up for both normal and extended´range.
[370] B-25J: Wpn 11 Num set to 6.
[378] Il-2m3: Armor set to 2.
[379] Il-10: Armor set to 2.
[610] A6M3a Zero: Wpn slots adjusted to line up for both normal and extended range.
[649] D4Y1 Judy: Drop tanks devices removed; drop ranges set to 0.
[650] D4Y2 Judy: Drop tanks devices removed; drop ranges set to 0.
[651] D4Y3 Judy: Drop tanks devices removed; drop ranges set to 0.
[652] D4Y4 Judy: Drop tanks devices removed; drop ranges set to 0.
[709] L2D2 Tabby speed set to 220/161 st.mph.
[768] Ki-44 Tojo: Engine changed to Nakajima Ha-34.
[769] Ki-44-IIa Tojo: Engine changed to Nakajima Ha-34.
[770] Ki-44-IIb Tojo: Engine changed to Nakajima Ha-34.
[771] Ki-44-IIc Tojo: Engine changed to Nakajima Ha-34.
All transfer ranges slightly increased.
Facing of forward armament of all multi-engined level bombers set to Front.

Scenario Data Changes – Air Groups
[0068] Maizuru Ku T-1: Spelling corrected from “Maizura�.
[1718] VF-7: A/C changed to F6F-5.
[1720] VB-7: A/C changed toSB2C-3s.
[1736] VB-10: A/C changed to SB2C-1Cs
[1737] VT-10: A/C changed to TBF-1.
[1741] VB-11: A/C changed to SB2C-1.
[1742] VT-11: A/C changed to TBF-1.
[1746] VB-12: A/C changed Ă„ to SB2C-4.
[1747] VT-12: A/C change to TBM-3.
[1751] VB-13: A/C changed to SB2C-3.
[1752] VT-13: A/C changed to TBF-1.
[1756] VB-14: A/C changed to SB2C-1.
[1757] VT-14: A/C changed to TBF-1.
[1761] VB-16: A/C changed to SBD-5.
[1766] VB-17: A/C changed to SB2C-1Cs.
[1785] VF-80: A/C changed to F6F-5.
[1787] VB-80: A/C changed to SB2C-3.
[1795] VF-82: A/C changed to F6F-5.
[1797] VB-82: A/C changed to SB2C-4.
[1798] VT-82: A/C changed to TBM-3.
[1801] VBF-83: A/C changed to F6F-5.
[1802] VB-83: A/C changed to SB2C-4.
[1803] VT-83: A/C changed to TBM-3.
[1805] VF-84: Renamed VF-89.
[1806] VBF-84: Renamed VBF-89; a/c changed F4U-4.
[1807] VB-84: Renamed VB-89; a/c changed to SB2C-5.
[1808] VT-84: Renamed VT-89.
[1810] VF-85: A/C changed to F4U-1D.
[1812] VB-85: A/C changed to SB2C-4.
[1813] VT-85: A/C changed to TBM-3.
[1815] VF-86: Renamed VF-150.
[1816] VBF-86: Renamed VBF-150.
[1817] VB-86: Renamed VB-150; a/c changed to SB2C-5.
[1818] VT-86; Renamed VT-150; a/c changed to TBM-3.
[1821] VBF-93: A/C changed to F4U-4.
[1822] VB-93: A/C changed to SB2C-5.
[1823] VT-93: A/C changed toTBM-3.
[1831] VF-22: A/C changed to F6F-3; max a/c set to 12, resizing to 24 11/43.
[1832] VT-22: Max a/c set to 18, resizing to 9 11/43.
[1834] VF-23: A/C changed to F6F-3; max a/c set to 12, resizing to 24 11/43..
[1835] VT-23: Max a/c set to 18, resizing to 9 11/43..
[1837] VF-24: Max a/c set to 12, resizing to 24 11/43..
[1838] VT-24: Max a/c set to 18, resizing to 9 11/43.
[1840] VF-25: Max a/c set to 12, resizing to 24 11/43.
[1841] VT-25; Max a/c set to 18, resizing to 9 11/43.
[1843] VF-26: Renamed VF-30; max a/c set to 12, resizing to 24 11/43.
[1844] VT-26: Renamed VT-30; max a/c set to 18.
[1846] VF-27: Renamed VF-31.
[1847] VT-27: Renamed VT-31.
[1849] VF-28: Renamed VF-32.
[1850] VT-28: Renamed VT-32.
[1852] VF-29: Renamed VF-50.
[1853] VT-29: Renamed VT-50
[1855] VF 30: Renamed VF-51.
[1856] VT-30: Renamed VT-51.
[3131] No.80 Sqn RAAF: Rename deleted.
[3223] No.139 Sqn RAF: Dakota III included in upgrade path.
[3592] 7th BG/11th BS: Renames 19th BG/28th BS 420314. Withdraw date 421018.
[3613] 19th BG/28th BS: Deleted.
Missing USN carrier squadron resize data resubmitted.
Minor changes to USN carrier squadron ready strengths.
FEAF Pursuit Squadrons no longer permanently restricted; XP reduced; withdraw date 420506.
Pilots: Historical pilots added to AVG, 24th PG & 35th PG.

Scenario Data Changes – Devices
0872 BA – 10 Set Rep rate to 12 andchange end date to 6/42
0873 BA – 6 Set Rep rate to 6
0874 BA-64 Set Rep rate to 6
0875 BT – 7 Change end date to 4/42
0876 T-26S Change end date to 4/42
0877 T-38 Set Rep rate to 8 andchange end date to 6/42
0952 Aus Inf Section Accelerate to 2/42
1001 British Inf Section Reduce to 12 per month
1002 British Inf Section 43 Reduce to 12 per month
1032 6 pounder A/T Gn Derlay start until 12/42
1072 25 Pounder Increase Production to 28 per month
1098 Sexton Rename to Priest SP Arty
1301 Chinese Inf Section Increase to 350 per month
1302 Chinese Inf Section Increase to 350 per month
1303 Chinese Inf Section Increase to 350 per month
1149, 1155, 1156 Change upgrade paths for devices 1149, 1155 and 1156 to point to themselves
5618, 5619 Uncheck « convoy » for LCU Units 5618 and 5619 (bases forces on the Pensacola Convoy at start)
1133 Rename device 1133 to “3in M3 AA Gun�. Change build rate to 20 with an end date of 4206. No pool. Use 1134 weapon stats ( range=4, acc=34, pen=100, effect=13, ceiling=29800, anti-armor=80, anti-soft=12, load=10)
1134 Rename device 1134 to “3in M1918 AA Gun.� Change upgrade path to 1133. Build rate zero. No pool. Reduce accuracy to 20. All other stats stay the same.
1137 Increase build rate of device 1137 (“90mm M2 DP Gun�) to 80.
1152 Change availability dates for device 1152 (“37mm M3 AT Gun�) to 4112-4412. Increase the build rate to 30.
1153 Change the availability date for device 1153 (“57mm M1A3 AT Gunâ€�) to 4412. Increase the build rate to 60. Increase “Anti-soft » value to 9.
6753 For LCU 6753 « ETO Reinforcements » in Weapons slot #12 add device 1153 (« 57mm M1A3 AT Gun ») with a number « 500″.
1183 Change the « available » date of LCU 1183 « M10 Wolverine TD » to 4206

Scenario Data Changes – Location
2705 CMF Inf Div Copy TOE and move to 2687 remove upgrade option
2706 AIF Jungle Div Add Pioneer Bn to TOE for 6/43 upgrade
2711 CMF Jungle TOE Wpn 2 reduce to 20 Bren Sections, Wpn 9 reduce to 24 x 25 pounder
2795 NZ Base Force Change Delay from 9999 to 360
4976 Rename Tachiarai
7042 1132nd Name
6299 Terrace Base Force Confirm Location
5669 2nd USMC Air Wing Change Nationality
5002 – 5009 Numbered USN Base Force Wpn 6 change to device 1190
5011 Cebu USN BF Wpn 6 change to device 1190
5012 Bataan USN BF Wpn 6 change to device 1190
5035 Mare USN BF Wpn 6 change to device 1191
5055 101st USN Base Force Wpn 6 change to device 1191
5618 114th USAAF BF Wpn 5 change to device 1190
5619 115th USAAF BF Wpn 5 change to device 1190
5991 2/6th Cdo Bn Set Disband Date to 6/43
5996 2/9th Cdo Bn Set Disband Date to 6/43
6001 2/1st Pioneer Bn Set Disband Date to 1/43
6002 2/1st Pioneer Bn Set Disband Date to 1/43
6003 2/1st Pioneer Bn Set Disband Date to 1/43
6013 1st Aus Div Set to new non upgradable TOE 2687
6021 2nd Aus Div Set to new non upgradable TOE 2687
6031 4th Aus Div Set Rename to 11th Aus Div – 1/1/44
6444 44th Indian Bde Increase xp to 30
6452 46th Indian Bde Increase xp to 30
6453 45th Indian Bde Increase xp to 30
6580 5th Para bde Arrival date 20/07/45 start location Madras not Aden
6604 6th Airborne Div Rename to 1st Airborne Div
6687 4th British Bde Remove Battery of A/T Guns
6688 5th British Bde Remove Battery of A/T Guns
6689 6th British Bde Remove Battery of A/T Guns
6733 100th Indian Bde Arrival Date 1/1/42
6734 99th Indian Bde Arrival Date 1/1/42 move to Tricomalee (692)
6740 44th para Div Change to Cdo 43
6740 44th para Div Change to Cdo 43
6742 44th para Div Change to Cdo 43
6743 44th para Div Change to Cdo 43
7984 Adjust support and Squads for 2nd NZ Div
7985 Adjust support and Squads for 2nd NZ Div
7986 Adjust support and Squads for 2nd NZ Div

Scenario Data Changes – Scope
Naval and Air related changes apply to scenarios 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9
Device and Location changes apply to scenarios 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 1.01.06i

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