Imagine two very different beings : to one side Uggs, sheepskin boots, and of the other one, Jimmy Choo’s rhinestone stilettos ...

By dint of living together in the the "shoes-dressing" of fashionistas, an unnatural union, has giving birth to “Ugg Choo”, available in 5 copies. Finally, Tamara Mellon’s baby, the artistic director of Jimmy Choo looks like his father, uggs have not lost their original shape. Boots are accessorised: decorated with golden studs or silver stars, fringed or printed with leopard or zebra pattern ...

-Models of the collection Ugg Australia and Jimmy Choo-
Ugg as you know it, are the shoes you must have for the winter since 2004. The new year did not leave the famous boots in their box and lower winter temperatures has played in their favour. Deemed unsightly, the advantage of these shoes is to let your feet warm and to be comfortable but of course by removing the glamorous side, this is controversial. The Uggs, boots in a simple fashion design, are the perfect companion for casual wear, will they know the success expected with this daring customization... To be fashionable, don't be scared, in any case with these boots, you can at least be sure of one thing, you will not have cold feet and you ... will you adopt it?