Today, I'm so pleased to present you my third collaboration with the US poet Diana Matisz. If you mind, you can read and watch clicking here our 2 other collaborations.
And don't forget please to activate the player below the poem and listen the song of Jimi Hendrix reading the poem.
Bye for now
Juan Carlos

You know the feelingI know you doit begins deep in the bellya stirring of the entrailsan igneous eruption of emotionfiring torrid blood to every extremity
You know how it feelsI know you dothat edginess of lacerated nervesriding the chafed surfacesof skin and bonesthe itch of containment
Admit it, you know the feelingI know you dothe snap of synapses on overloada drumbeat of tensionpinpricks tattooing their pathfrom toe to head
Yes, you know how it feelsI know you dobut is it joy or is it pain?it makes no differencebecause all you needall you know or want to knowis release
by Diana Matisz, February 2011
Don't forget to visit my other blog "Juan Carlos Hernandez - Stage and Jazz Photographer"