Magazine Société

Positive Brothers

Publié le 06 mars 2011 par Hfranchineau
For my photojournalism class, I had to shoot a process and create an audio slideshow. I always tend to go for the complicated stuff even when the teachers tells us to take it easy, which was the case for that assignement.
On Wednesday I was in Times Square, on my way to take the Roosevelt Island tram and shoot the journey. As I was walking on 42nd/7th avenue, I heard music and laughter. I stopped to watch four street performers called "The Positive Brothers" do acrobatics and make people laugh (they were really funny), all of these while wearing spandex costumes and dancing on Sugarhill Gang's "Rapper's Delight" (the video is ridiculous). I forgot my plans to go to Roosevelt Island, I followed these guys around for about an hour. Here is my audio slideshow:

Viewers' Delight from Hélène Franchineau on Vimeo.

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