Magazine High tech

Trois DLC de plus pour Victoria 2

Publié le 25 mars 2011 par Cyberstratege

Victoria 2

Paradox a sorti trois mini add-ons supplémentaires pour Victoria 2, essentiellement une refonte de l’interface (voir aperçu en vidéo ci-dessous) et deux sprites packs modifiant les uniformes pour les unités d’artillerie et l’aviation. Sachez aussi qu’en théorie une vraie extension devrait voir le jour cette année pour Victoria 2. Selon Johan Andersson, et le fait que les ventes de DLC semblent de toutes façons avoir du succès, ce serait hautement probable.

Ces trois DLC sont disponibles sur Steam ou GamersGate pour 1,99 € pièce.

Old Vic DLC (forum Paradox)

Add a touch of class and sophistication to Victoria II with this new content. Old Victoria overhauls and improves the interface graphics of Victoria II, adding an overall depth and feel inspired by classic Victorian offices.

Immersion is the keyword so interface innovations were also added. For instance, you will now see factory buildings being built over a wooden skeleton, with scaffolding being removed when it’s done. The amount of smoke in the chimney indicates activity, and a closed factory is overgrown and abandoned. New unit images, loading screens and more all add to the overall feel.

* New Interface Graphics
* New unit and building animations
* Inspired by classic Victorian architecture and design

Sprite packs

The Interwar Artillery sprite pack adds unique uniforms for armies using artillery divisions in the interwar period between WWI and WWII.

From 1919 and forward, twelve countries are able to receive new, unique and historically accurate uniforms. Besides adding to the visual appeal of your armies, it will also help you identify which of your armies have the important artillery units very quickly.

The set includes 12 artillery uniforms. Austrian, British, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, and US armies receive new artillery uniforms.

The Interwar Planes sprite pack adds unique uniforms for armies including airplanes, during the interwar period between WWI and WWII.

Twelve different countries will, after 1918, be able to receive new, unique and historically accurate uniforms. Besides adding to the visual appeal of your armies, it will also help you quickly identify which of your armies have the reconnaissance capabilities.

The set Includes 12 Air Force uniforms for Countries: Austrian, British, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, and US armies.



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