Diffusion de la série sur les chaînes canadienne Showcase et française
Canal +, et le premier épisode sur la page Facebook de la série.
En savoir plus :
- http://xiii.canalplus.fr (site officiel) ;
- http://www.facebook.com/XIIIlaserie (Facebook officiel) ;
- http://www.treize.com (site officiel).
Broadcasting today of the first episode of the television adaptation of Belgian and cult comic "XIII", drawn by William Vance and written by Jean Van Hamme. French-Canadian production of 13 episodes of 52 minutes, the serie will include in the cast Stuart Townsend ("Wonderland", "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen") Aisha Tyler ("CSI" and "24"), Virginie Ledoyen ("Jeanne and the Perfect Guy", "The Beach"), Paulino Nunes ("Narc", "Traitor"), Caterina Murino (Casino Royale, "La Proie"), Greg Bryk ("A History of Violence", "Red "), Ted Atherton ("Max Payne") and Stephen McHattie ("Watchmen", "2012").
The serie is broadcasted on Canadian channel Showcase and French channel Canal +, and the first episode on Facebook page of the serie.
To learn more:
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XIII:_The_Series ;
- http://www.facebook.com/XIIIlaserie (French official Facebook) ;
- http://www.treize.com (official website).