Magazine Bd

Superhero Girl #3

Par Katchoo86

On continue cette semaine avec deux nouveaux strips de la Superhero Girl de la talentueuse Faith Erin Hicks, j’espère que ses dessins vous amusent autant que moi.

Okay, you guys get two strips today! Mostly because I hate one of them, and I can’t just post something I hate. I have to post something I like too. Otherwise I’ll be sad.

Superhero Girl #3

This one is dumb. I was still trying to figure out where I wanted to go with the strip, and this is more in the direction of « clueless superhero does clueless stuff. » Ugh. Usually I show my boyfriend my comics and if he giggles, I know it’s a good comic. He didn’t like this one, and I agree. The character doesn’t even look right… her hair is all grown up and coiffed. Anyway… on to the next strip:

Superhero Girl #3

That’s better. I felt I needed to ask myself where I wanted to go with the strip: did I really want to do something that was a straight parody of superhero comics, or something that was about a girl and her life and she just happened to be a superhero? I decided on the latter, thank god.

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