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Fin du monde: les adeptes ruinés veulent la tête du charlatan

Publié le 23 mai 2011 par Tahitireferendum
Fin du monde: les adeptes ruinés veulent la tête du charlatanThe day after: "J'ai dû faire une erreur de calcul, l'enlèvement est remis à une date ultérieure. Veuillez envoyer vos dons pour modifier les panneaux."
Silence radio du prédicateur Harold Camping après le flop de son "enlèvement au ciel" des bons chrétiens qu'il avait prédit pour le 21 mai. Les réactions se partagent entre les sarcasmes de ceux qui ne l'ont jamais cru et la colère des milliers d'adeptes qui s'étaient laissé embarquer dans son délire. De nombreuses personnes qui avaient cru la prédiction se sont mises en congé pour se préparer à l'enlèvement. D'autres ont dépensé toutes leurs économies pour aider à publier le message de la prophécie. Des parents ont dilapidé l'argent qu'ils avaient mis de côté pour les études de leurs enfants. Un employé retraité d'une agence de transport de New York a dépensé 140.000 dollars en publicité. Certains commentaires de blogs difficiles à vérifier parlent de personnes désespérée qui se sont suicidés et même d'une femme qui aurait tué sa petite fille de 3 ans afin qu'elle ait à vivre les horreurs de la fin du monde.
N° 2 des recherches sur Google
Camping avait investi plus de 100 millions de dollars pour annoncer l'évènement, réussissant à créer un immense buzz sur internet: "end of the world may 21st" (fin du monde 21 mai) a atteint la seconde place au classement des recherches sur Google le 19 mai aux Etats-Unis, et les mots-clé liés à l'évènement tels que "Harold Camping", "May 21 doomsday" (apocalypse 21 mai), and "May 21 rapture" (enlèvement 21 mai) étaient aussi parmi le top 10 des recherches des internautes.
Au lendemain du non-évènement, les insultes pleuvent sur les blogs. De nombreux internautes furieux veulent lyncher l'imposteur, demandent qu'il rembourse les dons, et/ou qu'il fasse des excuses publiques.
"damn you Harold Camping, I want my money back!"
Extraits de quelques réactions sur Youtube, suite à une interview du prédicateur (en anglais).
EML: Well Harold, I hope you are sitting somewhere quivering in your aged boots, in the knowledge that you have just become the most unpopular person on the planet, never again will you be able to enjoy the freedom the rest (or most) of us have, from this day forth you'll be forever looking over your shoulder, and living in fear, funny isn't it how life has a way of working out. you installed fear into the hearts of 100's and now millions are giving it back to you :)
pastorg22: Harold Camping did not do this for the money. He truly believed
that he was right. All those blindly followed him. He return their money.
krayzee123451: Looks like someone owes a worldwide apology...
Acquisto: Fuck the people who got tricked by him. If you were stupid enough to believe him you deserved what you got
joemusictube: WHERE IS CAMPING NOW ??? ANYONE KNOW how to get in touch with this LIAR ?????? please get back to me if you know a way....via E mail...thank you. I went to Family radio and IT IS CLOSED ! can you believe this man ! ! What a con artist !
revolution9991: damn you Harold Camping, I want my money back! ... and my underwear!...make sure you sign it though!
let's find this guy and murder him
mumoo: This guy is the worst ever how can people believe him what did he do to convince these people (his followers) into giving up money and donations if i ever see him ill make kick him in the back
joemusictube: BUt NOW, I have to learn the bible all over again cause what Camping taught me for 8 years was a total L I E ! TOTAL BULL SHIT ! I would LOVE to put my hands around his SKINNY LITTLE NECK, just for ONE MINUTE ! LOW LIFE.....give me 20 seconds alone with him....
YouCanCallMeTater: I feel bad for all the people who took their own lives over this shit :(
carlh67: Maybe the people Harold stole money from will find him, burn him at the stake and put the video on YouTube. That way we can watch Harold's Judgement Day over and over and over. Hahahahaha!
onepoundpull: if this guy says the world is going to end, exactly what in the hell does he need your money for? And what does that say about you if you give it to him?
wcresponder: this guy is a loser. just like most in religions.
carlh67: Refunds Harold? No way, it's going to be the 2nd day of Judgement, he tell us. Yes, that's the day Harold will be hiding out from the people he screwed over. Run, Harold, run!!!
Yes,'s going to be unimaginable. Your lynching, that is. Hahahahaha!
Harold Camping HOW Dare you bring fear into many people the world over !!!!
ericbombardier: The old fuck is rich by now. All you dumb asses that gave him money in donation will go to hell you know that ? hahahah fuckers
clownass2010: Asshole won't show his face  . And the poor gullible niece people who bought into this nonsense and did stupid things. I heard a mother murdered her 3 yr old son because she didn't want him to suffer all the horrific false predictions this old dried up jerkoff decided to spread poison . Where the fuck r his followers ? Step up and comment
carlh67: There was a rumor that he went on vacation (Fled). Certainly he can afford it, after all, Family Radio is has assets of at least $100 million (which they stole from Christian idiots).

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