There is this section of the Blue Ridge Parkway that is well known for its rhododendrons: Craggy Gardens. Every spring, around May-June, the Catawba Rhododendrons cover Craggy Gardens with a pink blanket.Back in the days I think they even had some sort of festival of which you can see the poster at Craggy's visitor center.You would think we enjoy this show every year. Not so much. Every year we miss it!This year during our beautiful Black Mountain Crest Trail Hike, I told hubby that we had to go within a week since we came across blooming bushes on our way down. It was more like three weeks later by the time we went. Of course the blooming season was over.

We could see the dried flowers on the bushes, but no pink blanket. It didn't matter, we still wanted to walk a little. There were however a few bloom here and there. A beautiful blooming bush stood in the middle of the trail. Protected by the shade of its sibblings it shared with us its colors.

I found a great tree to take a nap. All I needed was a good book...

If the rhododendrons were ending, the mountain laurel however was in bloom or just starting, depending on the spots.

Half way up there is a rock that offers a beautiful view over the mountains. We stopped to admire the view. On our left we could see this beautiful cloud coming. It was coming fast, it was impressive to watch.
15h10- 3:10pm

The cloud was coming really fast though. We realized it wasn't just a cloud but rain coming on us. Hubby told me: "Do you think we should walk back to the car?" To which I answered "No we should run!"And running we did, but it was not enough. Within a few seconds it started raining and the wind blew violently. The rhododendrons protected us a bit, but once in the open parking lot we took a shower. We ran to the car, dripping with rain and laughing of our adventure.

Outside the thunderstorm, as it was one, unleashed. The wind shook the car violently even though we were parked. The rain hit the windows loudly. We wisely decided to stay put. Sure we were exposed to the elements, but without trees around and therefore breaking branche, our car was safer and so were we.

Meanwhile the storm arrived in Asheville where it did damage to an art market.
Bon l'an prochain nous irons (j'espere) a Craggy Gardens plus tot. Je vais bien arriver à voir les rhododendrons un jour. Enfin pour le moment je me rattrape avec les Carolina Rhodendrons et leur fleurs blanches à Bent Creek.
So next year (I hope) we'll go to Craggy Gardens earlier. One day I'll manage to see the rhododendrons. Meanwhile I'm making up with the white Caroline Rhododendrons in Bent Creek.