Organisation un peu à l'arrache. Samedi on est allées se baigner à une super cascade. Hier programme à l'arrache, on a raté les feux d'artifices mais on c'est régalés d'un repas Jamaicain à Nine Miles.
A long holiday week-end for the Fourth of July, America's Independence Day, since it's on a Monday this yeat. Well Hubby and I work, but it didn't stop the family from joining us.
Very little organization. Saturday we went to swim in an awesome waterfall. Yesterday we missed the fireworks but had a great Jamaican restaurant at Nine Miles.

Interesting thing to know, if it's a fireworks week-end, the rules vary by states. For example in our state of North Carolina enything that flies or explodes is pretty much forbidden. At least for individuals, professionals of course are an other story. So what do people do if they don't want to stick to sparklers? They go to South Carolina or Tennessee and big big things that they'll use at home anyway.
Sur ceux, Joyeux Fête de l'Independance de la part de Creepy Baby.
On those words, Happy Independence Day from Creepy Baby.