No photos today but a call for a little help who will cost you just 2 clicks for a vote I need, here
Be kind and don't forget please to share with your friends on your social media networks (google +, twitter, facebook, etc)
The deadline is the 29th of July
I'm participating to the photography competition "One Life Photos 2011" where I could win a prize
of 10 000 $ and I need this amount for a New-York jazz project I have in September.
You can help also using the button "Donation" on the top of the right menu of this blog.
Indeed, I have been invited to be the official photographer of the Cecil Taylor Benefit Festival in September and I would love to go and stay in New-York 3 weeks to live fully, musically and photographically the Jazz life.
Thanks very much for your attention and help
Juan Carlos

Don't forget to visit my other blog "Juan Carlos Hernandez - Stage and Jazz Photographer"