Magazine Humeur

Guinea, Which futur1

Par Basicinstinct82

Why not rerelease her(it) under this shape?
This document establishes(constitutes) the fruit of eleven months of works, with the aim of clarifying, the social, political and economic situation of Guinea. Beyond, he allows, to arrest(dread), the characteristic aspects of under development, into which are plunged most of the poor and emergent countries, throughout the world. This present document is the object, of a real negotiation, a reason for which, I publish him(it), in the exclusive frame(executive) of my blog, without any modification of the initial plan, while hunting(chasing away) that having lost the document, I cannot restore him(it) with the same terms contained in the first version, for those who have him(it) under eyes.


From this day October 25th, 2003, since the capital of the hexagon, I decided to dedicate myself to the elaboration of a document illustrating my vision, my analysis, and my reflection on the political, socioeconomic and cultural situation of Guinea. This document will establish(constitute) upstream, the realization of an old dream, sous tightened(stretched out) by a burning will to make my modest contribution to the construction of a nation capable of assuming its economic and political sovereignty; exempt from tribal, fratricide, ethnocentric divisions; respectful of the fundamental liberties and the secularism, while having for keystone, the elaboration of an adequate and effective politics(policy) of struggle against poverty and the improvement of the well-being of the population; he(it) will dedicate swallows, an exhaustive presentation of my knowledge of the country, the efficient and rational use of the human potentialities that he(it) abounds; exempt from tribal, fratricide, ethnocentric divisions; respectful of the fundamental liberties and the secularism, while having for keystone, the elaboration of an adequate and effective politics(policy) of struggle against poverty and the improvement of the well-being of the population; he(it) will dedicate swallows, an exhaustive presentation of my knowledge of the country, the efficient and rational use of the human potentialities that he(it) abounds.

Historic outline

Indeed, the history(story) of Guinea deserves, in my opinion to be evoked in any document which wants at once(wants at the same time) to be relevant and to take into account all the factors(mailmen) susceptible to influence the indicators of his(her,its) level of development; because, Guinea is a country of a rare specificity in Africa, its specificity results above all from its geographical configuration (through its four ( 4 ) natural regions different as well from the point of view relief as climatic, Each having the peculiarity ethnolinguistics) and the political transfers(transformations) which stood out his(her,its) evolution, that is why, I considered that to encircle better the socioeconomic difficulties with which she(it) is confronted, he(it) would be convenient to review the various political systems which characterized his(her,its) evolution; of his(her,its) entry in the independence, by way of classic coup d’état of April 03rd, 1984 which allowed the arrival of the servicemen on the political scene(stage), establishing a diet(regime) of exception and modifying the landscape and give them politics(policies), To give a new orientation to the country, while endowing him(her) with institutions allowing a transition gently to end in the institution of a rule of law(State subject to the rule of law), in its widest sense(direction), but in vain. This coup d’état was initially motivated by noble intentions doubled by the will to free(clear) the country of a system which did not embody any more the aspiration of the people, did not fill any more his(her) waits(expectations), in an expression a system on the edge of the abyss. On the other hand the number of his(her) victims, left for account, widows and orphans, the number of intellectuals and men(people) of cultures, innocents, who paid of their blood and their life their opposition to this diet(regime) conceives in a proportion mathematically difficult to count, while on the economic and legal plan he left on one hand, a country the macroeconomic balances of which were broken, the national income a head of living in one of the lowest of the planet, A system of planning centralized excluding any initiative of order private, an inconvertible currency(change) beyond the borders of the country, the exchanges based on the system of barter as requires(demands) him(it) the socialist ideology, an economy victim as it will be said chances and constraints imposed by the metropolis to have granted(tuned) the superiority to his(her) sovereignty against the proposition of creation of a community which established(constituted) for the Guineans the offspring of the colonization That is the neo-colonialism or at least its veiled shape, the main source(spring) of currency(slogan) of the state was receipts(recipes) generated by the import of the mining resources the blow of which deteriorates from day to day on the world market, these receipts(recipes) served enjoyed only to assure(insure) the lifestyle of the state, the free distribution(casting) of the food to the population, to support the regular functioning of the propaganda structures, Of demagoguery and indoctrination of the party to maintain the brand image of a system which could not it any more, what makes that during 26 years the state does not have then to save(spare) to face its investment expenditure, nor assure(insure) the economic growth even less to elaborate a hydro agricultural and energy politics(policy) indispensable to the economic and industrial boom of a country which was nevertheless anticipated on the eve of the independences as one of the future giants Of the continent so much its potentialities hydro agricultural and mining are fabulous and immense on the other hand, he(it) left a country the legal structures of which were conceived in the optics to consolidate the consolidation of a diet(regime) which wanted revolutionary, centralized, autocratic, dictatorial and very repressive, not by envy(urge) t-on will say to us, but to substitute itself for the economic blockade and for the situation of isolation to which the country was subjected, According to the report made by the specialists after the collapse of the diet(regime); that is why the legal arsenal could not that reflected the political option of the country because especially let us not forget that we had arrived at the stage of the party state in the logic of the revolutionary conception of AHMED SEKOU TOURE, a revolution which joined the lineage of the people’s democracies, being inspired much more deep aspiration of his(her) people than classic principles of the Marxist ideology; The same people by voting September 28th, 1958 NOT in more than 98 % in the proposition of GENERAL DEGAUL aiming at the creation of a French-African community between France and his(her) former(ancient) colonies(summer camps) expected to reach the socioeconomic well-being which had aroused the acquisition of the independences, pass of the status of colony(summer camp) in the absolute sovereignty, That is the handling of its own fate, the gratitude(recognition) of its political and cultural identity, the end of the Calvary and the hard labor, the humiliation; not in the disappointment, in the system of unique party, in the bureaucracy, the corruption and in the poverty generalized with its corollaries that the hope had reserved for him(her) new masters(teachers) in exchange for the confidence(trust) and that he(it) had nevertheless surrounded them.
Consequently, the positive aspects engendered by this diet(regime) are in considerable towards its negative aspects, towards the notorious weakness of its socioeconomic experiences compared with the reputation not the slightest of its political ideology, of its foreign policy within the international community; while hunting(chasing away) that at some point of the history(story), he(it) embodied the hope of a whole people, will defend(forbid) jealously his(its) sovereignty and his(its) dignity, negotiated with an exemplary political courage his(its) entry in the independence, transforming the cultural sector which was no doubt its sector of preference,In vector of political expression rest(support) by a very dynamic foreign policy in the service of the needs of time(period) (that is the not insignificant assistance(audience) which he(it) brought to all the African movements of liberations, we shall quote among others the MPLA? THE PAIGC? And NELSON MANDELA’S ANC) etc. > By extension, for lack of being able to exploit(run) the immense mining resources of the country which were the object at once(at the same time) of a big greed and established(constituted) nevertheless a beautiful incidental opportunity of development, he watched their preservation in spite of very tempting offers of exploitation(operation). This rough raid of the servicemen in the political life of Guinea pulled(fired) its legitimacy of this desperate situation.


Things being what they are, the present document will not claim to be able to question, the strategies of development and the already existing systems of planning, on the contrary it will try to integrate(join) them with the aim of the conception of a global strategy of development, which take into account the current international economic situation, the deficiencies that present the state structures, but also and especially breathe a new dynamics in the management of the res publica, channel And better to direct the initiatives through an adequate structure, to slow down the laxness and the hypocrisy is similar of certain frames(executives) of the administration, to try to come at the end of the prejudices which make of our state of underdevelopment a fate, to favor the return and the integration of thousands of Guineans through structures of production and promotion of the initiatives by a system of reliable payment And attractive to check the dichotomy (Guineans of the inside and those of the Diaspora), to elaborate a politics(policy) promoting the reconstruction of the intelligentsia which is scattered and in the service of the causes which(who) are hurt theirs; while at the same moment the country pays out enormous sums of money to pay experts come assist us in domains or the Guineans excel, While the politics(policies) to make us accept this state of made, hold us speeches which state our incapacity to adapt to the fast evolution of the high technologies; by hiding a sad and dramatic reality, the massive and uncontrolled departure of the young people guaranteed by the practice of a politics(policy) of exclusion, forfeiture of civil rights and politics(policies) but also maintains him(it) of an inadequate system of training(formation) not taking into account the conformity of the training(formation) with needs expressed by the market of the employment(use), an administration the pension plan of which assures(insures) the perpetuity the agents already in functions(offices) often old in most of the cases organically incapable to draw in the depths of their faculty(power) of creation the resources indispensable to the economic recovery and with care of the reforms of such a scale even less to throw(plan) the fulfillment of a work who can immortalize them, as ANDRÉ MALRAUX in its work the human condition said it:  » the man can exceed his condition of mortal only by the art or the revolution, that is by carrying out(by achieving) an act the reach(impact) of which exceeds(irritates) that of its particular existence « , which amounts to saying that they are inactive, incompetent, not answering any more the current needs of the administration, fighting for the survival and maintains him(it) of a system the ins and outs of which they became, a system which got them and continues to get them fortune and comfort of life everywhere for the detriment not only of the majority of the people which rot in the poverty and the suffering, More despicable, but also young people who establish(constitute) nevertheless raises(finds) it and the hope of the nation. These young people who continue not only to find help(assistant) and protection under other heavens, but also and especially take up residence there, exchange their dirt-cheap talent there, spread(display) their knowledge, nevertheless acquired in very precarious conditions and at the expense of the state, for the one there who knows the rate of the budget assigned to the sector of the education and the conditions of acquisitions of the knowledge in a country badly equipped, badly provided in functional structure, with a chronic deficit in teaching personnel. It is this regrettable and destructive phenomenon which nobody indicate(appoint) under the word  » the brain drain « .

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