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tONKPROJECT - Believe In Me [APOLLO1119]

Publié le 04 août 2011 par Ccom2a

tONKPROJECT - Believe In Me [APOLLO1119]

The title of tONKPROJECT’s latest single for Apollo carries some significance. As his own Behaviors label approaches its 2nd anniversary, Romania’s Zarzu Laurentiu asks, do you “Believe In Me”? A question most artists often desire an answer to, but may not ask out loud. In a music scene with an ever increasing number of players, so many so as to potentially take us out of niche status, we probably should ask ourselves more often… which artists do you believe in? And when did you last tell them so?
The tribal instrumental soundscapes and visceral, evocative vocal samples of tONKPROJECT’s title track from his 2010 EP are re-envisioned now by Beatport Deep House Top 100 best-seller Addex of Etoka Records and Apollo’s resident instrumental mad scientist, Poland’s Peluca (aka Beatport Breaks Top 100 best-seller Monojoke). 
Thanks for flying with Apollo, you’re our ships life support!Your deep space crew,
Galvanize, Communications Officer
Cid Inc, Chief Engineer
Royal Sapien, Red Shirt
Jay Epoch, Captain
Pablo Bolivar (Avantroots, Regular)
Loving the Original mix, will try out, thanks!
Evren Ulusoy (I Records / Plastic City)
original and addex for me! Thanks.
Lukas Greenberg (Plastic City Resident)
Andrea Cassino (Lapsus, Lowbit, Particles)
Addex rms is great..thanks!!
Sumsuch (Urbantorque , Etoka)
Been supporting the original for a while now- both remixes are decent, but Addex is the one for me!
Mr. Jones/The Disclosure Project (Disclosure Project)
Played the original a while back in sets, the new Addex remix is the one that works for me here, thanks .
Artette (Etoka, Deeper Meaning, Proton)
Superb works! support
Jaksa Pavicevic (A Must Have )
Addex did a great job here!
Fady Ferraye (Audio Therapy, Frisky,
Addex is a unique sounding producer. Keep an eye on him, the guy rocks! 
Anton Lanski (Etoka, Manuscript)
original is strong
Dimiz / dont
great original and addex rmx

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