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Superhero Girl # 17

Par Katchoo86

Le projet Womanthology est parvenu à rassembler plus de 100.000$ sur Kickcstarter c’est une somme gigantesque, 4 fois plus que ce qui avait été espéré au départ. Renae De Liz doit être aux anges à l’heure qui l’est, je lui dédicace le Superhero Girl de cette semaine. Superhero Girl # 17

Heheh. So the Saga of King Ninja was over (for the moment), and my line of thought as I drew this strip was « OH CRAP I leave for New York Comic Con in 12 hours and I have no jeans that don’t have holes in the crotch. Therefor I will quickly slap together a stand alone comic, and get the hell to wherever there are jeans without holes in the crotch and I will purchase them AHHHHHHGH. »

Yeah. It was stressful. But New York was fun, and I did find some new jeans, so it all worked out in the end. Superhero Girl # 17 And thus it begins. The Kevin Saga. I’d like to apologize to all the Kevins out there for sullying your name. There’s no real reason why I choose it whenever I’m going to write a character who’s unlikable and/or a weenie, but it’s become kind of a running thing. Sorry Kevins. You will never be the hero in a story by me. :(

I just realized this: Kevin is the first character in this comic to have a non-superhero name.

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