Nous avons choisi l'excursion à Orcas Cove qui dure 4h et inclus un en-cas et offre l'avantage de ne pas être plus de 6 personnes à la fois.
Southeast Sea Kayak nous a récupéré devant l'office de tourisme et le marqueur de pluie. Il se trouve que le troisième couple ne c'est pas pointé, du coup nous n'étions que quatre, bien qu'ils ont été sympa et ont attendu. L'autre couple était à bord d'un différent bateau de croisière, nous avons vite fait connaissance puis échangé les adresses emails quand ils ont appris qu'on avait des photos du Time Bandit.
Il ne faut pas bien longtemps pour aller des quais au bureau de la compagnie, mais juste assez pour apprendre quelques informations sur la ville.
Une fois sur place on nous a équipé de tenue de pluie de haut en bas, gilet de sauvetage, sac hermétique pour les appareils photos. Le reste pouvait être laissé sur place. Un petit bateau nous a ensuite amené de Ketchikan à Orcas Cove.
There was one thing that Hubby wanted to do in Alaska: sea kayaking. While we were rather thrifty for the rest of the trip, we splurged on the sea kayak. Thanks to tripador we selected a local company that can't be booked through cruises: Southeast Sea Kayaks. As they say themselves: "You have to find us. It's only those really interested by sea kayak that book with us."
We picked the Orcas Cove excursion, a four hour trip including a snack and with the advantage that it only offers 6 seats.
Southeast Sea Kayak picked us up in front of the tourist office/rain gauge. It so happened that the third couple didn't show up, so we were only four, although they were kind enough to wait for them. The other couple was from a different cruise ship, we quickly introduced ourselves and went on to exchanging emails once found out we had pictures of the Time Bandit.
It doesn't take long to go from the docks to the office, but just enough to learn a few tidbits about the town.
Once there we wear equipped with rain gear from top to bottom, life jacket, waterproof bag for the cameras. Everything else could be left at the office. A little boat then took us from Ketchikan to Orcas Cove.

In Orcas Cove we joined the Sea Spree ship. Brandon our guide was waiting for us and explained the basic rules of kayaking. Luckily we had all done wild water kayak so we had some bases. We then had to decide who would direct the kayak thanks to the paddle system, I directly pointed at my husband. What? It's far more fun to give orders rather thank follow them.
All we hd left to do was get into the kayaks and set up the skirt to avoid getting wet.

Hubby quickly got the hang of it.

I had a laugh when I looked at the pictures, because on most of them I'm paddling while Hubby looks at the landscape. Well truth is it wasn't the case all the time, I can guarantee it because you can feel the difference whether one or two people are paddling.

We first tested the kayaks in the protected cove. Normally the water is clear but following the heavy rains of the previous day that carried the tree tanins it was now fairly dark. It didn't stop up from seeing salmon jumping around, or a seal poking out its nose close to the mouth of the small river. Sadly it was a little too fast to photograph.

Of course they can't garantee to see wildlife and even less which one during the excursion, except maybe for starfish. They were quite big with red-purple colors.

Nous avons vu notre premier aigle, le Pygargue à tête blanche, qui nous est passé au dessus. Quelques minutes plus tard on verra son nid.
We saw our first Bald Eagle, it flew right over us. A few minutes later we got to see its nest as well.

Soudain la radio crachote, le capitaine du Sea Spree nous demande où nous étions. Brendon lui a répondu et le capitaine à dit que vu que nous étions pas loin on ferrais bien de venir pronto car il pouvait voir une baleine.
On a fait ni une ni deux et on a poussé le rythme. Lorsque nous sommes arrivés dans la baie, la baleine n'était pas visible, mais le capitaine nous a fait signe depuis le bateau. Il pouvait voir le cercle de bulles et les mouettes qui tournaient autour.
It rained on and off during our excursion. We went to an other cove with a mini-waterfall and it seems access to a trail as well. Then we started our way back, under the rain.
Suddenly the radio came on. the captain of the Sea Spree inquiered where we were at. Brendon answered and the captain told him we better get over there quickly because he could see a whale.
Didn't have to ask us twice, we accelerated. When we got to the cove, the whale wasn't visible, but the captain gave us signs from the boat. He could see the circle of bubbles and the seagulls flying around it.

Les baleines à bosse passent l'été dans les eaux fraiches de l'Alaska et du Canada. Elles font leur reserves pour l'hiver, quand elles se rendent vers Hawaii ou le Mexique pour donner naissance aux petits. Ces enormes mammifère se nourrissent entre autre de harengs. Elles font un cercle de bulles autour du banc de poisson qui pense être coincé, un vrai filet de bulles. La baleine n'a alors plus qu'a remonter entre son filet de bulles et se servir.
The Humpback Whales spend their summer in the cool waters of Alaska and Canada. They fatten up for winter, when they go towards Hawaii or Mexico to give birth to their offspring. Those huger mamals feed on harrings among other thigns. They make a circle of bubbles around the school of fish which think they are caught, a true bubble net. All the whale has left to do is go up inside its bubble net and help itself.

We had the incredible chance to see it come up to the surface four times. We were speechless, stunned by this incredible show, the grace of such a huge animal. Not to mention that we were pretty close, maybe 30 yards. I can guarantee you that we felt small from our sea kayaks. Had we been in a boat we would have had to stop 100 yards from it, but in the sea kayak we were able to get as close as we dared/safety allowed.

Je ne me lassait pas de regarder ce spectacle. J'y serais bien restée des heures. Oubliée la pluie qui continuait de tomber, oubliée la faim, la soif ou le besoin pressant d'utiliser les toilettes. Non a ce moment la il n'y avait plus que nous, la baleine et les mouettes.
I couldn't get tired of this, I could have stayed for hours. We had forgotten the rain which was still coming down, forgotten hunger, thirst or the pressing need to use the bathroom. No at that moment all that mattered, all that was there was us, the whale and seagulls.

I enven managed to get a few videos, you're only missing the smell when the mouth opens.
Pour nous remettre de toutes ces émotions, il nous restait encore à profiter du casse-croute à base de saumon fumé. Une fois à bord nous avons enlevé nos tenues de pluie, on nous a offert du thé ou du chocolat chaud et un merveilleux saumon fumé. Tellement merveilleux d'ailleurs qu'on en a acheté quelques boites pour en ramener à la maison.
D'ailleurs la femme de l'autre couple n'aime en général pas le saumon, et bien elle a mangé sa portion jusqu'à la dernière miette.
To recover from all those emotions, we still had to enjoy our smoked salmon snack. Once on board we removed our rain gear, were offered tea or hot chocolate and sat down in front of amazing smoked salmon. So amazing that we took a few cans home.
In fact the wife of the other couple doesn't usually like salmon, yet she ate every bit of her serving.

Southeast Sea Kayak was well organized, the staff was friendly, professional and you can tell they like their work.I love that they provided all the necessary gear for their clients, a little plus, they provide a water bottle (like the kind you take on bike) and it can be kept as a souvenir.In fact once they dropped us off in town we realized we had left them at the Southeast Sea Kayak office. The driver took us back there with her next group and then back downtown although we could have walked.The excursion to Orcas Cove was beautifu. If there is no guarantee to see wildlife, it's still a beautiful lanscape and one feels close to nature there. No groups around us, just the captain, our guide and the group. The humback whale was the cherry on top of the cake.They also offer other excursions including one where they drop you off for several days.
Southeast Sea Kayak1621 TONGASS AVENUE, SUITE 101-B
KETCHIKAN, ALASKA 99901 [email protected]kayakketchikan.com/