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Appel pour signer une pétition contre les crimes de Bashar el Assad

Publié le 25 septembre 2011 par Parolededemocrate
Appel pour signer une pétition contre les crimes de Bashar el Assad
A call to all Women's Rights Organizations, and all Human Rights Organizations:
The Syrian people demand you to take an action against the violation of human rights in Syria. Assad security thugs kill Syrian people just because they ask for their freedom peacefully. They open fire on peaceful protesters and kidnap their family members in search of the wanted activists. Some teenager girls are being kidnapped, raped, tortured, slaughtered and returned in pieces in black bags to their families. Every Syrian teenager girl is a candidate to be another Zainab.
The story of Zainab Al-Husni, whose head, arms & legs were cut off by security forces in Homs city, Bab Alsibaa neighborhood, represents the brutality of the crimes commited by the Syrian regime against innocent civilians.
Zainab brother: Muhammad Al-Husni was one of the well known activists. Security & Shabiha (regime-sponsored gangs) raided his family house so many times looking for him that forced his family to leave their home, they rented a house in Al-Naziheen neighborhood. While Muhammad had to stay in hiding, his 19 years old sister had to bring groceries for the family; but she was not safe due to the siege and to the poverty that took hold of Homs city under the regime collective punishment for the residents for holding peaceful anti-regime demonstrations. On the morning of the 2nd of Ramadan (coincided with the 2nd of August) the young woman was abducted, the regime had ear dropped on the family’s calls (wireless & landlines) for a while before that. After 5 days of the abduction, the family received a phone call saying that Zainab will be returned if the “wanted” Muhammad surrendered to security forces. They specified a place in an unsafe neighborhood, so the family was trying to find a safer place in the city for the exchange but the other side closed the phone. On the 13th of September the family was shocked when they got the news that their son Muhammad was killed on the hands of security & the intelligence agency. Members of the family went to receive his body from the Military Hospital in Homs. There, in the hospital, and by accident the family was informed that there was a 19 years old young woman in the morgue, the family went to investigate, at first they could not recognize her; because her head was cut off and her arms were cut off from the shoulders, there were evidence of torture on her back. Her face was burned and signs of burning showing all over her body. The family was not allowed to receive their daughter's body until they signed promising not to video her nor to perform a funeral procession.

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