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De nouvelles photos du tournage de The Dark Knight Rises

Publié le 08 novembre 2011 par Brokenbird @JournalDuGeek

C’est actuellement à New York que Christopher Nolan tourne le nouvel opus de Batman, The Dark Knight Rises va opposer, comme vous le savez déjà, Batman (Christian Bale) à Bane (Tom Hardy). Voici quelques clichés du tournage, ne vous inquiétez pas, il n’y a pas de spoiler wink 16x16 De nouvelles photos du tournage de The Dark Knight Rises Sortie prévue le 25 juillet 2012.

De nouvelles photos du tournage de The Dark Knight Rises

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christian bale tom hardy batman bane battle 06 160x105 De nouvelles photos du tournage de The Dark Knight Rises
Christian Bale leaves Starbucks with a coffee and newspaper in New York City. Christian left a Starbucks carrying a newspaper and carrying a coffee.

Pictured: Christian Bale Ref: SPL331764 031111
Picture by: Tom Meinelt-Jason Winslow/Splash News

Splash News and Pictures
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christian bale tom hardy batman bane battle 04 160x105 De nouvelles photos du tournage de The Dark Knight Rises
Christian Bale and Tom Hardy On The Set Of 'Batman : The Dark Knight Rises' in NYC.

Pictured: Christian Bale and Tom Hardy Ref: SPL332168 051111
Picture by: Richie Buxo / Splash News

Splash News and Pictures
Los Angeles: 310-821-2666
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London: 870-934-2666
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christian bale tom hardy batman bane battle 03 160x105 De nouvelles photos du tournage de The Dark Knight Rises
Christian Bale on the set of 'TheDark Knight Rises' in NYC.

Pictured: Christian Bale

Ref: SPL332388 051111
Picture by: Jackson Lee / Splash News

Splash News and Pictures
Los Angeles: 310-821-2666
New York: 212-619-2666
London: 870-934-2666
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christian bale tom hardy batman bane battle 02 160x105 De nouvelles photos du tournage de The Dark Knight Rises
Christian Bale and Tom Hardy on location for "The Dark Knight Rises" on Wall Street.

Pictured: Christian Bale and Tom Hardy

Ref: SPL332006 051111
Picture by: Doug Meszler / Splash News

Splash News and Pictures
Los Angeles: 310-821-2666
New York: 212-619-2666
London: 870-934-2666
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christian bale tom hardy batman bane battle 01 160x105 De nouvelles photos du tournage de The Dark Knight Rises
Christian Bale and Tom Hardy On The Set Of 'Batman : The Dark Knight Rises' in NYC.

Pictured: Christian Bale and Tom Hardy Ref: SPL332168 051111
Picture by: Richie Buxo / Splash News

Splash News and Pictures
Los Angeles: 310-821-2666
New York: 212-619-2666
London: 870-934-2666
[email protected]

tumblrlu5ieo8ukh1qhttdg 160x105 De nouvelles photos du tournage de The Dark Knight Rises

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