Voici venir une troisième mini-extension pour Men of War Assault Squad, DLC répondant au petit nom de MP Supply Pack Charlie et consistant en cinq cartes supplémentaires pour le mode multijoueurs. Voyez la fiche sur Steam pour quelques captures d’écrans.
Par ailleurs, Digital Mindsoft fait part du grand succès qu’a été MoW Assault Squad, à son lancement, qu’une édition Game of the Year verra bientôt le jour, incluant donc tous les DLC, et qu’une future extension pour le multi ajoutera quinze unités uniques, et donc spéciales. De plus le studio va s’agrandir et bientôt entamer le chantier de son prochain jeu. Voir cette annonce sur le site des développeurs pour quelques détails divers.
MOSCOW, Russia — November 10, 2011 — Leading Eastern and Central European publisher, 1C Company, announced today that the third multiplayer DLC for Men of War: Assault Squad is available exclusively on Steam. MP Supply Pack Charlie features 5 new competitive multiplayer maps for various numbers of players. Each map has its own unique setting and battle landscape. The new multiplayer maps can be played in the Assault Zones and Combat modes, as well as the DLC exclusive Day of Victory game mode. New maps include 1v1 Winter Harbor, 1v1 Crossroads, 2v2 Red October, 4v4 Hutor and 5v5 Port.
Men of War’s newest DLC can be purchased immediately from Steam.
Du coté de Kalypso, c’est un DLC nommé Junta (rien à voir avec l’excellent jeu de plateau du même nom) qui viendra donc accentué l’aspect junte militaire de votre règne sans partage, quelque part au fin fond des tropiques.
D’ailleurs voici quelques screenshots pour présenter ce contenu supplémentaire pour Tropico 4 (voir notre test), DLC qui sera disponible sur PC et Xbox 360 à compter de demain, si tout va bien.

Ridgewood, NJ, November 3, 2011 – El Presidente and his Minister of Communications, the wondrous Penultimo, are pleased to announce that Kalypso will release a new DLC pack for Tropico 4 for both the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and Windows PC. Dubbed “The Junta”, the new DLC pack will be available for 400MSP on the Xbox LIVE™ Marketplace on November 9, and via the Kalypso Launcher (http://launcher.kalypsomedia.com) and Steam for Windows PC on November 11 for $4.99USD.
The military-themed Junta DLC includes -
New Building: “Bunker” – functions like a larger and more expensive Guard Station, does not require generals, houses five soldiers.
Character Trait: Veteran (Avatar performs better in battle, improved militarist respect)
Character Outfit / Vanity Item: Dress Uniform (female)
Decoration Items: Guard booth, Small observation tower, Camouflaged ammo depot, Concrete barricades, APC
Mission theme: “New Sparta” – build a militaristic society while being constantly pressured by the rebels
Tropico 4 sees you return as El Presidente, the tyrannical (or benevolent) dictator of the island paradise of Tropico. The world is changing and Tropico is moving with the times – geographical powers rise and fall and the world market is dominated by new players with new demands and offers – and you, as El Presidente, face a whole new set of challenges. If you are to triumph over your naysayers you will need to gain as much support from your people as possible. Your decisions will shape the future of your nation, and more importantly, the size of your Swiss bank account.
Tropico 4 features all new missions across new maps and includes exciting and fun new features to keep the action fresh and challenging. You can even elect ministers into power to help get your more controversial decisions passed through the government. But remember to keep your friends close and your enemies closer as everyone has an agenda!
Tropico 4 also brings a new level of social interaction with the addition of Facebook and Twitter integration (Windows PC version only). Post comments on Twitter direct from the game and have updates go out when you complete missions or unlock new achievements. You can even take screenshots of your island and post them on your Tropico 4 Facebook page and compare your interactive Dictator ranking on the online leaderboards. Every little bit helps when you are bringing your island into the 21st Century!
Enfin les deux premières campagnes supplémentaires pour Panzer Corps, Grand Campaign ’39 and Grand Campaign ’40, sont disponibles en téléchargement depuis quelques jours, pour la modique somme de 4,99 $ pièce. Voyez ce récapitulatif chez Slitherine pour différentes captures d’écrans.
Slitherine (www.slitherine.com), Matrix Games, and The Lordz Games Studio (www.thelordzgamesstudio.com) are thrilled to announce the release of two DLC packs for their hailed strategy game, Panzer Corps! Grand Campaign ’39 and Grand Campaign ’40 add many new scenarios to the already rich and epic Panzer Corps campaign plus a variety of unique new missions that involve new objective types like capturing a French general.
Grand Campaign ’39and Grand Campaign ‘40 also include the new ability to carry your core army through different campaigns. So you can now bring an army from the humble beginning of light tanks and raw recruits to a formidable behemoth of Tigers and veteran shock troops!
About Panzer Corps Grand Campaign Packs
Grand Campaign ‘39
September 1st, 1939.
Germanylaunches its military invasion of Poland, igniting World War 2. Take command of the Blitzkrieg’s spearhead as you battle your way to the heart of the Polish nation, the Capitol of Warsaw, and beyond. This DLC features 14 all new scenarios, improved artificial intelligence scripting, new campaign features, unique objectives such as protecting vital units, destroying enemy supply trains, and securing vital bridges, and the capacity to save your core force file for use in future campaigns!
The Grand Campaign’s are a series of expansions for Panzer Corps and require Panzer Corps. Each campaign can be started with the core force from the previous Grand Campaign, so you can continue Grand Campaign ’40 with your core force that completed Grand Campaign ’39. Alternatively players can start with a preset core force and play each campaign on its own, or jump in to the Grand Campaign at any year. This expansion starts your core from the very beginning of the war, allowing you maximum flexibility to choose and shape the forces that you will take through the next 6 years. The full Grand Campaign from 1939-1945 will have around 70 scenarios!
Scenario List:
Poznan, Danzig Corridor South, Danzig Corridor North, Lodz, Piatek, Wyszogrod, Kampinoska, Forest, Modlin, Warsaw South, Warsaw North, Spoils of War, Oslo, Lillehammer, Narvik
Grand Campaign ‘40
May 10th, 1940.
The Maginot Line, shield of France and the battleship on land, was supposed to be impenetrable, but the Germans have a secret and daring plan aimed to topple their old enemy! Import your experienced troops from the first campaign, or start with a pre-generated brand new core and lead your forces to victory. This DLC features 14 all new scenarios, recreating historical battles such as the epic of Eben-Emael and the tank battles of Arras and Stonne, improved artificial intelligence scripting, new campaign features, unique objectives such as capturing a French General and forcing the Dunkirk pocket to surrender, and the capacity to save your core force for use in future campaigns!
Scenario List:
Eben-Emael, Albert Canal, The Hague, Sedan, Maubeuge, Arras, Calais, Stonne, Wassigny, Amiens, Dunkirk, Reims, Dijon, Maginot Line