Anno 2070 day 1 patch
480 Mo, pas de changelog. En téléchargement automatique dans le jeu.
Men of War Vietnam 1.0.3
Patch fixes the following issues:
1. Synchronization of various versions in multiplayer
2. Campaign for USA available from the start
3. Errors in unit names fixed
Supreme Ruler Cold War 7.2.2
Detailed Changes:
- fixed liberated countries diplomatic interactions.
- fixed conquest options after a total proxy capture or colonial capture
- fixed colonies clearing treaties with parent at independence
- fix Merchant Marines & standoff bottlenecks from opposing forces.
- fixed land proxy in cases of colonial parent allies from enemy of colony
- fixed units in proxy vs. colonial parent allies
- Fixed some broken scenarios due to update 2 changes
- Treasury haps further clean up, integrate “inflation” mod
- Hex view haps clean up, added “in construction” icon w/ tooltip
Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter 16/11/2011
Critical fixes:
- Fixed a bug that prevented income from being generated when doing a feasibility study.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when trying to automatically distribute sliders from a hidden slider.
- Fixed a crash with support missions trying to open a dialog twice in a turn.
- Fixed a crash that would occur if closing the game while it was booting up.
- Fixed a von neumann crash caused by the faction running out of resources for a new collector fleet.
- Fixed an issue with crashing gem/forge world events from trying to apply moral bonus.
- Drones can now be designed and assigned to ships.
- Battle Riders may now be launched and recovered via their weapon icons in combat.
- Combat turn flow was rewritten. All combat queries are now answered at once, and then all combat simulations play out.
- Fixed a bug that stopped biome colonizers from improving terraforming values.
Other fixes:
- Fixed a recent issue where only the default player profile would be used.
- Fixed tech requirements on a few freighter ship sections.
- Removed “freighter” designation from ship sections to which it was incorrectly applied.
- Tarka freighter savings cost has been reduced from 1.5-million to 150,000.
- Leviathan stats have been improved.
- Tweaked turret arcs on a number of ship and station sections.
- Stations whose crew die off stop rotating in combat.
- Patrol battle riders now follow their tenders better.
- Fixed an issue where battle riders were not swarming around stations effectively.
- Fixed feasibility speech cues from using wrong speech library.
- Fixed admiral driven speech to use proper case.
- Fixed researching sound.
- Fixed research completed early sound cue.
- Fixed the battle draw and winning battle speech cues.
- Fixed under-the-hood sliders to automatically reset themselves to zero.
- Fixed an issue with swarmers trying to assign themselves to systems with no planets.
- Fixed an issue with the flock bonus not being used as a percentage.
- Moved the overharvest warning event to the correct location to stop it spamming every time the IO was queried.
- Fixed an issue that caused the gem and forge world events to spam.
- Fixed battle manager bug when entering system with no Naval base.
- Made visual culling much more subtle on star map to avoid labels popping in and out.
- Cleaned up view filter modes, populated list through code instead of through xml.
- Fixed issue in battle manager where station slots where being displayed even if no CP was available.
- Properly hooked up Mission/Engine section name display to riders in rider manager.
- Combat ready animations no longer loop incorrectly on ships.
- Save games should stay significantly smaller now due to the disabling of a debug feature that was storing a detailed history of all previous changes.
- Fixed a visual issue where tracking torpedoes would draw erroneous lines across the screen.
- The trade view filter on the star map now shows different icons for star systems.
- Fixed a bug that caused the admirals to return an incorrect admiral prefix to sound cues.
- Fixed a bug where Liir Naval Stations were displaying Hiver station assets.
- Fixed visual jitter for battle riders returning to tender.
- Fixed an issue where turn events were not displaying for some.
- Fixed various sizing bugs in GUI lists.
- Protean pods will return attacks.
- Fixed incorrect terrain names in Clouds and Ring star maps.
Other changes:
- New entries have been added to the encyclopedia’s Galactic Atlas.
- Added new weapons: Blast Storm Missile, Polaris Blast Beam Missile
- Added new Rift star map.
- Added the ability to skip camera transitions with the escape key.
- Added a tutorial help screen for trade.
- Added Zuul freighters.
- Added missing Von Neumann PD weapons.
- Adjusted station visibility distances for combat.
- Added default ship names for command ships, bore ships, and gate ships.
- Implementation of initial, new post combat dialog.
- Added trade Modifier for trade distances.
- Added a table to keep track of trade results to stop clients from not being able to see trade.
- Stopped the ability to trade with someone you are at war with.
- Increased the max planet range for provinces by 1 ly.
- Added a configuration ability for disabling the main menu combat scene. There is no user interface for this diagnostic option, but it can be modified at your own risk in
‘%localappdata%\Sword of the Stars II\settings\settings.xml’ by adding or modifying the LoadMenuCombat element with a True or False value.
- Added launch effects for planet-to-orbit weapons.
- Added “Reserve Slot” label to reserve rider slots.
- Added events for post combat.
- Added realtime feedback to trade slider adjustment in trade view.
- Added filter to battle rider manager to display only carriers in widget.
- Added color coding to riders in rider manager.
- Added max flock bonus to strat mods and hooked it up to morrigi drive tech.
- Added a function for adding orbits with orbit numbers.
Key known issues:
- There is no post-combat popup.
- Screen transition time still slow for some.
- Game not running in 64-bit for some (running 32-bit works).
- Looking for people unable to connect to GameSpy for MP.
Darkest Hour 1.02
(Changes since patch 1.01)
Patch Installer changes:
1. Made the patch installer compatible with all Darkest Hour distributions (Steam, Impulse, Boxed German version etc.)
2. Set correct registry keys for all Darkest Hour distributions (fixes a problem with reported version in Launcher)
3. Converts the boxed German only version into a fully functional Darkest Hour (restores all languages, deleted pictures and changed names)
Engine changes:
1. Moved in-game multi-player messages few pixels down for better view.
2. Fixed a bug with land units’ arrival time calculation on save/reload at the same game hour when the move order was given.
3. Fixed a bug in best port in area selection used for convoys.
4. Fixed a bug with country description text set in scenario files (replaced by default one on deselect/select of a country). Changed default scenario text format to 4 digit year instead of 2 (TAG_YYYY_DESC).
5. Added convoyed out resources/oil/supplies to daily resources flow statistics page.
6. Fixed tool-tip for atwar = TAG trigger.
7. Fixed a bug with naval units left in ex-allied ports when alliance is broken peacefully. Such fleets will be moved out of the port at 1 o’clock.
8. Fleets that has no valid naval base set will automatically rebase to the closest allied port now (checked once on 15 days). Fleets on Rebase, Move, Redeploy, Transport, Amphib. Assault or Sneak move missions are skipped.
9. Fixed issues with secederegion and secedearea commands. Now these commands behave as secedeprovince command does.
10. Added new options to secedeprovince, secedearea and secederegion commands (check event commands.txt for details).
11. Fixed a bug with ‘intelligence’ scenario parameter not applied to AI countries.
12. Implemented a new command for delayed triggering of events: event (check event commands.txt for details).
13. Allowed Pause button shortcut to be re-defined in buttons.txt. Added 2 new button definitions that can be used as shortcuts in buttons.txt : pause (ASCII 0×13) and space (ASCII 0×20). NOTE: There are problems if spacebar is used as shortcut for button (impossible to use empty space in rename units/divisions for example).
14. Added new optional division/brigades models parameter: on_upgrade = yes/no(default). When set to “yes” current model’s upgrade_time_factor and upgrade_cost_factor modifiers will be used on upgrade to the next model instead those of the next model.
15. Fixed a bug with supply check for units (reported as supplied by own/allied capital even if the country has no supplies at all).
16. Fixed a bug with naval units supply check (reported as supplied as long as they have a valid naval base even if there are no supplies there).
17 Fixed a bug with oil and supply check for units supplied from allied capitals (reported as supplied/fueled even if there are no supplies/oil there).
18. Fixed a bug with supply check for units in combat supplied from own/allied capital (reported as supplied even if there are no supplies available).
19. Fixed a bug with oil usage of ships in ports (no oil consumed, always reported as having enough oil).
20. Fixed a bug with supply and oil usage and status update on units in combat.
21. Fixed a bug with convoyed out oil calculation (more oil then currently available at home can be convoyed out).
22. Tweaked convoy logic to not convoy out from home supplies or oil if these are required for troops at home.
23. Tweaked required supply convoy transports calculation logic to take into account available at home supplies/oil for transportation too (not just required at the destination).
24. Fixed a bug with supply convoys exporting more supplies then need at the destination in some rare cases (huge need of oil for example).
25. Greatly improved game speed in games with many units and ongoing wars. Faster map scrolling.
26. Many tweaks to and bugs fixed in production AI (sliders, priorities, production):
- construction of Land Forts to province in higher level then set in AI files
- construction of Coastal Forts to province in higher level then set in AI files
- bug when IC has been assigned to upgrades when MP is less then 5 even if AI is set to not upgrade
- Improved distribution of exceeding IC logic (IC that remains after all immediate needs are covered)
- bug with production sliders for AI countries (too much IC assigned to CG in some cases)
- bug with Production AI not building anything if MP is less then 5
- tweaked logic used for max serial production line calculation
- removed hard-coded logic for brigades that can be attached to Garrison units (MP, AT, AA)
- removed hard-coded logic for brigades that can be attached to Carriers (Granted CAG only), TAC (granted ESC only), STR (granted ESC only) and HQ (granted AA only) to avoid exploits (producing with brigade not researched yet) and to allow producing with more then one brigade (CV’s only).
- tweaked Production AI MaxBatchHomeFront parameter usage (removed the requirement of current MP pool to be less then daily produced * 180 for this parameter to be used).
- bug with production AI producing Infantry units even if these are set to 0 priority by an AI file.
- tweaked production AI to allow more rapid IC construction when force_ic_until = YEAR AI parameter is valid.
- fixed a bug with production AI stopping producing any units once it reaches the desired ratio between land/air/naval.
27. Fixed a bug with resource convoys’ creation on enabled depots relocation from misc.txt.
28. Fixed a bug with missing flag/counters on change TAG when old country uses changed via event/scenario file default flag.
29. Fixed a bug with Convoy raiding AI trying to re-base fleets to invalid province.
30. Many new misc.txt modifiers:
- Allow change by players of HoS or HoG
- Used change TAG on coup logic
- Use speed to set garrison status (no move allowed) to land units.
- Max daily dissent that can be added to player controlled countries when not enough supplies are produced
- Do not start producing any new units when more then THIS percentage of the currently available MP is required for reinforcements of existing units and the country is at war.
- Do not start producing any new units when less then THIS MP is available in the pool
- Min. days after last province controller change required for the AI to secede a province to allied country (used when neither own or allied capital can supply this province
- Min. days after last province controller change required for the AI to secede a province to allied country (used when neither own or allied capital can supply this province) if the said province is used as supply base
- Min. required relations between allied countries required for AI to secede claimed by the player provinces to him.
- Max. serial line depth for production of Garrison and Militia units
- Min. total IC threshold required to enable serial production of naval and air units.
- Filter used on available for release countries list based on regular_id and intrinsic_gov_type set in revolt.txt (applied to both players and AI).
- Chance to target divisions with no ORG left in land combats.
- Max. redeployment days for AI controlled units cheat.
- Reinforce to upgrade modifier.
- Screen or Capital ships targeting in naval combats.
- Land units speed modifier for units out of supply.
- Land units speed modifier for units containing at least one division with ORG less then 1%.
- Movement time modifier for fuel consuming land and air units when out of fuel.
- Default speed for fuel consuming land units when out of fuel.
- Combat Modifier: Default Supply Problems Mod – Air
- Combat Modifier: Default Supply Problems Mod – Naval
- Combat Modifier: Default Fuel Problems Mod – Land
- Combat Modifier: Default Fuel Problems Mod – Air
- Combat Modifier: Default Fuel Problems Mod – Naval
- Strategic redeployment mission: Added value, independent from real distance.
- Strategic redeployment mission: Multiplier on the real distance.
- Use old (pre DH 1.02) save-game format for divisions.
31. Old TAG’s Claimed Provinces list is cleared on TAG change now.
32. Fixed a bug with no update of regular_id and intrinsic_gov_type on change TAG.
33. Fixed bugs with needed in local depots oil/supply calculation on game reload that can cause convoy problems.
34. Added new optional parameter in revolt.txt: coup = { TAG1 TAG2 … TAGx }. (Check revolt.txt for details).
35. Fixed a bug with canceled free resource trades from Master to Puppet when the Master has resource shortage of any resource.
36. Fixed bugs with country specific values exported to misc.txt (“country” section) not saved in some cases and reset to default upon reload.
37. Expanded build_division command with 3 new optional parameters: cost, name and where (check event commands.txt for details).
38. New parameters for items in the build queue that can be used in scenario files:
- unitcost = yes(default)/no # Used for players only. When set to “no” preset unit cost will not be recalculated.
- new_model = yes(default)/no #Used for AI countries only. When set to “yes” the build unit will be always with the latest available model.
39. Fixed bugs in some triggers evaluation when used with no country set in generic events – lost_VP, lost_national, lost_IC, alliance, war, access, non_aggression, guarantee, trade, puppet, participant, military_control, nuked.
40. Fixed a bug with supply convoys to depots which require more oil/supply that can be stored in a local depot and in result huge amount of oil or supplies can be lost every day.
41. New invasion AI parameter: province_priorities = yes/no(default) (check Invasion AI – How To.txt for details).
42. Include claimed provinces to the tool-tip about provinces that are going to be seceded to a released country.
43. Expanded ground_def_eff event command (check event commands.txt for details).
44. Fixed a bug where one air wing in air unit on bombing mission takes most of the damage.
45. Fixed a bug where min. mission ORG setting is replaced by STR setting upon saved game reload.
46. Fixed a bug preventing events set for REB tag to fire.
47. Added another value to MANUAL_OR_ BY_INFLUENCE _MOVES in policy_effects.csv
48. Exported dissent hit on country release to policy_effects.csv (MODIFIER_DISSENT_ON_RELEASE).
49. Fixed a bug in VP calculation used to halve dissent on new country release (used national provinces instead of controlled).
50. Fixed tool-tip of participant trigger when used with value = 0 (check for any alliance).
51. Added 2 new unit model modifiers: reinforce_cost and reinforce_time.
52. Added extra typo checks on many triggers.
53. Fixed bug where naval bases can be produced in provinces without port allowed (just coastal).
54. Fixed a bug in country creation code setting automatically civil war when VIC country is released.
55. Generic events set to not fire for REB tag
56. Land units in production now have correct speed shown based on attached brigade(s)
57. Added new optional unit model modifier – out_of_fuel_speed. Set speed to THIS value when the fuel consuming unit is out of fuel. Default value is set in misc.txt
58.Added new optional unit model modifier – no_supplies_combat_mod. Combat penalty when out of supplies. Default value is set in misc.txt.
59. Added new optional unit model modifier – no_fuel_combat_mod. Combat penalty when out of fuel. Default value is set in misc.txt.
60. Fixed a bug with not working “Tech-Team Take Over” option on annexation set by ‘inherit’ event command or by Demand Territory diplomatic action.
61. Fixed CTD on scenario exit in some cases when “Tech-Team Take Over” option is enabled.
62. Light Armor brigade set to use new short name string (NAME_LIGHT_ARMOR_BRI) instead of sharing name with light armor unit (NAME_LIGHT_ARMOR).
63. Fixed tool-tip text for air and naval leaders rank in change leader lists.
64. Fixed a bug with units loaded on transport planes reported as out of supply and losing ORG in result.
65. Fixed a bug where a Parachute unit can be loaded by the AI on more then one transport plane at the same time that corrupts saved games.
66. Fixed a bug in secedeprovince, secedearea and secederegion commands validation checks when “which” argument is set to -1 or -2.
67. Fixed bugs with invalid combat traits gained in combat. ‘Blitzer’ trait could be gained too.
68. Changed save game format for divisions. Optimized numbers saving. Removed redundant entries. Reduced saved game file size by 5-10%.
69. Fixed a bug with missing upgrade modifier on air units range.
70. Implemented upgrade from one unit type to another.
71. Added support for up to 5 attachments for air and land units too.
72. Fixed issues with doubled stats of brigades in pool on game reload.
73. Brigades added to units created by event commands now will use the latest available brigade model instead of being model 1.
74. Greatly improved DB files auto-check for errors and error reports:
- Added TAG validation for airnames.csv, armynames.csv, navynames.csv and unitnames.csv files.
- Report for wrong command syntax (Missing = in statement.)
- Report for invalid event picture – only when extra debug logs are enabled in settings.cfg
- Seazones.txt – only when extra debug logs are set to 2 in settings.cfg
- Report on missing tech year or tech picture – only when extra debug logs are enabled in settings.cfg
- Report on incorrect format of text strings (missing or extra %) – only when extra debug logs are enabled in settings.cfg
- Added more AI debug logs when extra debug logs are set to 2 in settings.cfg
- Check for missing translation or misplaced % in texts when extra debug logs are set to 2 in settings.cfg
- Check for duplicated minister IDs in minister files
- Log ID conflicts to savedebug.txt
75. Fixed tool-tip for intelligence_network minister effect.
76. Implemented wakeminister command (check event commands.txt for details).
77. Fixed a bug where killed/slept ministers in cabinet can be auto-replaced by a minister ahead of his starting year.
78. Improved Air AI:
- Fixed a bug where air wings are not evacuated from threatened airbases of military controlled AI countries
- Set default air missions duration to be 60 days instead of 10 years
- Enabled Air Scramble mission for the AI
- Tweaked Nuke AI priorities – use current nuclear reactor size in target province instead of max size
- Fixed a bug where air AI of military controlled countries can remain inactive after control release
79. Greatly improved game speed in scenarios with many air wings with long ranges and big alliances, but no wars.
80. Fixed major memory leak, most obvious in very long continuous game sessions (20+ years) where 800+ MB of RAM could be lost. Reduced time needed to exit to main menu from a long game session.
81. Fixed CTD on exit to main menu or exit to Windows.
82. Fixed a bug with missing decisions in available decisions list.
83. Added new map logs (savedebug.txt, on scenario start) when extra logs are set to 2 in settings.cfg:
- List of all coastal provinces: ID, Name, Island or not, Area, Region, Continent, Controller, Owner
- List of all beach provinces: ID, Name, Island or not, Area, Region, Continent, Controller, Owner
- List of all provinces with ports: ID, Name, Naval Base Size, Island or not, Area, Region, Continent, Controller, Owner
- List of all provinces with air bases: ID, Name, Air Base Size, Island or not, Area, Region, Continent, Controller, Owner
84. Fixed CTD on annexation by command of a country twice in the same event.
85. Fixed game freezes when Militia unit type is disabled for production for an AI country.
86. Added new combat modifier – Out of Fuel, definable in misc.txt (default per land/air/navy) and per model in unit files.
87. Allowed Out of Supply combat modifier to be applied to naval units too.
88. Added commands to modify country specific unit modifiers:
- out_of_fuel_speed
- no_fuel_combat_mod
- no_supplies_combat_mod
89. Fixed a bug with not applied to existing units upgrade modifiers from events for brigades on 2-5 slots.
90. Fixed bugs with parsing of construction section in AI files – AA_provs, coastal_fort_provs, radar_provs, air_base_provs, naval_base_provs, fort_provs, ICProvs
91. Fixed a bug preventing AI to attach brigades to deployed units with one or more brigades attached already.
92. Fixed a bug where AI can deploy more then max allowed aircraft in a single air wing.
93. Fixed a bug with auto-disbanded traded units when Max. strength is too low. All traded land/air units set to be with 1% Str.
94. Tweaked auto-production sliders logic:
- Do not assign extra IC to CG to counter dissent if there is not enough IC for production and production is prioritized
- Do not assign extra IC to supplies when below Critical/Desired stockpile levels if there is dissent and CG are prioritized over supplies
95. Display division stats with fractions when needed
96. Fixed a bug where a Parachute unit can be loaded by the AI transport plane and ship at the same time that corrupts saved games.
96. Fixed an issue with production progress going above 100% for a day before the item is completed.
97. Added new “demobilize” command (check event commands.txt for details).
98. Added new optional brigade setting – detachable = yes/no, defined in brigade files. By default all land and air brigades are detachable and all naval brigades are not.
99. Fixed a rare CTD on AI country annexation.
100. Fixed issues in deployment of finished IC to provinces. Improved AI IC production and deployment.
101. Fixed CTD on province owner change when 3 or more own arreas get connected in result.
Launcher changes:
1. Fixed a rare crash when no web browser is defined
2. Fixed an issue with reset of extra logs setting to 0 when set to 2
Translation changes:
1. Fixed a corruption of saved games in result of wrongly formatted string in German, Italian, Polish and Spanish languages
2. Updated French translation
3. Updated Italian translation
4. Updated German translation
5. Added Russian translation
6. Updated Polish translation
7. Updated Spanish translation
8. Fixed invalid characters or formatting issues
Event changes:
1. Fixed event 2192531 U09 – Franz Joseph is dead does not fire because the wrong minister id is checked.
2. Fixed events 3104503, 3104504 and 3104505 for 1914 Russia
3. Fixed Persian Corridor event (Soviet Union gets the correct provinces and returns them)
4. Fixed a problem with Free France capital remaining in Brazzaville instead of moving to Paris
5. Modified event 2003005 (Re-occupation of the Rhineland) so that it increases peacetime IC modifier from 0.9 to 1.0
6. Siamese Surrender now includes HOL
7. UK Surrender: Hongkong gets now occupied by CHI or JAP
8. Tweaked death events for Fritsch, Schacht, Blomberg, and Hess (different effects for keeping them or sending them away)
9. Removed claims on Pirot and Tetovo provinces when Bulgaria switches sides to USSR
10. Removed claims of Hungary when switching sides to USSR. Fix for weird post war borders.
11. Added a decision for the creation of Dutch harbor naval base in 1940
12. Generic decisions scale now according to country IC
13. Unit level granted by the licensed unit decision scale depending on US tech level. when US doesn’t exists it works like now
14. Added new generic decision to purchase obsolete units
15. Pearl harbor event moves the us to hawk lobby now
16. Fixed Japanese Surrender to USA – USA no longer steals Korea from China if Korea is a Chinese puppet
17. Fixed a bug with US elections that caused weird outcomes
18. Fixed Indonesia Head of State Error, they get now a new cabinet as jap puppet
19. It is now possible to cancel the military control over SPR as FRA
20. All remove Military Control events use better trigger
21. The United Front event now only fires when warlords exist
22. Improvements to events for performance reasons:
- removed unused save date in France.txt
- removed unused save date in Germany.txt
- tweaked grand offensive decisions to use the new delayed event commands
- Dutch Harbor events use the new delayed event command
- most generic events now use the TAG entry to reduce engine load
23. Tweaks to post war Germany events:
- Decisions for release of DDR/DFR/AUS/U16 or now available much earlier
- More Allied Nations can release DFR now, not only the USA
- SOV can release now a puppet Austria U16 instead of AUS
- Germany and Austria will now get properly placement of their capitals
24. Bitter Peace now sleeps SOV event 2007034 “Germany invades Poland without our blessing”
25. Corrected trigger of event 2184008 for FRA (Move the Capital), now ownership is required
26. Removed RUS/SOV flag workaround
27. Russian event “Warsaw is lost” does not happen if Russia releases Poland as puppet
28. DDR and commie Austria are now puppets of USSR upon creation
29. Event Pittman Act – US assistance for Nationalist China wakes now the right leader, adds more resources and gives blueprints
30. Modified Operation Zet – Soviet Assistance to China to add more resources and give blueprints
31. Fixed German annexation of France events.
- conditions for colony transfer (Germany can decide how many colonies to occupy, if at all)
- general improvements (better trigger among them)
32. Demobilization decision improved:
- trigger conditions now all visible in tool tip
- added extra decision for Switzerland
- removed redundant trigger from generic decision
- it is now possible for player to demobilize during war when the mob level is above 8 (general mob) to remove economic penalties
- added event to remove local flags with an event that fires after 3 months, to prevent exploits
33. Delayed Free France creation to avoid seceding provinces in mainland France to it
34. WW2 event chain fires now even when Germany is already at war (f.e. with CZE)
35. Petain no longer remains a leader of France after the liberation
36. Egypt now secedes Qattara area to UK too during WW2
37. UK now returns Egypt provinces to EGY after the war
38. Modified USSR (Great Patriotic War event) so USSR gets +0.25, instead of +0.2 to wartime IC
39. Modified peace events with China so that China loses all militia units when surrenders + final peace proposal now requires Japan to have 110% of Chinese land units and China must have lost 90% of its national provinces or 90% of its VPs
40. Integrate China-Nanjing in China surrender events
41. Fix Japan surrender event effects – Japan no longer keep claims on China provinces upon capitulation
42. Reworked the Brest Litovsk Treaty in WWI
43. Fixed problems with 1914 peace treaty between Austria and Soviet Union
44. The Great Purge event for USSR now removes the correct units (removes 5 HQs)
45. Tweaked Diplomatic Campaign decision
46. Fixed WW1 alliances/DOWs events chains so that Russia, Serbia and Montenegro join the Entente
47. Added Russian Peace Event to 1914 scenario
48. USSR now gets cores via event on former Polish provinces (in 1945 or later, 6 years after Mol-Ribb Pact)
49. Fixed “Italian regime collapses” event triggers
50. Added new event picture and specific description for the event of the death of Wilhelm II on 06/06/41
51. White Russia countries now gain cores on all of their lands
52. Updated Raj events
53. Second RM pact now includes the historical traded cruiser
54. Rework of 1936 USA surrender events (in particular, takes into consideration the fact that Japan may be allied with Germany)
55. Mobilization for dictatorial US is no longer hindered by congress
56. Optimized Mobilization events to reduce engine load, removed redundant Mobilization events for the AI
57. Nations follow now mobilization pattern, including puppets
58. New released puppets get now a minimal army to fight partisan that is removed as soon as their own army is big enough to take over.
59. Reichskommissariat mobilizations now generate manpower
60. Optimized Winter War event chain
61. Optimized Barbarossa ai event chain
62. Added events for new discovered oilfields in the Balkans
63. Chinese transfer of industry events rescaled for DH’s starting provincial industry levels
64. Updated WWI Belgrade Pact event chain (corrected triggers, other improvements)
65. England Surrender has now a prefer total conquest option so that Germany can reject the proposal of England
66. Added commands to remove Ottoman cores/claims in 1914 scenario when they surrender
67. All coup events are now one action events that can fail
68. Fixed many typos in event triggers
69. Ai nations will now switch to a militia build strategy as a final effort to prevent occupation.
70. Fixed models on units given by events
71. Fixed issues with End of Partial Mobilization event.
72. Fixed issue with the Second Molotov-Ribbentrop treaty decision availability after Bitter Peace
73. Improved Franco-Russian Alliance event in 1914 scenario to take into account Greece
74. Fixed the list of Austrian leaders added to Germany after Anschluss
75. Improved Italian Regime Collapses event when Italy is human controlled
76. Reduced War Bonds decision dissent
77. Fixed issues with Klaipedia province on M-R pact and Bitter Peace events.
78. Fixed wrong leader ID in China capitulation to Japan
79. Fixed incorrect HoG in Sweden after the death of Per Albin Hansson
80. Turned Italy Joins the Axis event into decision with an option for German player to refuse the alliance
81. Fixed many issues with Japan surrender event
82. Added Metsovo province to Italian claims on Greece
83. Added “No need” action on English GoI of Poland event
84. Fixed issues in UK Pacific surrender event
85. Surrender events in WW I set to remove embargoes
86. Tweaked Bitter Peace event so Japan to get provinces when at war with USSR even if not allied to Germany
87. Fixed issues with peace events after WW I
88. Changed Public Works decision to calls a delayed event instead of instantly adding an IC to a random province
89. Fixed an issue with Communist Austria not being a puppet of USSR upon creation
90. Fixed incorrect French cabinet after the liberation of France
91. Fixed issues in Demobilization decision/event
92. Extended Japanese gains in Soviet Bitter Peace event
93. Implemented events for the Polish-Soviet war after WW I
94. Fixed missing Soviet cores after successful war against Axis after the Bitter Peace
95. Axis CZE set to return Eastern Poland to USSR
96. Xi’an incident now removes minister Zhang Xueliang
97. Fixed Gear-up events for UK
98. Improved UK and USA surrender event
99. Improved Mers El Kebir events – using of the new demobilize command
100. Changed Italy signs the Pact of Steel event triggers so it is more likely to happen after march 1938
101. Change Finland policy after the Winter war to make possible joining to the Axis
102. Retire Moltke when replaced by Falkenhayn (Germany, 1914 scenario)
103. Retire Cardona when replaced by Diaz (Italy, 1914 scenario)
104. Corrected trigger for Death of Stalin event
105. Fixed limited Mol-Ribb pact to trigger the Nazi coup in Danzig
106. Fixed list of waken leader on Anschluss event and removed add core to Bolzano province command
107. Correctly sleep minister Vlassov when the leader defects to Germany
108. CHC set to not start Chinese Civil War if CHI is allied or puppet of USA
109. USSR set to not start a war with USA if not in control of Moscow
110. Italy and Hungary set to not declare war to USSR on their own after the Bitter Peace when allied to Germany
111. Germany gets cores on Bolzano and Trento provinces on Italian annexation
112. Removed all kill random leader commands from The Great Purge event
113. Changed start year of many events and decisions to from 1936 to 1933
114. Change end date of events of french surrender from 1950 to 1963
115. Claim Bessarabia decision can be taken only 305 days after Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, as historical
AI changes:
1. Fixed typos in 2 German 1914 AI files.
2. Adjusted bugged German leader ratios in 1936 AI file.
3. Germany now enacts 2 year mobilization earlier when running out of MP.
4. Tweaked Air AI to handle the suicidal air AI behavior.
5. Fixed issue with German AI set to reinforce units too early.
6. Tweaked German AI to focus more on reinforcements during war.
7. Added individual mobilization for HUN in 36:
- raised starting mob level to selective conscription (+23mp)
- added 2 year conscription after the Anschluss taken or when HUN runs out of mp in 1938
- added partial mobilization when at war, or in 1940
8. Adjusted German Research AI and added a German War Research AI.
9. Tweaked “Germany goes after England when Russian is gone” AI event trigger to avoid triggering while still at war with SOV.
10. Tweaked CHI production AI – it should focus more on MIL now instead of producing fancy and useless things.
11. Tweaked German Production AI.
12. Increased critical oil stockpile from 30 to 45 days
13. Increased desired oil stockpile from 90 to 120 days
14. Vichy France no longer goes to war with Italy over Egypt
15. Added
16. Fixed ENG liberate countries list.
17. Updated USA liberate list with RUS and most European countries.
18. Tweaked China AI to garrison beach provinces.
19. Added units to Chinese production queue when war starts.
20. Reinforce Chinese land units at once when war starts.
21. Added missing AI file to DH Full – that was loaded from [core] instead and had invalid research priorities/ignores.
22. Improved
23. Added mobilization events for nation U49-U99.
24. Adjusted Nat. Chin tech preferences.
25. Tweaked German invasion AI.
26. Reduced GER AI recklessness.
27. Tweaks to U02 AI.
28. Added TPs production lines to JAP, ENG, USA.
29. ReichKommissariats now defend their own borders.
30. Japanese AI adapted to fight against U05 (Dutch East Indies) instead of HOL.
31. UK will no longer invade North Germany in 1939.
32. After Munich, Belgium places its army in “reinforced peacetime stance”, expanding it by 7 more divisions.
33. Improved ENG AI home defense.
34. Added 0.05 GDE to German AI.
35. Updated Italian AI research priorities.
36. Many changes to both China and Japan AIs behavior for better simulation of the war.
37. Tweaked English espionage AI against USSR.
38. Fixed wrong garrison triggers used in several German AI events.
39. Tweaked USA invasion AI events.
40. Tweaked AI files on land locked nation to ignore naval techs.
41. Fixed many typos and errors in AI files.
42. Tweaked MAN reinforce and exp. forces ratios in 1936 scenario.
43. Set Italy to be more aggressive against Albania.
44. Set USA AI to focus more on Marines and related techs.
45. Tweaked Jordan AI to be less aggressive against Israel.
46. Improved British invasion AI in 1914 scenario.
47. Added Exeter province to ENG AI garrison priorities.
48. Set USA AI to release Indonesia.
49. German AI tweaked to Barbarossa in late spring-early summer.
50. Increased Italian AI max production percentage in all scenarios.
51. Tweaked German AI to defend better beaches in Western Europe.
52. Fixed issue with U08 (German Empire) declaring war on Switzerland or Russia after the defeat in WW I
Scenarios changes:
1. Tweaked Majors starting techs in 1914 campaign.
2. Removed wartime IC penalty (was 0.8) and set peacetime IC penalty to 0.9 in 1936 scenario for Germany
3. Removed wartime IC penalty (was 0.8) and peacetime IC penalty (was 0.7) in 1936 scenario for Hungary
4. Removed peacetime IC penalty (was 0.6) in 1936 scenario for Romania
5. Removed Bulgarian core to #331 (Pirot) in 1936 scenario – this province is claimed already.
6. Fixed 1936 scenario starting Austrian OOB
7. Added Eric’s corrected HUN and POL 1936 scenario OOBs
8. Added “new_model = no” to most naval units in the production queues of GER, ITA and JAP to ensure that the AI will produce them with the right models.
9. China: added starting techs interbellum supply 1924 (id 1970), scientific management 1910 (id 5810) and early agriculture 1910 (id 5700), lowered starting dissent from 30 to 25
10. France: removed Doctrine Mass Assault and Trench Warfare
11. USSR: lowered peacetime IC mod from 0.75 to 0.7 and wartime IC mod from 0.80 to 0.75
12. Revised 1936 scenario OOBs for BEL and HOL (Eric)
13. Updated 1936 scenario CZE OOB (Eric)
14. Adjusted researched Naval doctrines in 1936 scenario for Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Holland
15. Added Naval supremacy to Argentina and Brazil in 1936 scenario.
16. Updated OOBs for DEN, EST, LAT, LIT, NOR, SWE
17. Added 1933 scenario
18. Updated OOBs for AST, CAN, NZL, SAF
19. Updated OOBs for British Raj, Indochinese Union and French Mandate over Syria and Lebanon
20. Added Italian claims to Metsovo
21. Fixed 1914/36 Greek cabinet
22. Corrections to U08 (1914 scenario) colonial OOB, cabinet and naval OOB (bestmajor)
23. Cleaned 1936 GER production queue and add items via AI only event
24. Added Maginot line to FRA 1933 queue
25. Updated UK Nav OOB. HMS York and Exeter were York-class cruisers (CA-V) not County-class (CA-IV)
26. Adjusted mobilization level to new OOBs.
27. Danish warships “Niels Juel” and “Peder Skram” reduced to CA-III and CA-II
28. Fixed Greek ship models. Georgios Averof is a CA-II. Helle/Elli are CL-I
29. Added Dutch East Indies to all scenarios
30. Added U03 (Indochinese Union) in the list of selectable nations in 1914 scenario
31. Updated Finnish air OOB
32. Updated USSR 1936 scenario starting techs
33. Added 1933 scenario
34. Added 1940 scenario
35. Added 1941 scenario
36. Added 1942 scenario
37. Changed French cruiser Dupetit Thuors from CL to CA-2 in 1914 scenario
38. Added AA brigades to some land units for USSR in 1936 scenario
39. Added Newfoundland as a country in 1914 and 1933 scenarios
40. Fixed model/class for Japan CL Kuma and CVL Hosho in 1936 scenario
41. Added the Erebus-class monitors to the 1936 campaign as CA-2
42. Tweaked 1936 scenario starting techs to many countries
43. Added seaplane carrier Commandant Teste to French navy
44. Primorsk, Siberia and Transural republic restored as releasable countries
45. Better implementation of the Mexican revolution with all major fractions and events included
46. Removed the -30% wartime IC penalty for Italy
47. Revised MAN land OOB for 1936 scenario
48. Revised Japan OOB for 1936 scenario
49. Fixed typos and errors in scenario files
50. Fixed Romanian division names in scenario files
51. Aden belongs British Raj in 1914 scenario
52. Added Colombian claims on Panama in 1914 scenario
53. Added Chinese claim on Arunachal Pradesh in all scenarios
54. Corrected government type for China and Turkey
55. Added missing cores to some countries (EGY, MAN, CHL)
56. Corrections to USA naval OOB – changed models of Omaha-class CLs, the Nevada-class BBs, and the Colorado-class BBs
57. Corrections to UK naval OOB – changed models for Emerald-class CL, removed CVL HMS Pegasus, added CL HMS Dunedin and seaplane carrier HMS Pegasus, corrected ship locations
58. Added GoIs (CZE/ROM/YUG) for better simulation of the Little Entente in 1933/1936 scenarios
59. Added Floating Planes brigades to USA ships
60. Added Floating Planes brigades to Soviet ships
61. Revised 1936 scenario CZE OOB
62. Removed Air force from 1914 scenario British Raj
63. Added naval bases to Glasgow (5), Edindurgh (4) and Marseilles (5)
64. Revised French air bases in 1914 scenario
65. Changed Deutschland and Admiral Scheer models from CA-5 to CA-4 (Germany, 1936 scenario).
66. Revised air bases and Air OOB for German Empire in 1914 scenario
67. Revised air bases and Air OOB for Spain in 1914 scenario
Unit changes:
1. Fixed max speed bugs on M.armor and L.armor brigades
2. Fixed typo’s in marine.txt file
3. Fixed bug with Max speed for AA and made a Build time balance change to AA & SP_AA.
4. Tweaked generic HQ speed
5. Brigade production time adjusted to reflect historical training time of attached units.
6. Adjusted Brigade upgrade cost/time to reflect the historical problems of producing enough armored vehicles, compared to the very easy replacement of artillery pieces, airplanes and small arms.
7. Added upgrade bump to infantry model 1930 (upgrade to use trucks in addition to horses)
8. Moved speed increase to 5, from 1942 to 1939 infantry
9. Changed speed of 1936 Infantry to 4.5
10. Added fuel consumption to 1931 and 1936 infantry
11. Increased TC cost of pre-1931 infantry by 20%
12. Reduced HQ fuel consumption to more reasonable levels
13. Removed Engineer brigades from Garrison units
14. Reduced fuel consumption of land, air and naval units
15. Fixed max brigades for transport planes to allow attaching of escorts
16. Fixed typo, 1914 Infantry had a to high soft attack
17. Made Garrisons a more viable unit choice:
- lowered IC cost
- reduced upgrade time/cost slightly
- increased defensiveness to be an alternative to infantry in defense
- decreased toughness further
- added a 10%-20% hard component to represent dug in and armored components of garrisons
18. Adjusted upgrade cost/behavior of Divisions
19. Adjusted reinforcement cost/behavior of Divisions
20. Implemented new ranges for air models
21. Removed duplicated Improved Medium Tank entry.
22. Tweaked Engineer brigade models.
23. Made Heavy Armor and Super Heavy Armor brigades available for Cavalry, Mechanized and Motorized divisions.
24. Tweaked Heavy Armor and Super Heavy Armor brigades’ stats and upgrade paths.
25. Tweaked units’ speed caps for attached brigades.
26. Tweaked surface defense values for FTR models 3 and 4
30. Tweaked MP usage between DD models
31. Added 2 escort carrier models to the light carrier line
32. Added custom upgrade paths to all land and some air unit types
33. Adjusted build times of Light Armor brigade to be in-line with Medium Armor brigade
34. Added no_fuel_combat_mod modifier to armored units
35. Increased attack and speed on Air Cavalry
36. Disabled MP, L-Arm and AC brigades for militia units
37. Reduced Garrison supply consumption
38. Enabled up to 2 brigades to be attached to Infantry and Garrison units
39. Boosted Marine units combat modifiers
40. Revised stats of transport ships
41. Revised stats of Heavy submarines – up to 3 attachments, enabled Torpedoes
42. Slightly increased firing range of all missile ships
43. Set CAG and Floating planes as detachable naval brigades.
44. Reduced desert move and defense penalties for 1939, 1942 and 1946 Cavalry models
1. Fixed wrong artillery requirement for post-war tank III
2. Removed all speed bonuses to HQ units get from land doctrines
3. Cheapened naval doctrines
4. Added 10% morale bonuses to land units in tech Mobility Focus Doctrine
5. Reduced land and naval doctrines research times
6. Fixed issues with Nuclear Battleship Propulsion technology
7. Fixed Air Cavalry Division tech prerequisites and changed year to 1951
8. Fixed issues with Rocket Artillery supply usage
9. Fixed inconsistencies with Naval AA attachments setup
10. Fixed inconsistencies between land doctrines and construction techs with regards to land fort production
11. Added bonus to cags for torpedo techs
12. Tweaked speed bonuses to HQ units from doctrines
13. Added 2 escort carrier models to the light carrier line
14. Fixed issues in Nuclear Carrier tech
15. Changed techs to reduce nuke production rate
16. Fixed combat modifiers given wrongly to CAG brigades instead to CV units in 3 naval doctrines
1. Changed Königsberg/Klaipedia connection to a sea connection
2. Tweaks to Wake sea zone coordinates
3. Added 1 VP in Wuhan (1317) and 1 VP in Changsha (1308)
4. Various fixes to country colors
5. Removed river connection between Szekesfehervar (278) and Szeged (280)
6. Adjusted Finnish industry
7. Added a VP in Dutch Guyana to avoid Germany annexing HOL in Europe in 1940
8. Added 10 unused ids for off-map countries
9. Fixed several wrong provinces connections
10. Fixed several wrong province coordinates (and distances)
11. Fixed position of harbor and airport on Attu Island province
12. Fixed some wrong province names
Graphic changes:
1. Added new mini-map
2. Added Scandinavian propaganda picture
3. Added new flag for Mexico in 1914
4. Updated air unit model pictures for all major nations
5. Added Wiemar flag
6. Added DDR propaganda picture
7. Added new buttons
8. Added many missing leader pictures for EST, LAT, FIN, IRE, SWE, U08, EUS, CAN, ENG, FRA, ITA and other countries
9. Added new bg_auto_trade.bmp
10. Added new top bar graphic
11. Fixed visual issues with some flags
12. Replaced invalid or low quality minister, leader and tech team pictures with better
13. Added missing unit pictures
14. Updated production status plates
15. Fixed issues with some event pictures
16. Changed propaganda pictures for CHC and CHI
Other DB Changes
1.Fixed modifiers.csv file format (FULL) (fix for missing modifiers)
2. Tweaked several Soviet commanders availability, death and rank dates
3. Update of air unit model names for all major nations
4. Adapted ships’ ranges for Darkest Hour Light to account for the new map mechanics
5. Removed all U05 references from DH Full (unused ex-Ostland file; RKOstland uses U40 TAG)
6. Fixed corrupted strings in scenario_text.csv (used % as a symbol for percentage while %% should be used instead!)
7. ReichKommissariat now have army names defined in armynames.csv
8. Fixed short tech names for many armor techs
9. Fixed U20 (Com. FIN) cores to exclude provinces historically taken by USSR
10. Tweaked SPA parameters to allow it to be created via coup from Nazi Germany over SPR or commie Spain
11. Manpower ministers and tech tweaks:
- Chief of Staff School of Mass Combat: removed the reduced building time, added +3% to Org and Morale of infantry, militia and garrisons and +3% supply stockpile.
- Minister of Security Man of the People: added a 5% money – production bonus.
- Medicine techs: 1%/2% manpower bonus and added a trickle back modifier
- Hospital tech: reduced the trickle back gain to 2% and 3% respectively
12. Added missing TECH_APP_ARMOR_146_NAME text
13. Ministers and leaders of Volunteers’ Army (UTC tag) are now loaded
14. British Raj is now only releasable by ENG
15. Implemented China-Nanjing as new country
16. Expanded the minister db for 1933
17. Removed English leaders from India
18. Socialist Republic of Romania (U30) was renamed Romanian People’s Republic
19. Sigmund Freud is no longer the nuclear researcher for Austria 1914
20. Updated credits.txt and launcher.csv with latest contributors’ names
21. Added Historic speeches
22. Implemented Dutch East Indies
23. Included new minister personalities for Mexican Revolution
24. CGX ministers are now paternal autocrat instead of LW radicals
25. Added a document with leader traits id/description
26. Increased reinforce to upgrade modifier to 0.5
27. Corrections to German Empire leaders
28. Tweaked Ground Support and Ground Attack missions ORG/STR damage ratios
29. Fixed map position on new game start as Finland
30. Removed duplicated leaders in Imperial Germany (U08), fixed errors
31. Added Medicine trait to some CZE, HUN, ROM, U09, U03, FRA and SOV tech teams
32. Fixed invalid traits to some Russian leaders
33. Fixed wrong provinces for countries (USSR, Arabia, Turkey etc.) in revolt.txt
34. Improved some country specific unit model names.
35. Added all vanilla scenario files to Darkest Hour Light to resolve issues in MP games.
36. Reduced Hindenburg’s leader skill to 2
37. Reduced Grigory Kulik’s leader skill to 2 and added Old Guard trait
38. Increased skill and added new traits to some Soviet tech teams.
39. Changed end dates of WW I leaders from 1935 to 1932.
40. Added new traits to some Brazilian tech teams
41. Removed duplicated leaders (USA)
42. Fixed many typos and errors in leader, minister and TT files
43. Added new ministers and tech teams to Brasilia
44. Added 1 IC to Damascus province
45. Fixed invalid Roman numbering in some army names
46. Revised Soviet and Russian unit names
47. Added energy/metal/rares production bonuses to all minister traits that change IC
48. Fixed issues with Finnish tech teams (invalid names and pictures)
49. Added resource production bonus similar to the IC bonus for Central Planning and Mobilization policy sliders
50. Reduced “Speer” minister personality foreign IC bonus from 30 to 10 percents
51. Revised and improved German Empire ministers
52. Revised and improved British Raj ministers
53. Revised and improved Chilean ministers
54. Added naval tech teams to Chile
55. Revised and improved tech teams for A-H
56. Revised and improved ministers, leaders, tech teams and unit names for Euskadi
57. Changed start years of many countries from 1936 to 1933
58. Add new tech team to USA (American Medical Assn)