Jean Paul Goude is, for me, les Kodakettes, the man behind the Bicentenary of the French Revolution on les Champs-Elysées, the man who discover Grace Jones. I remember all this moments, they were pure magic. As an other « JPG » (Jean-Paul Gaultier), Jean-Paul Goude is a major artist for me.
This week, during the launching of Goudemalion, a retrospective and creative vision of his oeuvre encompassing all his areas of activity (fashion, photography, advertising…), i also discover an artist full of humour, a great illustrator and a lover of women.
Here are some pictures (mostly illustrations) of the exhibition.

Catherine Baba, very focused

La danse, Paris, 1962

Africaines de rêves, 1953

Fresque pour les magasins du Printemps, 1966

Yaz gave me the eye of the tiger!

My dear friend Myriam Tessier

M. Azzedine Alaïa

From Grace Jones’ Citroen CX car advert, 1986. See it here
Theft colors, the Kodakettes in action
Goudemalion. Jean-Paul Goude, une rétrospective
11 November 2011–18 March 2012
Les Arts Décoratifs
107, rue de Rivoli
75001 Paris
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