Hubby and I like to try new restaurants. He had the opportunity to try the White Duck Taco Shop in the spring, during the last Studio Stroll. The restaurant opened this year in the River Art District and I was finally able to go with him in the fall. If you want BBQ, go to 12 Bones, but if you want cheap tacos you're in the right place.

I like the location, not far from the railroad track and several studios, with plenty of parking. During the summer an outdoor patio offers some sunny seating and inside a friend of the owners made some neat artistic creations including the White Duck. In fact the name of the restaurant comes from the nickname given to the co-owner and chef Laura years ago, it is said that she was talking too much to her restaurant's staff at the time.

Bon et les plats dans tout ça? Alors il y a le choix. Les tacos ne coutent que $3.25, pas de risque de se ruiner. Par contre à la différence de beaucoup de restaurants de ce type il faut tout de même payer pour les chips de tortilla et autre entrées. Le menu change en fonction de l'humeur des cuisiner et de ce qui est disponible sur le marché. On passe commande au comptoir, prends son numero et on va s'assoir en attendant que la serveuse amene les tacos.
So what about the food? There is choice. The tacos are only $3.25 so pretty cheap. However unlik a lot of taco restaurants you have to pay for the side of tortilla chips and other sides. The menu changes depending on the cooks mood and what's available on the market. Take your order at the counter, grab your number and go sit and wait for the waiter to bring your food.

Ce jour là nous rentrions de ballade et n'étions pas forcémment affamés. Donc Hubby avait choisi des tortilla chips et du queso pour tester les sauces et moi deux tacos: le pomme de terre champignon et celui au poisson. Les deux était bon. Ce que j'ai trouvé le plus intéressant c'est qu'on sort des tacos classiques mexicains et que pour un petit prix on peut gouter quelque chose de nouveau. Par contre a mon avis juste un taco c'est un peu juste. Il en faut bien deux et quelques chips pour un ventre affamé.
That day we were back from a hike and not exactly starving. So Hubby picked the tortilla chips and queso to try some salsas as well and I ordered two tacos: the potato mushroom and the fish. Both were good. What I loved the most was that it's different from the classic mexican tacos and for a small price I got to try something new. However just one taco isn't enough. I'd say you need at least two and some chips if you are hungry.

C'est un bon coin pour un repas de midi sur le pouce ou entre amis avant d'aller explorer d'autres ateliers d'artistes. Il y en a vraiment pour tous les gouts sauf peut etre les allergiques au gluten. J'y reviendrais sans problème pour tester d'autres tacos.
It's a good spot for a quick bite or a lunch with friend before exploring more artists studios. There is really something for everyone, well except maybe gluten allergies. I'll go back in a heartbeat to go try more tacos.
White Duck Taco Shop The Hatchery 1 Roberts St www.whiteducktacoshop.com/