Magazine High tech

Sword of the Stars 24/11, Real Warfare 2 Northern Crusades 2.2.4, Stronghold 3 1.5.24824, Solium Infernum 1.08

Publié le 28 novembre 2011 par Cyberstratege

Sword of the Stars 2: Lords of Winter

Version r18092b (24/11/2011)

Critical fixes:

- Fixed a crash in multiplayer that could be caused by players creating new provinces.
- Many changes have been made to the combat AI including the introduction of a hierarchical task system. Combat AI can now set up patrol positions, scouts and will engage in new maneuvering behaviors to mix things up.
- Fixed bugs in the combat AI that were preventing it from attacking colonies and ignoring other nearby objectives.
- Game transfer to players joining multiplayer games is no longer excessively throttled. This will make joining multiplayer games much faster in most cases.
- Fixed an issue where the strategic AI was not correctly allocating fleets to missions.
- Fixed an issue where placing a station to construct would immediately subtracts a large sum of savings, most notable with the Hiver Naval Station.
- Patched a very rare crash that could occur when creating a new game.

Other fixes:

- Fixed some station collision geometry issues.
- Fixed some incorrectly identified nodes on station art.
- Fixed materials on Hiver IOBM’s.
- Fixed bug where change to end turn button delay would not occur until a new turn.
- Specters no longer pursue drones and other fast battle riders.
- Fixed a UI bug where launching battle riders would not work for all selected units.
- Added missing Auxilliary Fission and Fusion engine section modules.
- Rewrote star map selection code to fix various selection bugs and inconsistencies.
- Fixed tech unlocking in Encycolopedia.
- Fixed errors with right click menu and stopped menu from focusing.
- Removed unintentional sensor range cap on fleet movement.
- Relocation missions will now only be available at systems in which you have a colony.
- Reduced savings cost of Human Polytechnic Institute from 10-million to 1-million.
- Fixed a tech tree issue where Fusion Cannons might not be available when they should.
- Fixed incorrect tech requirement for Heavy Fusion Cannon.
- Fixed bug where planet list was not showing up for surveyed system.
- Fixed an issue where MIRV warheads would slow down dramatically just before contacting the target.
- Fixed an issue where the specters could intermittently stop moving during combat.
- Fixed a visual issue where the energry meter in combat was reporting the wrong value.

Other changes:

- Added new star map: Small Disc.
- Added fleet summary dialog, which can be accessed in the button row at the top of the star map.

Real Warfare 2: Northern Crusades 2.2.4

-Several quest errors fixed, mostly in “Intercepting Foragers” and “Reaching the Rally Point”.
-Lords in “Reaching the Rally Point” move normally after your conversation with Landmeister.
-Battle statistics window fixed (sometimes it showed wrong enemy army information).
-Game crash after saving on strategic map fixed.
-Possible game crash after saving on tactic map fixed.
-Rare game camera crash on tactic map fixed.

-Huge performance increase on certain PC configurations: GTX video cards + Microsoft® Windows® 7 operating system (other cards may benefit from this as well)
-Pathfinding on strategic map is improved, armies will find a way around towns and other obstacles quicker.
-Tactical battle lighting presets were corrected to reduce blur and glare.
-Improved tactical map generation
-High hills are not used when generating northern valleys
-Probability of autumn maps generation increased from 15 to 25%.

Game process and minor changes
-Costs of replenishing losses are reduced for sergeants (-25%) and knights (-16%).
-Bandits aggression is reduced if the player’s army is weak.
-Enemy will demand a smaller ransom if the player’s army is significantly weaker. Ransom is not increased until player reaches level 6.
-”Destroying the Foragers’ Camp” quest improved slightly. Enemy army now heads to Matowy only after you receive a message.
-A dialog screen in “Destroying the Foragers’ Camp” can not be closed incorrectly.
-A victory screen after plundering a village can not be closed incorrectly.
-Changes in texts.
-You can’t close a start screen incorrectly to avoid battle, and penalty for retreat.
-Before you start the siege, town\castle lord may engage you in the field.
-AI armies replenishing fixed. Winner restores most part of the army.
-Robbers’ bands are restored.
-Garrisons of captured towns\castles\settlements are restored.
-Extortion is changed. If you consider opponent is too strong, and close battle window, you’ll have to offer ransom.
-Estimate strength of enemy forces in tooltips changed.
-Upgrading costs were changed, upgrade to sergeants and knights now costs more, mounted archers cost much more.
-Icons of settlements added to economy and diplomacy map overlays.
-Army consumes food after a battle.
-Army does not consume food while stationary.
-Prussian lords now can hire more sergeants (since they don’t have access to knights).
-Reserves will no longer disappear in assault battles.
-Numerous cosmetic fixes and improvements in the campaign.
-Faction relations changes are now shown in log.
-Retreat penalty added. Retreating army will suffer losses.
-Real price of hiring professional and elite units now matches description.
-Now auto-resolving a plunder engagement will give you trophies.
-Enemy army losses are now taken into account for determining earned experience and trophies after a battle.
-New diplomatic conversation option added to freeplay – “Personal insult”.
-Amount of food left is now shown on the main screen (next to commander’s level, money and battle experience).
-Commander skill window now appears automatically after gaining a level.

Stronghold 3 1.5.24824

- Mini-map and warning notifications have been added.
- Mini-map now has arrows indicating the location of the keep when off-screen.
- Fixed various wall issues that were causing crashes.
- Fixed issue with troops changing the set stance when moved.
- Fixed issues to make withdrawing units from combat easier.
- Selectable building and troop limits have been added to multiplayer.
- The defensive bonus on walls and towers has been increased.
- The aggressive attack range of troops has been doubled.
- Fixed some multiplayer issues causing the game to go out of sync.
- The game now launches directly into the correct resolution.
- Various small bug fixes.

Solium Infernum 1.08

General Improvements:

Prompt for unused order slots
Prompt for insufficient tribute allocated when creating orders
Simple Auto Sort of manuscripts via mouse right click on tray
New Map Theme: Infernal Divide (map is divided by river in one direction and a chain of bottomless chasms in the other and then filled in with terrain)
Numerous Bug Fixes

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