Magazine High tech

Panzer Corps 1.05, RW 2 Northern Crusades 2.2.5, Sword of the Stars II 06/12 et 02/12, DC Warsaw to Paris 1.04i, DW Legends v1.7.0.6

Publié le 12 décembre 2011 par Cyberstratege

Panzer Corps 1.05 Update

The update includes 4 new multiplayer maps, a number of new units, and plenty of bug fixes and improvements. The new units coming in the 1.05 update include IS1, KV85, BS3, 85mmM1939, Soviet guards, Soviet SMG and Soviet conscripts.

En téléchargement automatique dans le jeu ou chez Matrix. Pas de changelog.

Real Warfare 2: Northern Crusades 2.2.5

- Crashes during sieges
- Crashes while generating certain castle layouts
- A rare error when mission stayed incomplete when all of its tasks were completed
- A rare error when an army was considered to be located in another region, which led to inability to finish a quest
- Battle with Prussian foragers near Matowy will be generated correctly now
- Error when player info window stayed on screen while playing outro
- Exploit when player could escape from any battle
- Reserve troops are no longer taken into account while calculating army strength
- ‘Return’ option in some dialogs now works correctly instead of closing dialog window
- A castle will be auto-garrisoned after capturing it in all cases
- Wrong shadows rendering

- Name generation. All units on strategic map now have correctly generated names. They consist of first names, 2nd name parts (for Mongols), last names or nicknames (for brigands and Prussians). All possible names are historically correct for a given nation.
- Tactical AI will react to being under fire more actively
- After completing the story campaign and starting the freeplay mode maps boundaries are expanded
- Handling of negotiations between weak player and enemy lords
- New mouse cursor shows inaccessible map areas

Gameplay changes:
- Maximum AI army size increased to 30 regiments (was 20). If army contains more than 10 professional regiments (“Knights” or “Sergeants” level), it can contain twice the amount of militia troops.
- AI will try to hire roughly equal amount of Pikemen and ranged troops (Militia tier)
- Army spawn points corrected in quest tactical battles (engagement with Pippin brigands and battle with foragers near Chluhov)
- 50% more regiments will be auto-hired to garrison a castle after capturing it
- Chance of finding hireable siege equipment in medium and large towns and castles slighhtly increased
- Chance of having ranged troops in garrisons of towns and castles decreased
- Minimal ransom is now 20. Maximum ransom capped.
- AI armies strength hints are now visible near the player and not on the entire map. New ‘Recon’ skill that affects this distance will be added in a next patch.

N.B. : You can either run update.exe located in your game folder or login to multiplayer to receive the update (Steam versions are already updated).

Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter 06/12/2011


Critical Fixes:
+ Fixed crash when deleting favorite invoices.
+ Restricted transfer to defense fleet from fleet manager, which could have led to a crash.
+ Fixed the memory leak/crash when displaying range/damage graphs for weapons that don’t supply these values.
+ Fixed a crash in simulated combat related to fleets not being removed.
+ Fixed crash caused by colony intel not being removed when colony lost.
+ Fixed crash caused by only allowing a single defense fleet per system (should be defense fleet per system per player).
+ Fixed per-player initial technologies, colonies and savings.
+ Fixed duplicate module icons when exiting the design screen with the module selector present.
+ Fixed crashes related to new treaty news event messages.

Other Fixes:
+ Increased trade ranges for Human, Tarkas, and Liir-Zuul factions (game must be restarted for change to take effect.)
+ Fixed bug where battle riders would stay in construction system.
+ Fixed bug where bore ships where not refreshing node lines.
+ Added “No Module” item to the module selector.
+ Fixed bug where drones were not returning to tender in the weapon test screen.
+ Fixed issue where friendly ships were pursuing and firing at each other in combat.
+ Added research tech button to feasibility study dialog.
+ Changed research cube visual and added feasibility state.
+ Removed ability to build alien zuul habitations.
+ Removed alien habitation requirements from science stations.
+ Fixed bug where Alien habitations where showing up for races that werent encountered.
+ Fixed bug where foreign habitations would show up with no foreign player encountered.
+ IOBM’s now actively acquire new targets.
+ Hooked up names properly on favorite invoices.

Other Changes:
+ Tool tips added for ship statistic icons, weapon target filter and weapon behavior buttons.
+ Tweaked beam impact effects.
+ Tweaked combat AI behavior.
+ Disabled abandon colony button in New Colony dialog

Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter 02/12/2011


+ Fixed the bug where alien habitations would not become constructible on discovery of alien races.
+ Fixed initial battle riders not showing up in initial fleets.
+ Fixed a crash related to ship design options.
+ Fixed known issues with weapon/shield interactions.
+ Fixed an issue where control zones were not being updated after combat.
+ Fixed a crash that could occur when accessing defensive fleet positions after coming out of combat.
+ Fixed an issue with unresponsive ships in AI controlled combat.
+ Fixed a combat AI crash related to switching objectives.
+ Fixed known cases where required ship design options could be removed.
+ Fixed a post-combat crash caused by accessing information for destroyed ships.
+ Fixed the crash caused by accessing the Battle Manager for an empty star system.
+ Fixed a crash caused by missing module information text.
+ It is no longer possible to scrap enemy ships.
+ Added missing tool freighter, imports and trade goods tool-tips.
+ Added missing treaty accepted and treaty declined text.
+ Hooked up point of interest pings in sensor manager for certain random encounters.

Decisive Campaigns: Warsaw to Paris 1.04i

The update includes fixes for a number of rare bugs and a few other issues reported by the community.

v1.04i – Oct 4, 2011 – Bêta changelog


A bug with Side Mouse Button
A Crash during combat in rare situations with units surrendering
Other rare bugs

En téléchargement chez Matrix.

Distant Worlds Legends v1.7.0.6

A massive first update for Distant Worlds – Legends. The comprehensive update add to this new release with improved modding options, further improvements to the AI in many areas especially fleet control, fixes to all reported serious issues since release, and many other bug fixes and adjustments.

En téléchargement chez Matrix.

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