
Quelques travaux deja publies sur la Coree du Nord

Publié le 24 octobre 2007 par Ethelwath

Conférences, congrès / Conferences, congress

DUCRUET, Cesar, ROUSSIN, Stanislas, 2007, The changing relations between hinterland and foreland at North Korean ports (1985-2006), 6th Inha & Le Havre International Conference, Inha University, Incheon, Republic of Korea, October 10-11.

[Les dynamiques arriere-avant-pays des ports nord-coreens (1985-2006)]

DUCRUET, Cesar, ROUSSIN, Stanislas, 2007, Inter-Korean maritime linkages: economic integration vs. hub dependence, 15th European Conference on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, Montreux, Switzerland, September 7-11, pp. 133-139 [ISBN 978-2-940368-05-1].

[Relations maritimes inter-coreennes : integration economique ou dependence-hub]

ROUSSIN, Stanislas, DUCRUET, Cesar, 2007, The Nampo-Pyongyang corridor: a strategic area for European investment in DPRK, Recent Changes in North Korea and the Role of the European Union, Institute of Unification Studies & Hans Seidel Foundation, Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea, June 1.
[Le corridor Nampo-Pyongyang : un point focal des investissements europeens en Coree du Nord]

ROUSSIN, Stanislas, DUCRUET, Cesar, 2007, Doing business in DPRK for the European companies: the logistic issue, Seogang University, Seoul, Republic of Korea, May 26.

[Faire des affaires en Coree du Nord pour les entreprises europeennes : le probleme de la logistique]

ROUSSIN, Stanislas, DUCRUET, Cesar, 2006, Logistic perspectives in DPRK, Annual Fall Meeting of the Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers, Seoul, Republic of Korea, September 15-16.
[Perspectives logistiques en Coree du Nord]

Autres articles / Other papers

DUCRUET, Cesar, ROUSSIN, Stanislas, 2007, North Korea: towards the opening of seaports, Journal de la Marine Marchande, 4566, June 22, pp. 6-9 (in French).

[Corée du Nord : vers l'ouverture des ports maritimes]

Publications à comité de lecture - Peer-reviewed publications

DUCRUET, Cesar, ROUSSIN, Stanislas, 2007, The North Korean archipelago: economic transition and territorial blockages, Mappemonde, 87 (F)

[L'archipel nord-coréen : transition économique et blocages territoriaux]

Articles en préparation - Papers in Preparation

DUCRUET, Cesar, GELEZEAU, Valerie, ROUSSIN, Stanislas, The maritime connections of North Korea: territorial change on the peninsula and new regional dynamics in Northeast Asia, L’Espace Géographique. 

[Les connexions maritimes de la Coree du Nord : recompositions territoriales dans la peninsule et nouvelles dynamiques régionales en Asie du Nord-Est]

DUCRUET, Cesar, GELEZEAU, Valerie, ROUSSIN, Stanislas, The evolution of inter-Korean maritime linkages: a matter of economic integration or hub development? Journal of Economic Geography.
[L'evolution des relations maritimes intercoreennes : une question d'integration economique ou de dependance portuaire ?]

ROUSSIN, Stanislas, DUCRUET, Cesar, The emergence of the Nampo-Pyongyang industrial corridor, North Korean Review.

[L’emergence du corridor industriel de Nampo-Pyongyang]

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