Magazine High tech

M&M Heroes 6 1.2.1, SotS II 22/12 & 24/12 , TW Shogun 2 Christmas patch, Cities in Motion 1.0.22

Publié le 09 janvier 2012 par Cyberstratege

M&M Heroes 6 1.2.1

Pas de changelog mais quelques questions-réponses.

Quel est le bug corrigé ?

Avec la sortie du patch 1.2, les succès pouvaient être copiés d’un joueur à l’autre en utilisant l’écran de comparaison des profils. Ceci signifie qu’un joueur très avancé dans le jeu pouvait régresser en comparant ses succès à ceux d’un joueur débutant. Ce bug n’affecte que les succès, et aucune autre partie des profils de joueurs.

Le patch 1.2.1 corrige ce bug et bloque la copie des succès d’un joueur à l’autre.

Quand sera-t-il disponible ?

Le patch sortira le 5 janvier dans tous les pays.

Le bug affectait-il tous les joueurs ?

Tous les joueurs ayant utilisé l’écran de comparaison des profils avec le patch 1.2 installé pouvaient être affectés. Mais si vous ne l’avez pas utilisé, vos succès sont en sécurité. Bien sûr, ce problème disparait avec le patch 1.2.1.

Comment puis-je vérifier si mon compte a été touché ?

Allez dans le menu des succès et vérifiez si des succès précédemment débloqués sont maintenant bloqués, ou si des succès que vous n’aviez pas encore obtenus sont maintenant débloqués.

Avec la sortie du patch, est-ce que je retrouverai mes succès perdus ?

Tous les succès peuvent être redébloqués, mais pas automatiquement. Certains reviendront rapidement, comme ceux liés au niveau d’XP ou de Dynastie (dès que vous gagnerez un nouveau niveau). Malheureusement, d’autres sont liés à la progression du joueur, et vous demanderont de rejouer certaines parties pour les obtenir de nouveau.

Est-ce que je peux recevoir deux fois la récompense d’un succès ?

Non, les succès redébloqués ne vous donneront pas de “Dynasty Seals” de nouveau.

Patch 1.2

Major bug fixes (Week of the Plague, Dynasty weapons, unit abilities, scripts, localization)

• Skirmish AI tweaks:

- Tries to defend all owned town (previously the AI focused on its starting town)

- Previously if a hero stronger then the AI’s hero threatened a town, the AI hero let that town undefended. Now the AI calculates all of its nearby hero’s army and creature growth and defends the town if it finds it possible

- Always defends the last owned town if it can causes reasonable losses to the attacker hero

- Huge speed improvement, AI thinking is approximately 2-3 times faster than in the previous version

- Further improvement of cooperation among primary and secondary heroes

- Improved exploration and target priority

- Pre-calculated army contraction. The AI calculates how many creatures can the target collect (including possible creature growth) before the AI’s hero can reach it and calculates if it is worth to chase it.

- Further improvement of Town portal usage

- In case of an FFA the AI tries to attack and capture towns from a weaker player

- FIXED: Sometimes the AI attacked a much stronger hero than itself

- FIXED: Sometimes without reason the AI split its army into 2 and lost against a stronger hero

- FIXED: Sometimes the AI miscalculated the cost of a town portal and spent too much points before trying to use it (resulting an undefended town)

- FIXED: The AI ignored some neutral buildings

- FIXED: Several smaller bug fixes

• Combat AI tweaks:

- General target choice improvement for the units

- Improved ability usage

- Improved racial ability usage

- Improved ability selection and different builds for Magic/Might, Tears/Blood heroes

- Improved creature ability usage

• Gameplay improvements:

- The unit setup after using the Tactics ability is remembered from battle to battle

• Intel support:

- Fog calculation

- Variance shadow mapping vs. hardware shadow mapping

• Balance tweaks:

- Rage II-IV gives +10 Might Attack instead of +15

- Rage points generated by attacks reduced to 16(friendly)/8(enemy) (from 20/10)

- Guardian Angel: Good moral gives 70 racial points (instead of 100)

- Retribution aura cooldown increased to 5 instead of 3

- Haste initiative bonus increased to 12 (from 10)

- Slow initiative reduction increased to 12 (from 10)

- Mass Haste initiative bonus increased to 6 (from 5)

- Mass Slow initiative reduction increased to 6 (from 5)

- Father Sky damage increased to 380 (from 353)

- Idol of Air damage increased to 276/318/366 (from 240/277/319)

- Martyr Might Resistance and Health bonus reduced to +10.8%/12.4%/14.3% (from +21.6%,24.9%,28.6% Might Resistance, +13%,15%,17% Health)

- Hour of Judgement bonus damage increased to 31% (from 21%)

- Hell Hound Might Defense increased to 5 (from 4)

- Cerberus Might Defense increased to 6 (from 4)

- Kirin and Sacred Kirin movement reduced to 6 (from 7)

- Kirin Magic Defense increased to 33 (from 32)

- Sacred Kirin Might Defense reduced to 31 (from 33)

- Sacred Kirin Magic Defense reduced to 33 (from 35)

Téléchargement automatique dans le jeu ou en suivant ce lien :

Total War: Shogun 2 Christmas update


• Brand new Christmas map – “Operation Santa”
• New Christmas battle HUD for Operation Santa map
• Corrections to encyclopaedia
• New Christmas front end scene
• Removed: (Will be fixed in future patch)
• Fixed issue with missing wall pieces in certain siege battle maps

Sword of the Stars II 22/12 & 24/12


Critical Fixes:
+ Fixed the crash that could occur in turn updates during AI fleet management.
+ Station sensor ranges are now enabled again.
+ Provinces are once again only visible once discovered.
+ Fixed known issues regarding rejoining games in the correct player slot.
+ Fixed the crash caused by fleets losing their supporting systems while in transit.
+ Enemy fleets no longer appear in the fleet manager.
+ Fixed an issue where ships could become stuck in a permanently spinning state.
+ Fixed issues relating to excessive force imparted by weapons.
+ Fixed the issue where clicking the menu button in the star map after entering the planet manager would lock out UI control.
+ Fixed the crash that could occur due to combat occurring at a star system with pending station construction.

Other Fixes:
+ Fixed a number of Tarka ship and module art issues.
+ Fixed a neutral combat issue for systems involving more than 2 players and one player is neither at war nor allied with any other.
+ Fixed issues where weapons were not auto-targeting planets.
+ Fixed known issues where combat sensor data was shared incorrectly between players. There were some diplomatic edge cases here.
+ Fixed an issue where too much damage was being applied in simulated combat.

Other Changes:
+ Drones now automatically launch from platforms.
+ Fleets now display sensor range bubbles once again.
+ Level four and five station structure values have been increased.
+ Added default names to AI fleets.
+ Added three new star maps: Duel, The Heavens and The SotsVerse.

Sword of the Stars 2: Lords of Winter r18823b

Critical Fixes:
+ Fixed issues where stations and special encounter enemies were not being removed from the game when eliminated.
+ Fixed the issue where existing profile names with apostrophes would cause a crash.
+ Fixed a crash that could occur with a neutral engagement.
+ Fixed a crash that could occur when upgrading stations.
+ Fixed known issues where colony information would not disappear for a player, preventing re-colonization and causing a crash in some cases.
+ Fixed the issue where moons were not listed as candidates for viable colonies.
+ Fixed the issue where moon climate hazard was being reported incorrectly in some cases.
+ Fixed excessively large station sensor ranges.
+ Fixed the issue where strike missions would not end automatically.
+ Fixed missing trade info on systems.

Other Fixes:
+ Fixed an issue where weapon forces were not being applied.
+ Fixed a rare issue ship-not-responding navigation issue.
+ Fixed an issue where boarding pods were causing ships to disappear.
+ Fixed known issues where boarding actions were not taking over ships.
+ Fixed some known issues regarding ship starting positions in combat.
+ Fixed an issue where critical hits were being incorrectly applied to drones.

Other Changes:
+ Accelerated combat enemy range distance has been reduced.
+ Reduced combat scale a bit more.
+ Improved station construction mission UI.
+ Survey missions now abort when encountering enemies at a colony.

Cities in Motion 1.0.22

•New content: A new achievement.
•Improvement: Automatically reset broken settings file.
•Improvement: Finish scenario button moved a little so it’s not as easily clicked by mistake.
•Fixed bug: Vagabondo Satellite tram is often jammed at curves.
•Fixed bug: Modified texts in Japanese translations.

Cities in Motion 1.0.21

-New content: Munich map and campaign.
-New content: 5 vehicles.
-New content: 3 user made maps.
-Fixed bug: Cars exiting or entering the city don’t use roads going east
or south.
-Fixed bug: Missing characters in the Japanese font.

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