Magazine Sport

David Slansky 60 ans

Publié le 08 mars 2008 par Poker

 ZeBlog = le Voici du poker... lol

Bon un petit post sur les aventures de David Slansky (je parlais de ses bouquins essentiels ici Slansky Tournament Poker et ici The Theory of Poker) au pays du poker depuis qu'il a rencontré Brandi Hawbaker ici une call girl (je suis gentil sur le terme) devenue "joueuse de poker pro".

En fait Slansky publie son histoire (sordide) sur 2+2=4 forum avant que Brandi ne le fasse, elle le faisait chanter depuis longtemps... il désamorce donc la bombe à retardement Brandi en se salissant.

Je résume... alors voilà Slansky a une petite amie et son prénom c'est Bonnie... heu nan Sue... bye Gainsbarre...

Il vit donc depuis 2 ans et demi avec cette fille de 23 ans à moitié sourde à moitié artiste, née d'un inceste (tout un programme) et arrive dans cette relation Brandi ex hooker qui veut devenir pro... David  en devenant le mentor la présente à Sue... sa compagne aime beaucoup Brandi... cela a donc fini en trio avec parait il avec de croustillants détails...

"For the last 2 1/2 years I have been living with a handicapped 23 year old girl named Sue. She is blind in one eye and partially blind in the other. She is slightly disfigured, slightly autistic, and has frequent seizures. She can't drive and can't distinguish left from right. The cause of these things is that she is the product of incest. But she has an IQ of 125, is very artistic and loves everybody. She especially loved Brandi and was also attracted to her."

En fait Slansky essaye de désarmorcer la bombe que pourrait lancer cette ex call girl en balançant même une affaire de vibromasseur dans une voiture et d'autres soirées chaudes... une histoire sordide dont l'écrivain ne sort pas grandi ni cette Brandi qui elle était déjà au fond du trou.

"I once grabbed a vibrator out of my glove compartment and put it between her legs. If that disgusted her she never mentioned it. When I would visit her she often lay down in my lap. And she was flirtatious to Sue also. Sue hoped I would bring her home to her."

Ses bouquins n'étaient pas de la haute littérature mais là on atteint des sommets... Tout Las Vegas en parle, tout comme le forum 2+2 où Slansky publiait.

"If my thread is not put back up ~ OR if you EVER delete another post or thread of mine again (and ban me) ~ I will make sure that same post is on every single other poker forum out there... I'm going to do an interview with Raw Vegas Tv and NWP and Bankroll Boost and Pocket 5s on Monday IF my thread is not posted back on the forum."

Slansky est donc dans la tourmente et perd toute crédibilité mais évite de continuer à payer le chantage de Brandi... Comme quoi Vegas est aussi glauque que beau ! Et Brandi pour financer ses buyins va devoir trouver un nouveau pigeon !

L'interviw ne concerne pas le sujet "les hommes de 60 ans ont ils tous un vibro dans leur boite à gains..."

On lui donnerait le Bon Dieu sans confession.

DRAMABOMB: David Sklansky Solicits "Peeking Out" Pubic Hair Pictures From Brandi Rose Hawbaker / Naami Dea

Feb 24th, 2008 submitted by Micon

Yet another Brandi Hawbaker Rose Naami Dea David Sklansky based DRAMABOMB! Turns out Brandi has been living alone in a 1 bedroom apt. somewhere in LA. After all the drama with Brandon broke, Sklansky initiated contact with Brandi under the guise? of helping her out. Being the filthy old man that it looks like Sklansky is, their convo apparently turned to talks of Brandi having a shaved pussy. She said she didn't, and it appears that is what David Sklansky wanted to hear, so he apparently offered her $260 on Full Tilt Poker to ship the pix of her "peeking out" pubic hair in red panties... which she didn't quite do... or did she? At 4:30am there was a post deleted from 4 and Brandi's 4 account was banned - apparently covering up the whole fiasco. Either way we have have all of David Sklansky's emails to her about this matter... And of course the pix in the BRANDI HAWBAKER / DAVID SKLANSKY RED PANTY PUBIC HAIR THREAD *** Note: NWP has also been told by the same source that David Sklansky was in talks with Brandi to pay her $4k to have his girlfriend eat Brandi's pussy while David watched. Micon's vlog about this matter.

ps: j'ai retiré la photo de la culotte poilue de Brandi... lolllllll

Slansky écrit ici => forum 2+2

For the last 2 1/2 years I have been living with a handicapped 23 year old girl named Sue. She is blind in one eye and partially blind in the other. She is slightly disfigured, slightly autistic, and has frequent seizures. She can't drive and can't distinguish left from right. The cause of these things is that she is the product of incest. But she has an IQ of 125, is very artistic and loves everybody. She especially loved Brandi and was also attracted to her.
My relationship with her is unusual and private but is by no means a dark secret. Dozens of people know the details including of course Mat and Mason. Her mother loves me.
She is very attuned to appearances and having people like her. She is very internet saavy and has her own website regarding expensive collectible dolls. She doesn't quite realize that she looks strange to most people and someone making fun of her would hurt her badly. If it was someone who she thought was her friend it would totally devastate her.
When Brandi became upset over her post being deleted she threatened me. I told her I had no power to get it undeleted and would she at least leave making fun of Sue out of her threats. Her reply was:
" You have only two options...
1. Put my thread back up and I will say nothing more.
2. Do not put my thread back up and I will create five million different accounts all trashing you. If you think that doesn't include Sue, then
guess again. It's not about Sue... I know it's your biggest fear and the best way to hurt you. I like Sue... But sometimes innocent bystanders
become collateral damage in a war. And that is exactly what you are starting here. So if my thread is not put back up... this will become a war. You need to ask yourself if you really want this hassle. And if you really want to deal with the wrath of my anger. You have until the end of the
day to decide."
If she was only threatening me I would have laughed it off. But because of Sue I tried to placate her. She wrote this:
David, Please forward this to Mason...

Mason ~
If my thread is not put back up ~ OR if you EVER delete another post or thread of mine again (and ban me) ~ I will make sure that same post is on
every single other poker forum out there. Do not use your power of authority against me again. Whatever I will say will still be said, the
only thing is that it will drive people to read about it on other sites. So.. you might as well be smart about this and make the money off of it.

That is all.
Oh wait.... I should just tell you now... I'm going to do an interview with Wicked Chops and Raw Vegas Tv and NWP and Bankroll Boost and Pocket
5s on Monday IF my thread is not posted back on the forum. Also, Bluff magazine is doing a feature on me too. If you think you are protecting
David in this, guess again. I will make sure to spill the beans on everything I can. Including his relationship with a 21-year old inbred..
Seeing as his is too mentally retarded to have a normal relationship with anyone in his age range or intelligence and can only coexist with underage
runaways and handicapped girls. I will also talk about his deviant behavior towards me.

~ Brandi
I hope Mason will forgive me for not forwarding it. He would have probably made the ban permanent and I was hoping I could still calm Brandi down, at least regarding Sue. I wasn't quite sure what she had in mind. But then I get a mind blowing PM from Brandon telling me that Brandi is trying to reestablish contact with him if he will find an unattractive picture of Sue that she can spread around.
From that point on every action I took was soley to prevent that. Friendly emails to Brandi. Shipping her money. Not defending myself on the thread about me. Every other goal paled in comparison. Although I have never bothered to read the emails Brandi posted, I am assuming some came after I made this decision.
As to the emails written before all this happened. (I am assuming they are not made up). The truth is far less creepy than most assume. And I am about to tell you the real story. I didn't till now because it was far more important not to set Brandi off. A lessor reason was that even the most negative spin you could put on them wouldn't bother me. I had fallen for Brandi but couldn't express it? I was a sucker for pussy pictures? A guy who wanted some action for poker lessons? All false but who cares anyway? She wasn't saying I was disloyal to my friends or that The Theory of Poker contains major errors.
But with her blackmail weapon now gone I can now explain. From the moment I met Brandi I let her know that if I was available I would hit on her. Just like TF. She replied that the only thing about him that bothered her was that he was sneaky. Had he asked to be a sugar daddy she would go for it. I took that to be an offer which I reluctantly refused. But we did occasionaly get flirtatious and slightly naughty. I once grabbed a vibrator out of my glove compartment and put it between her legs. If that disgusted her she never mentioned it. When I would visit her she often lay down in my lap.
And she was flirtatious to Sue also. Sue hoped I would bring her home to her.
But that was only a small part of our relationship. I was mainly trying to mentor her and help both of us benefit from her notoriety.
After a six month seperation for no good reason, the blowup with Brandon allowed me to try to resume where we had left off. I was well aware that in pursuing that path it was incumbant on me to try to get her to make amends with those she had wronged. So I lectured her a lot. When I got to LA last month I had some phone conversations with Brandi. In one of them I mentioned that I hate it when girls shave completely. She surprised me by saying she was just the opposite. And volunteered to come to my room and prove it in bikini panties. We didn't get around to that. The next day I met her for dinner with two friends. And she acted like a bitch toward me. Trivial stuff but completely uncalled for. Given the help I had recently given her. It was part of the reason I cut my trip short. But we still remained somewhat friendly.
When I got back to Vegas she went on a tear. 4K in a week. My two contributions were recognizing that 90 player $24 SitnGos were right up her alley and helping her with the more technical aspects. She did the rest herself. Then the one day I'm gone she blows it all. Half spent, half on $500 Satellites. I was furious that she did that but offered her one more chance. $260 for ten buy ins but she has to poromise not to play higher. A piddling amount that could still reap great benefits. And as a token of appreciation how bout a picture of what you had offerred to model for me? No problem she says.
Next day she is playing in a $100 tourney and there is no picture. She claims she got a small infusion of extra money. Not an acceptable excuse but forgiveble. But what about the picture? Had she said that it made her feel uncomfortable, or that she didn't have time, or some such thing it would have been OK. Instead she wrote "I told you that I would send it but I didn't say when". What? She is treating me like a sucker. What did I do to deserve that? That set me off to write the other emails that you might have read. (And when I used the expressions "please me" or "be nice to me" it wasn't a euphemism for sex whether you believe me or not.)
The last few paragraph could contain some minor innacuracies but who cares? Like I said I wouldn't even care if you believed everything she implied.
The blackmail about Sue was another storythough. Not the implication that I am too abnormal to have a relationship with a typical 40 year old. I can get plenty of testimonials to disprove that. It was the devastation of Sue that Brandi was holding over her head. (Any post making fun of Sue will be deleted by the way). Nipping it in the bud will hopefully ameliorate that.
But that is not why this is being posted. It was because in spite of the fact that Sue is vaguely aware that Brandi was up to no good she begged me to.
She wanted to save Brandi's life.

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