Cette semaine, les jeux PS2 arrivent en version Classics (non traités en HD) avec dans le lot God Hand et Maximo, GTA 4 se pointe enfin en dématérialisé - avec ou sans ses add-on - tandis que Mass Effect 3 et Binary Domain nous livrent leurs démos. A ne pas rater non plus: Fear Effect 2, le survival cel shadé culte de la PS1. Le détail, ci-dessous:
Offres spéciales PS3
Far Cry 2 (19.99€ > 9.99€)
Mafia 2 - Additional Content Bundle (21.99€ > 10.99€)
Disney G-force (9.99€ > 4.99€)
Tron: Evolution (9.99€ > 4.99€)
Offres spéciales PSP
Pirates Essentials Bundle (14.99€ > 9.99€)
Pixar Double Pack (14.99€ > 9.99€)
Hannah Montana - Rock Out the Show (9.99€ > 4.99€)
Toy Story 3 (9.99€ > 4.99€)
Jeux complets PS3
Move Street Cricket (14.99€)
Worms Ultimate Mayhem (12.99€)
James Cameron’s Avatar The Game (19.99€)
Grand Theft Auto IV: The Complete Edition (34.99€)
Grand Theft Auto IV (24.99€)
The House of the Dead 3 (5.99€)
Tintin: Le secret de La Licorne (29.99€)
Scary Girl (9.99€)
PSOne Classics
Fear Effect 2: Retro Helix (6.99€)
PS2 Classics
A Train 6 (9.99€)
Arcade Classics Vol. 1 (4.99€)
Bust-A-Bloc (4.99€)
Cel Damage Overdrive (4.99€)
Chicken Little (9.99€)
Disney Princess Enchanted Journey (9.99€)
God Hand (9.99€)
Golden Age of Racing (4.99€)
Gungrave Overdose (4.99€)
International Super Karts (3.59€)
Kim Possible: What’s the Switch? (9.99€)
Maximo (9.99€)
Maximo vs Army of Zin (9.99€)
Meet the Robinsons (9.99€)
Mr. Golf (6.99€)
MX World Tour (4.99€)
Neo Contra (9.99€)
Noble Racing (4.99€)
Road Trip Adventure (4.99€)
Seek & Destroy (4.99€)
Skyscraper (2.49€)
SSX On Tour (9.99€)
Swords of Destiny (9.99€)
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe (9.99€)
Donald Duck Quack Attack (9.99€)
WWI: Aces of the Sky (4.99€)
WW2: Battle Over The Pacific (4.99€)
Mini (PS3/PSP)
Bermuda Triangle (2.49€)
Démos PS3
Mass Effect 3
Binary Domain
Contenus additionnels PS3
Ace Combat Assault Horizon - Aircraft Skin Pack 3 (5.99€), Aircraft Skin Pack 4 (7.99€)
Dance Star Party - Mix 7 (6.99€)
Dungeon Defenders - The Quest for the Lost Eternia Shards: Part 1 (Gratuit)
SoulCalibur V - Downloadable Music Pack 3 - SoulCalibur II (1.99€), Pack 4 - SoulCalibur III (1.99€), Phineas and Ferb - Level Pack (4.99€)
Zen Pinball - Epic Quest Table (1.99€)
Disgaea 4 - Classroom Map (0.99€), Death Saber (2.99€), Getter Mao (1.99€)
Dynasty Warriors 7 - Legend Stage Pack 1 (3.99€), Excel Stage Pack 3 (2.99€)
Rock Band 3 - Creedence Clearwater Revival Pack 02 (3.99€), Gold Star My Heart Pack (5.29€)
Rock Band Network - Potential for Anything - Magnus ‘SoulEye’ Pålsson (0.79€), So Let Us Create - Jukebox the Ghost (1.49€), 30 Lives - The Motion Sick (0.79€), All I Want Is You - Jerry Naylor (1.49€), My Only Star - Amberian Dawn (1.49€)
Saints Row The Third - Funtime! Pack (2.49€), Money Shot Pack (2.49€)
UFC Undisputed 3 - Ultimate Knockout Artist Boost Pack (1.99€), Early Access Pass (1.49€)
Carnival Island
Jak & Daxter
Thèmes (1.99€)
Nature - Christmas Cheer, Romantic Petals, Scenic Seagulls, Summer Fields, Winter Wonderland
Lieux/Monuments - Toy Tokyo Electric Town
Sci-Fi/Fantasy - Baltic Sky
Thèmes Dynamiques (1.99€)
Abstrait - Fuel
Jeu - The House of the Dead 3
Nature - Great seashore theme 2, Island, Windy beach
Lieux/Monuments - Great bridge at San Francisco, Yosemite lower falls
Mass Effect 3
The Darkness 2
Yakuza Dead Souls
The House of the Dead 3