BREVE : Crise du credit, vu selon Muhammad Yunus (Prix Nobel de la Paix )

Publié le 10 mars 2008 par Ecolo Trader

 Voila ce que declarait le Prix Nobel de la Paix 2006, au Wall Street Journal le 1er Mars :

 Muhammad Yunus :

"Les financiers ont pris le mot credit, qui signifie confiance, et ont construit un edifice raffine qui repose entierementsur la mefiance. Nous a la Grameen, nous sommes revenus a l'essence du mote credit ".

Version originale :

"They took the word credit which means trust, and built a whole edifice of credit institutions, refined, very sophisticated, entirely based on distrust." At Grameen, he says, "we went back to the original meaning of credit."
Mr. Yunus would argue that in making credit more easily accessible, he is helping guarantee a fundamental human right. "There are certain items that are listed as human rights: right to food, right to shelter, right to work, right to health . . . but who are going to implement those human rights?"

The Wall Street Journal.

Micro-crédit à porté de tous :

Yunus Muhammad a cree Grameen Bank et s'emploie a deployer le micro-credit pour les plus defavorises. Grameen Foundation uses microfinance and innovative technology to fight global poverty and bring opportunities to the world's poorest people.

Frank RIBOUD, Zinedine ZIDANE et Muhammad YUNUS

On se rappelera tous de l'engagement de Messieurs Frank Riboud (vous pouvez agir aussi avec Danone), Zinedine Zidane engagé (notre Zizou national); associés pour favoriser le développement du micro-crédit au Bangladesh, avec la Graneen Bank.

Credit photo : The New Nation