Magazine Design et Architecture

Street-artist de la semaine : Borf

Publié le 25 mars 2012 par Heilios


Street-artist de la semaine : Borf

Borf est une campagne de graffiti commencée à Washington DC en 2004. À l’origine de cette idée, on retrouve John Tsombikos, étudiant en art et design.

On peut admirer Borf à New-York, San Francisco, Londres, Rome et pleins d’autres villes. De la peinture au pochoir, Borf présente de nombreux styles afin de toucher un public plus large.

John Tsombikos sera arrêté et condamné en 2005 pour sa campagne à 12 000 $ d’amende et 30 jours de prison.

Suite à son arrestation un groupe distribuèrent ce communiqué :

Borf is not caught. Borf is many. Borf is none. Borf is waiting for you in your car. Borf is in your pockets. Borf is running through your veins. Borf is naive. Borf is good for your liver. Borf is controlling your thoughts. Borf is everywhere. Borf is the war on boredom. Borf annihilates. Borf hates school. Borf is a four letter word for joy. Borf is quickly losing patience. Borf yells in the library. Borf eats pieces of shit like you for breakfast. Borf is digging a hole to China. Borf is bad at graffiti. Borf is ephemeral. Borf is invincible. Borf. Borf ruins everything. Borf runs near the swimming pool. Borf keeps it real. Borf writes you love letters. Ol’ Dirty Bastard is Borf. Borf knows everything. Borf is in the water. Borf doesn’t sleep. Borf systematically attacks the infrastructure of the totality. Borf is a foulmouth. Borf eats your homework. Borf brings you home for dinner. Borf is the dirt under your fingernails. Borf is the song that never ends. Borf gets down. Borf gets up. Borf is your baby. Borf is neither. Borf is good for your heart, the more you eat the more you. Borf is. Borf knows. Borf destroys. Borf is immortal. Borf pulls fire alarms. Borf scuffs the gym floor. Borf is looking through your mom’s purse. Borf is M. Borf is the size of Alaska. Borf likes pizza. Borf is in general. Borf is X. Borf ain’t nothin’ to fuck with. Borf runs it. Borf has reflexes like a cat. Borf is immortal. Borf sticks gum under the desk. Borf is omnipotent. Borf is flawed. Borf is winning.

En 2009, le réalisateur Paris Bustillos a tourné un documentaire sur John qu’il a appelé : Borf !

Mots-clés : Borf, John Tsombikos, Paris Bustillos, pochoir, Street Art, Washington DC

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