Magazine High tech

Photos de Ashton Kutcher en Steve Jobs

Publié le 14 mai 2012 par Brokenbird @JournalDuGeek

Comme vous le savez déjà, c’est bien Ashton Kutcher qui incarnera Steve Jobs, l’ex-PDG d’Apple, dans un biopic nommé « Jobs: Get Inspired » programmé pour une sortie dans les salles obscures l’année prochaine. Voici donc les premières photos de Kutcher qui jouera le rôle de Steve quand il était jeune.

77638pcn kutcher10 480w Photos de Ashton Kutcher en Steve Jobs

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77638pcn kutcher07a 480w 160x105 Photos de Ashton Kutcher en Steve Jobs
77638, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - Friday May 11, 2012. **EXCLUSIVE** Ashton Kutcher looks the spitting image of a young Steve Jobs as he grabs a coffee near his home before heading to a film studio. Kutcher is starring as the late Apple honcho in a new biopic that looks to have already started filming. Doing some serious method acting Ashton was really getting into character, sporting long hair, a beard, and the CEO's classic attire of New Balance sneakers, blue jeans, and a black turtleneck sweater and it's not hard to see why the 'Two and a Half Men' actor was chosen for the role. The producer of the film Mark Hulme, using the working title 'Jobs: Get Inspired', has said he chose Kutcher for the role because of his likeness to the Apple co-founder, especially during the period of time the film will cover, the early years of the Apple founder's life from 1971 until 2000. Photograph: Sam Sharma/Miguel Aguilar, © **FEE MUST BE AGREED PRIOR TO USAGE** **E-TABLET/IPAD & MOBILE PHONE APP PUBLISHING REQUIRES ADDITIONAL FEES** LOS ANGELES OFFICE:+1 310 822 0419 LONDON OFFICE:+44 20 8090 4079
77638pcn kutcher01 480w 160x105 Photos de Ashton Kutcher en Steve Jobs
77638, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - Friday May 11, 2012. **EXCLUSIVE** Ashton Kutcher looks the spitting image of a young Steve Jobs as he grabs a coffee near his home before heading to a film studio. Kutcher is starring as the late Apple honcho in a new biopic that looks to have already started filming. Doing some serious method acting Ashton was really getting into character, sporting long hair, a beard, and the CEO's classic attire of New Balance sneakers, blue jeans, and a black turtleneck sweater and it's not hard to see why the 'Two and a Half Men' actor was chosen for the role. The producer of the film Mark Hulme, using the working title 'Jobs: Get Inspired', has said he chose Kutcher for the role because of his likeness to the Apple co-founder, especially during the period of time the film will cover, the early years of the Apple founder's life from 1971 until 2000. Photograph: Sam Sharma/Miguel Aguilar, © **FEE MUST BE AGREED PRIOR TO USAGE** **E-TABLET/IPAD & MOBILE PHONE APP PUBLISHING REQUIRES ADDITIONAL FEES** LOS ANGELES OFFICE:+1 310 822 0419 LONDON OFFICE:+44 20 8090 4079
77638pcn kutcher10 480w 160x105 Photos de Ashton Kutcher en Steve Jobs
77638, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - Friday May 11, 2012. **EXCLUSIVE** Ashton Kutcher looks the spitting image of a young Steve Jobs as he grabs a coffee near his home before heading to a film studio. Kutcher is starring as the late Apple honcho in a new biopic that looks to have already started filming. Doing some serious method acting Ashton was really getting into character, sporting long hair, a beard, and the CEO's classic attire of New Balance sneakers, blue jeans, and a black turtleneck sweater and it's not hard to see why the 'Two and a Half Men' actor was chosen for the role. The producer of the film Mark Hulme, using the working title 'Jobs: Get Inspired', has said he chose Kutcher for the role because of his likeness to the Apple co-founder, especially during the period of time the film will cover, the early years of the Apple founder's life from 1971 until 2000. Photograph: Sam Sharma/Miguel Aguilar, © **FEE MUST BE AGREED PRIOR TO USAGE** **E-TABLET/IPAD & MOBILE PHONE APP PUBLISHING REQUIRES ADDITIONAL FEES** LOS ANGELES OFFICE:+1 310 822 0419 LONDON OFFICE:+44 20 8090 4079


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