Magazine Côté Femmes

Vive la fête

Publié le 02 juin 2012 par Christianpoulot @lemodalogue

Vive la fête
Els Pynoo, a wonder woman

Last night, Vive la fête, belgian rock band was playing loud their electro-rock music at La Machine du Moulin Rouge in Paris.

I love this band from years now, but never saw them on stage before. Els Pynoo, vocals, wearing Marlies Dekker’s bra (fashion moment), is terrific. She is sure a muse and it is not surprising that Karl Lagerfeld ask the band to play for various Chanel show in 2002.

Last night at the same time Jayz-Z and Kanye West were doing their great « Watch the throne » show at Paris Bercy, but would i exchange my tickets…?

Rock’n'roll power



Dany Mommens (guitar)





Els Pynoo, dressed like a super hero

The usual shitty video of the event.

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