Rasmus B. Fex, designer danois nous présente 9,5° et 8,5°, collection de mobilier chaise et table à la perception bancale.
Ces modèles paraissent inutilisables, mais sont bien fonctionnels, entre sculpture et pièce d’art, le designer a exploité son idée sans perdre la fonction première de sa chaise et de sa table.

Il nous explique :

« Behind this very simple piece of furniture art craft lies a long and complex process. The chair has drastically changed its characteristics several times along the way. 9,5° started out as an iconic chair.
The icon was experimented on repeatedly to explore all aspects of something as simple as a chair, with the purpose of creating an entirely new chair. The ambition was to create an object in the borderland between art and design. Sculptural, yet functional. The chair is tilted at 9,5 degrees. By tilting the chair and then elevating one end of the seat back to a straight angle, a triangle was created. This actually made the construction stronger and reduced the need for a stabilising cross rod. In conclusion, it’s not always wrong to be wrong. The deconstruction of the original design served a higher purpose.
In 2009, the interior architects behind the Knut Hamsun museum in Hamarøy, designed by Steven Holl, saw the chair in the « Nyttrom » interior magazine and decided to acquire 9,5° as the museum chair. 9,5° is part of Art with function – Design without.<< »
Plus d’informations sur le designer : Rasmus B. Fex