Jenny Ekdahl, designer suédoise nous présente Dear Disaster, véritable armoire à écailles ayant pour but d’aider les personnes traumatisées par les catastrophes naturelles.
Pas moins de 4000 écailles recouvrent la face avant de cette petite armoire, un côté brute, l’autre bleuté dans un dégradé bien travaillé non sans nous rappeler vagues et autres tsunamis.
Outre l’aspect thérapeutique peu évident, l’inspiration est bien là et le résultat est très intéressant, où l’utilisateur peut à sa guise faire varier l’aspect de son meuble.

Pour aller plus loin, le designer nous expliquer :
« A natural disaster is an event that we associate with destruction, distress and sadness. But a natural disaster is also a phenomenon that fascinates, that is beautiful and at the same time terrifying. This contradicting love-hate relationship with nature was the starting point for my thesis work.
I wanted to create an object that could both illustrate my appreciation of natural forces as well as the psychological process of recovery after a natural disaster. By describing natural disasters with graphs, diagrams and simplified pictures they are said to make the events easier to embrace.
As part of my thesis work I therefore investigated what shapes, textures and patterns the human being automatically is intrigued by, such as rhythm, complexity, playfulness and the possibility to leave personal imprints on an object.
The interaction with the structure on the cabinet is a way for the user to tell her story, a conversation about sorrow and fear but also about finding meaning and regaining trust in nature after an incomprehensible event.
The function of the structure lies in mentally pleasing the user by showing her personality, feelings and personal marks, and it works as a tactile help by hiding at the same time as it highlights an event for the user, depending on what she decides to do with it. Sometimes you might talk about this process as turning pages in life and move on.
The cabinet represents water as well as the absence of water, a contrast that also defines a natural disaster. When mud is cracking of drought it produces a similar three-way pattern that water bubbles has, and therefore I chose to use this structure in my design.
The cabinet is made of beech wood with a moving structure on the door consisting of small, wooden scales. I both designed and made the cabinet myself that all together consists of more than 4,000 parts.«

Plus d’informations sur le designer : Jenny Ekdahl