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Concert du Mois n°7 : White Stripes (01/07/07 Saskatoon)

Publié le 27 mars 2008 par Nico²

Concert du Mois n°7 : White Stripes (01/07/07 Saskatoon)

Après ce petit intermède belge en compagnie des Girls in Hawaii, on revient à des valeurs sûres, un poil plus rock quoi ! Pour faire court, les White Stripes, c’est ce qu’on a fait de mieux depuis Led Zep.

En concert à travers le Canada en 2007, les Jack et Meg se posent à Saskatoon pour une journée, durant laquelle ils improviseront un concert au Bowling local ! Le soir, ils joueront dans une salle digne de ce nom. Energie, simplicité, originalité et spontanéité, comme d’hab’ quoi.

Assez parlé, en route ! Enregistré depuis la foule par Sean Gursky, concert complet en qualité irréprochable (si ce n’est les quelques fluctuations du volume sonore - l’ingénieur du son ne devait pas être frais devant sa table de mixage).

Si vous ne deviez en écouter qu’un (ce qui serait dommage), je vote pour Icky Thump. Brut de décoffrage le rock s’il vous plait.

Ecouter le concert


The White Stripes
TCU Place
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
July 1, 2007 (Late)
Recorder: Sean Gursky
Location: Grand Circle, Row A
Gear: SP-CMC-2 (AT831) > SPSB-1 - Bass rolloff at 107Hz > JB3
Transfer: JB3 (wav @ 44.1) > USB 2.0
Editing: Audacity Amplify > Goldwave


01. Blue Orchid > Party Of Special Things To Do
02. Dead Leaves And The Dirty Ground
03. Icky Thump > Highway 61 Revisited
04. Jolene
05. Catch Hell Blues
06. Effect and Cause
07. Hotel Yorba
08. Lord, Send Me An Angel
09. Black Math > Satisfaction
10. You Don’t Know What Love Is
11. I Think I Smell A Rat
12. The Union Forever
13. Cannon
14. I’m Slowly Turning Into You > Dust My Broom
15. We’re Going To Be Friends
16. A Martyr For My Love For You
17. My Doorbell
18. Screwdriver
19. Apple Blossom
20. 300 Pounds of Heavenly Joy
21. Ball and Biscuit
22. Death Letter
23. Encore Break
24. Let’s Shake Hands > Keep On Trash
25. In The Cold Cold Night
26. I Just Don’t Know What To Do With Myself
27. Seven Nation Army
28. Boll Weevil


During “Ball and Biscuit” Jack’s Airline would not stay in tune. Unable to fix the tuning Jack put the guitar down and picked up the Kay and went into “Death Letter”. I am not 100% accurate that “Dust My Broom” was played following “Slowly Turning Into You” so any input would be appreciated. Jack did several covers tonight which was definitely a treat. During “300 Pounds of Heavenly Joy” Jack sang most of the song away from the microphones which made it unique and difficult to hear at the same time. Sevaral times during the show the speakers would increase in volume. This was infrequent and did not affect the overall quality. For such a venue where the acoustics were good this volume increas was noticeable.


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