
Ecoutez le nouveau titre des Rolling Stones, Doom and Gloom

Publié le 11 octobre 2012 par Zapactu @zapactulive

Malgré 7 ans sans nouveau titre, les Rolling Stones n’ont rien perdu de leur talent avec le titre Doom and Gloom enregistré cet été à Paris. Cette musique est issue de l’album Grrr!, un best Of de leur plus grands succès, qui sortira le 12 novembre prochain pour fêter les 50 ans d’existence des papys du rock…

Ecoutez le nouveau titre des Rolling Stones, Doom and Gloom

Les paroles de Doom and Gloom des Rolling Stones

I had a dream last night that I was piloting a plane
And all the passengers were drunk and insane
I crash landed in a Louisiana swamp
Shut up a horde of zombies but I come out on top

What’s it about ?
I guess it just reflects my mood
Sitting in the dirt
Feeling kind of hurt

All I hear is doom and gloom
All is darkness in my room
Through the light your face I see
Baby take a chance
Baby won’t you dance with me

Lost all the treasure in an overseas war
It just goes to show you don’t get what you paid for
Care about the rich and worrying about the poor
Put the feet up on the couch and lock all the doors
Hear a funky noise tightening of the screens
Feeling kind of hurt
Sitting in the dirt

All I hear is doom and gloom
But when those drums go boom boom boom
Through the night your face I see
Baby take a chance
Baby won’t you dance with me
Yeah !
Baby won’t you dance with me. Ah Yeah !

Fracking deep for oil there’s nothing in the sump
There’s kids all picking at the garbage dump
I am running out of water so I better prime the pump
I am trying to stay sober but I end up drunk

We’ll be eating dirt living on the side of the road
There’s some food for thought kind of makes your head explode
Felling kind of hurt

All I hear is doom and gloom
All is darkness in my room
Through the night your face I see
Baby come on
Baby won’t you dance with me
Yeah !
Yeah !
Baby won’t you dance with me
Feeling kind of hurt
Baby won’t you dance with me
Ah Yeah !
Come on
Dance with me
Sitting in the dirt
Baby won’t you dance with me

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