Plusieurs personnes m’ont demandé de faire un article sur la Power Plate, je peux me considérer une spécialiste parce que j’utilise cette machine depuis trois ans. Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas cette machine, j’explique d’abord comme elle marche, ensuite les effets bénéfiques et pour finir les contre indications.
C’est une plateforme que vibre, la personne doit garder une position pendant quelques secondes et de ce fait les muscles travaillent 15 à 20 fois plus rapidement que lors d'exercices traditionnels. Si la personne est bien « coaché », 30 minutes de Power-Plate équivalent à 1h30 d'entraînement « classique ».
Là est tout le problème de la Power Plate, être bien coaché. J’ai de la chance d’avoir à coté de chez moi, un cabinet kiné que fait de la Power Plate. Les séances sont individuelles, vous êtes seul avec un coach qui s’occupe de vous pendant toute la séance.
1 square Choiseul
Résidence Opèra
78150 Le Chesnay
06 23 18 06 59
English Version
Power Plate, the muscle machine
Several people have asked me to do a piece on Power Plate. I can consider myself a specialist as I have been using this machine for about three years now. For those who have no idea what this machine is about, let me just start by explaining how it works, then move on to its benefits and finally to the contre-indications.
It is in fact a vibrating platform. The person who uses it remains in a certain position for several seconds thus working his or her muscles 15 to 20 times more than by exercising in a more traditional way. If the person is coached properly, 30 minutes of Power Plate is as efficient as 1h30 of ''classical'' training.
However here lies the real trouble with Power Plate ie. being coached properly. I am lucky enough to have a physiotherapist who offers Power Plate next door to where I live. As each session is a one-to-one, you have a coach to assist you throughout the whole session. I often hear people saying that they were shaken around, that they had a backache after, that they felt like being sick etc. All this is due to bad coaching. A good coach starts with slow vibrations and increases them gradually, enabling one to get used to the vibrations fairly quickly. The result is truly extraordinary : one's legs feel lighter and one's body is muscular and supple. Just a piece of advice : make sure your coach makes you stretch at the end of each session, otherwise you run the risk of being to ''big'' when the whole point is for us women is to be muscular while remaining slim. With regards to contre-indication, there are true and false ones. For instance, I have migraine, tendinitis and cervical problems and I can still do Power Plate. On the other hand, wearing a pacemaker is clearly a contra-indication. The best is to talk to your coach about or ask a doctor for a medical certificate. Should you wish to have more information, just send me an e-mail or leave a comment. I am lucky enought to have the Aiello physiotherapy practice just next door in Le Chesnay. For those who live around here is the address :
1 square Choiseul
Résidence Opèra
78150 Le Chesnay
06 23 18 06 59