J’adore prendre quelques heures en fin de journée le dimanche pour prendre soin de moi, me faire plaisir, me dorloter… Bref tout les mots sont bons pour décrire ces moments que seul les filles peuvent comprendre! Et quand je veux que ce moment de détente soit encore plus royal, je prends des bains, et je sors tout l’attirail : des masques pour le visage, pour les cheveux, des gommages, des huiles essentielles, des bougies bien sur et de la musique ‘lounge’… Bref, tout pour se sentir au paradis!
I love taking a few hours Sunday afternoon to take care of myself, to induldge myself, to pamper myself… Well, all these positive words that describe these moments that only girls can understand! And when I want this moment of leisure to be more royal, I take baths, and I take out all the equipement : face masks, hair masks, srubs, essential oils, candles and of course ‘lounge’ music… In short, everything to feel like i’m in heaven !

I won’t gab for hours, I’m just going to tell you what are the products that currently makes up my sunday leisure routine : I necessarily begin by letting the water run, and I light up lots of candles everywhere, even in the shower ! I recently bought a magic wand as I like to call it, this wand comes from Lush, it’s the Bubblebeard. As its name suggests (in French), this wand makes bubbles, a lot of bubbles… After switching on the jacuzzi, there are even more bubbles ! It’s just magic ! Before entering in my bath, I apply a hair mask, Bumble&Bumble’s Deep Mask, and once in my bath, I begin my exfoliating my face with the famous Saint Ives’s Face Srub, which I love. I always have a towel and a bowl nearby to clean my face without dirtying the water. For this sunday, I chose a mask from one of my favorite brands : Apivita. I chose the Pink Clay one to detoxify my skin and deep cleansing it (my face really needed it!). After that, I just relax and enjoy my bath… After about fifteen minutes (one should never stay too long in a bath!), I rince my face and a wash my body with L’Occitane’s shower oil. I like to wash my body before exfoliating my skin. In order to do so, I use Soap&Glory’s Flake Away srub, a little marvel that smells divinely good, that really exfoliates my skin leaving it moisturized, supple and smooth. I then rince out the mask of my hair and apply Bumble&Bumble’s Sunday Shampoo, that deeply cleanses my hair leaving it squeaky, fresh and shiny. Your should use only the tiniest amount of this clarifying shampoo, and use it only once a week because it’s quite harsh for your scalp. After all these steps, I finally get out of the shower, I dry myself and then apply a heavy cream all over my body ! For now I use the 3 Day Weekend Body from Sampar that leaves my skin intensely hydrated with a little tan. I then put my pyjamas on and massage my feet with Soap&Glory’s Heel genious, and here’s a little trick I directly put on socks to make my feet even smoother! Last step : my hair, and it’s quite simple since I trust my long beloved Mythic Oil by L’Oréal to hydrate my lenghts and I let my hair naturally dry. That’s it for my sunday pamper ! What do you do to relax ?