
Top #20 Covers 2012 by Jekyll

Publié le 17 décembre 2012 par Jekyllethyde

Top #20 Covers 2012 by Jekyll

Après avoir passé mon année à roder les jolies covers qui tournent sur les internets rien de mieux que le petit rituel de fin d’année, un top où l’ordre n’est pas forcement la première chose à regarder, mais plutôt tous les artistes, graphistes, photographes… qui se cachent derrière chaque covers, tout style de musique confondu. N’hésitez donc pas à cliquer sur leurs blazes pour découvrir un plus grand échantillon de leur taf.
A l’année prochaine !


top cover 2011

David Orphan – Songs For Hannah Henley (Pre-Cert Home Entertainment)

Design by David Chatton Barker


top cover 2011

Professor Inc – Natural Evolution (Rue de plaisance)

Design by Virassamy


top cover 2011

Oscar Mulero ‎– Black Propaganda (Warm Up Recordings)

Design by Marcos // Planilandia


top cover 2011

Machweo – No Way Out EP (Self release)

Design by Andrea Pelizzardi


top cover 2011

Arms of Ra – UNNAMED (Self release)

Design by Adult Adult


top cover 2011

Redshape‎– Square (Running Back)

Design by Lastminutpanic Studio


top cover 2011

The Soft Moon – Zeros (Captured Tracks)

Design by Luis Vasquez (The Soft Moon) inspired by Alexander Rodchenko


top cover 2011

Guerre – Rashad (Loose pace) (Yes Please records)

Drawing by Lavurn Lee (Guerre)


top cover 2011

How To Dress Well – Total loss (Weird World)

Design by Josh Clancy, Travis Stearns


top cover 2011

Renart – Petit charme (Cracki records)

Design by Victoire Avril


top cover 2011

Vatican Shadow – September Cell (Bed Of Nails)

Design by Dominick Fernow (Vatican Shadow)


top cover 2011

Bon & Rau – Morning Funk (Smallville)

Design by Stefan Marx


top cover 2011

OL – Body Varial Ep (Error Broadcast)

Design by Signalstarr


top cover 2011

Silent Servant – Negative Fascination (Hospital Production)

Design by Juan Mendez (Silent Servant)


top cover 2011

FaltyDL – Straight & Arrow (Ninja Tune)

Design by La Boca


top cover 2011

The Hundred In The Hands – Red Night (Warp Records)

Design by Jesse Hlebo – Backcover by Till Wiedeck


top cover 2011

Shiny Toy Gun – III (Universal)

Design by Ben Schwartz – Photography by Benjy Russell


top cover 2011

Felix Lenferink – Forlane (Shipwrec)

Design by Studio Another DayMaking of


top cover 2011

Taragana Pyjarama ‎– Tipped Bowls (Kompakt)

Design by Dennis Busch


top cover 2011

Efterklang ‎– Piramida (4AD)

Design by Hvass&Hannibal – Packaging pictures

Et toi c’est quoi ta cover number one ?

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