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Geek : Figurine Batman

Publié le 28 décembre 2012 par Gamesngeeks @gamesngeeks

Si vous êtes fans de la trilogie de Batman de C. Nolan alors ces figurines pourraient vous plaire.

Dark Knight Rises Batman ArtFX Statue 2 1 300x183 Geek : Figurine Batman  geek figurine dark night batman

D’environ 15″ de hauteur, Elle repose sur un socle “rocheux” avec le logo de Batman que l’on retrouve sur le projecteur dans le film.

Dark Knight Rises Batman ArtFX Statue light up bat logo 300x190 Geek : Figurine Batman  geek figurine dark night batman

A Kotobukiya Japanese import! The Dark Knight is back! Kotobukiya is proud to present a new ARTFX Statue based on the upcoming film The Dark Knight Rises. Featuring a beautifully detailed sculpt recreating Batman’s specific appearance in the new film, this new version of the character faithfully recreates the hero’s intricate armored bat-suit with cape and cowl. Standing ready for action, the world’s greatest detective oversees Gotham City from the top of a rocky landscape. Staring down his enemies with his trademark scowl, Batman holds his flowing cape in front of him with his left hand while his right wields one of his wonderful toys; with interchangeable parts you can display him with either a grapple gun or his EMP rifle! Sculpted by MIC, Batman The Dark Knight Rises towers over 15 inches tall (1/6th scale) on a rocky display base that includes a hidden light-up bat symbol.

Dark Knight Rises Batman ArtFX Statue 218x300 Geek : Figurine Batman  geek figurine dark night batman

Elle coute environ 115$ sur Amazon

Et dans le même style, il y a CatWoman icon smile Geek : Figurine Batman  geek figurine dark night batman toujours chez Amazon cette fois ci pour 80$

Batman The Dark Knight Rises Catwoman Statue Geek : Figurine Batman  geek figurine dark night batman


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