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Launching New Products via Twitter + Pinterest from Mark Johnson
Social Wendy Group | Social Frontier | 2013 Keynote Preview from The Social Wendy Group | Global Digital & Social Strategy for Marketers
Air France Digital Marketing Strategy from Gareth Jones
Best Ideas of 2012 from ImageThink
140 Twitter Marketing Tips for 2013 from ExactTarget
Entrer dans l'ère Facebook pour ne rien manquer – 3h from Plogg Média, générateurs de conversations
Facebook Pages : Timeline 2012 from Beer Bergman
7 métaphores autour du tunnel de conversion client from Denis FAILLY
Seven habits of highly effective people ziane bilal from Bilal Ziane
Developing the leader within you – leader guide from Bilal Ziane
Workshop Activating Creativity THE HR challenge for the coming years by Alexander Crepin from Alexander Crépin
Case Study FullSIX – Monoprix (EN – FR) from FullSIX Group
26 Social Media Marketing Trends for 2013 from DreamGrow Digital
How to use Instagram from Kamaldeep Singh
Your Strategy Can't Be HTML5 from Theresa Neil
40 Rules for Digital Marketers in 2013 from Dimitri Kotov